If you have a doubt regarding the ingredients in your food, who would you rather talk to, the waiter or chef? Chef, right keeping the same thought in mind we brought Mr Mayank Gupta the mastermind behind college vidya to answer most asked questions by students. The video of the interview is on our official youtube channel.
Don’t worry we haven’t forgotten about our readers, for you, we have converted the interview into an informative blog. Given below are the most asked questions by students with answers given by Mr Myank Gupta, the founder of College Vidya himself.
How did you start the journey of online and distance education? What was the inspiration?
When asked about his journey and inspiration Mr Mayank Gupta was quick to respond that his venture is an answer to his own struggles faced after his 12th. After the completion of his high school Mr. Mayank Gupta Found himself surrounded by many questions, but no one to answer. Everything from entertainment to education was evolving but one thing that was constant was the questions asked by students. Instead of waiting for others to come up with a solution for the youth he decided to take the matters into his own hands and started his journey of giving the answers to students he wished he had.
How do you see the rise of online and distance education in this new normal?
There is no denying the fact that online and distance education saw a boost in recent times due to the pandemic, but one thing that most might get confused with is that this mode of education is new. Distance and online mode of education have existed for decades. Top universities like Delhi University School of Open Learning and Indira Gandhi National Open University came up with distance mode of education decades ago.
One thing to keep in mind is that Distance and Online are two different modes of education. In Distance mode of education students attend classes twice a week and visit their universities regional centres to attend examination or submit assignments but in the later mode i.e. online education everything from assignment submission to examination is done online via the university portal.
Due to enhancement of technology both online and distance universities are successfully providing quality education to students and working professionals.
Comment on the myths involved in online and distance education like no placement etc?
There are many myths related to Online and Distance education, from questions raised on the value of its degree to quality of education. When asked about the known and puzzling myths Mr Gupta cleared all of them. According to him, an online university is as good as a regular one.
Online universities give the same benefits as any other regular university. If any student wishes to complete their further education with any good online university they will get dedicated placement cells, highly trained & educated professors, LMS, quality education, alumni connect, recorded lectures, libraries, value degrees, popper approvals, webinars, training, and much more.
He also mentioned that an online university degree is valid for both government and private sectors, although it is important that the university from which the degree is issued is UGC-DEB approved.
What is the importance of approvals for online and distance education and what are they?
It is essential that online and distance universities have all the required approvals. If any university does not possess the right approvals then the degree issued by the university will hold no value. Which brings us to what are the right approvals? The right and Important approvals that online and distance universities must possess are UGC-DEB, AIU, AICTE, and NAAC.
These approvals give the same value to your online degree just as any regular degree. They also help in landing a good job with a handsome salary package. He also cleared that an online university degree with the right approvals is valid for both private and government sectors.
What are the approvals needed for foreign jobs or higher education?
During the interview when Mr Gupta was asked about the right approvals needed for foreign jobs or higher education he responded with ‘There are no extra approvals needed, if any university is UGC-DEB and AIU approved then its degree is valid and accepted all around the globe.’
Why did you start the college vidya? How’s the journey so far
As covered earlier, the start of College Vidya was due to struggles faced by Mr Gupta himself when he was young. College Vidya was started with the aim of providing students with all the answers needed by them to select the right path for themselves.
When talking about his journey Mr Gupta was happy to tell that his venture has successfully helped millions of students and is bringing the needed change. He also talked about how his journey has been amazing throughout the years.
Do you have any plans to expand and provide walk-in counselling?
Where walk-in counselling might seem a good idea it can create some issues when parents along with their children have to travel in this covid situation. This is why when asked about expanding and providing walk-in counselling Mr Gupta expressed his thoughts on how virtual meetings are better and convenient for parents and students both.
What is college vidya compare and how will it help students?
College Vidya Compare is a feature that is designed keeping in mind the aim of making a decision on selection of any university easier. It helps students to compare top universities on different aspects and then make an informative decision based on their needs.
This feature helps students in many ways from saving their hustle on doing brainstorming research to provide them with a variety of options. College Vidya Compare is a one stop solution to make the process of selecting an online university easier.
Why are students afraid of the online and distance word in their degrees?
Students are often worried about online and distance words being mentioned in their degree because they think this might decrease the value of their degree. This is not at all true, online and distance are just modes by which one pursues their education, they do not decrease the value of the degree. In fact a degree given by any online or distance university holds the same value as any other regular degree.
What will be an additional advantage to pursue a masters degree?
It is no secret that a masters degree is key to many possibilities. A masters degree in any field prepares students for bigger roles and responsibilities by polishing and enhancing their already possessed skills. It also opens up many opportunities and increases the salary scope. One should definitely go for a masters degree in order to unlock more achievements.