What is a Global MBA?
An online global MBA is a PG management program in the fully online mode that provides managerial education based on latest international business practices. This course has upcoming specialization of MBA that prepares students for the modern world.
Is an Online Global MBA Valid?
The UGC-DEB in India has granted an online global MBA equal status as a regular MBA degree. This degree of 2 years, which can be completed fully in the online mode, would hold equal value and credibility as a regular MBA.
Career Scope of Global MBA
A global MBA brings a number of well-compensated and prosperous job options in the global market, including those like global networking, international trade, global management consultancy, multinational marketing and more!!
Top 3 Online Global MBA Under Rs. 5 Lakhs
Here are 3 of the prestigious universities offering a global MBA in the online learning mode. Check out the universities before enrolling for further info!
Liverpool Business School (through upGrad)
Course: Master in Business Administration (Global) || Fee Range: Rs. 4,50,000
Woolf University (through upGrad)
Course: Master of Business Administration (MBA) || Fee Range: INR 1,50,000
IIM Ranchi (through Nulearn)
PG Certification in Advanced General Management || Fee Range: INR 1,70,000
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