Executive MBA at IIT Delhi
The Department of Management Studies (DMS) at IIT Delhi launched a 2-year Executive MBA program for working professionals.
Application Process Already Started!
The application process has already started and the selection will be based on a written test followed by an interview. The last date to apply is May 31, 2024, and the course is set to begin in July 2024.
Who Can Apply For It?
Executives who have 3+ years of experience and want to upgrade their knowledge and skills can take up this course to accelerate their career growth.
What Makes it Different?
No CAT score, evening classes (6 PM – 9 PM) on weekdays, IIT Delhi alumni status, and fee waiver through scholarships are some benefits of this course.
Want to Explore More Entrance-Free IIT Courses?
If you do not want to give 2 years to your upskilling, you still have the chance to get the IIT alumni status via the Online IIT Certificate Courses.
What are the Majors You Can Opt?
Online IIT courses are available in various majors which you can explore at CollegeVidya.com.
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