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Home Online BA Online/Distance Learning BA Political Science Course, Admission, Syllabus, Colleges, Eligibility and Career Options

Online/Distance Learning BA Political Science Course, Admission, Syllabus, Colleges, Eligibility and Career Options

College Vidya Team Dec 9, 2023 13.7K Reads

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What Is BA In Political Science Distance Education/Correspondence?

Bachelor of Art in Political Science in distance learning education is an undergraduate course that is pursued by the students in distance mode. The Political Science is a branch of Social Science that deals with the study about the polity. The political system around a point of time plays an important role in determining the societal conditions.

The course that will give you the knowledge about the principles of Indian and world politics, its implications and the outcomes of it are thought in BA in Political Science. The BA Political Science syllabus gives a detailed knowledge about the policies of government, international relations and the ideology behind any political move.

Bachelor of Art in Political Science distance learning will establish the knowledge about the modern and historical political systems, public administration, international relation and public affairs. The course gives students to explore the dimensions of polity and analyze the government policy. These graduates with the knowledge of Political Science use their own thought process for political activism for the betterment of the society on whole.

Let’s explore the detail about the Bachelor of Art in Political Science including the BA Political Science syllabus, course details and career scope. Read further in the blog so as it clears every detail about Bachelor of Art in Political Science.

Is BA In Political Science Distance UGC/DEB Approved?

BA in Political Science is duly approved by the University Grant Commission and Distance Education Board of India. The value of distance BA in Political Science is the same as regular one. Only technical courses are not approved by UGC-DEB but Bachelor of Art in Political Science is a theory-based course. So, if the university is UGC approved the course is also holds validity in terms of its value.

What Is the Benefit Of BA In Political Science Distance Course?

Despite being the same in the terms of syllabus and value BA in Political Science Correspondence Course have some extra benefits over the regular BA in Political Science. Let’s see in detail what other advantage you will get when you will get admission in the Bachelors of Arts in Political Science:

  • Learn and Earn Simultaneously:  When you get admission in correspondence mode, you can continue your ongoing career and get a BA degree at the same time. This will help you to get experience in your while you gain a degree of Bachelor of Art in Political Science.
  • Learn at your own Pace: As the distance mode of education is pursued by the working professionals or the students who cannot manage to produce time to get enrolled in regular courses, they are given ample time to go through the BA in Political Science.
  • Cost-Effective: The cost of the Bachelor of Art in Political Science in distance mode is way cheaper than the regular mode. Apart from the fees, overhead expenses such as traveling, lodging and boarding is also cut back to zero.
  • Other Benefits include the flexible class timings, e learning system and industry updated curriculum.

Eligibility For Distance BA Political Science

The eligibility criteria of BA Political Science in Distance Education do not demand much. A student has to be just 10+2 passed from a recognized university. The stream through which he has passed the intermediate can be any stream. He can be 10+2 from Science, Commerce or Humanities.

Duration of Distance BA Political Science

Another benefit of Bachelors of Art in Political Science in distance mode over the Regular mode that it felicitates learning at own pace. The Regular mode of Bachelors of Art in Political Science only gives you three years to complete the course. But BA Political Science Correspondence course can be completed between 3 years and 5 years.

The two years extra are given on the concept of the learn at your pace. Though BA Political Science syllabus and BA Political subjects of the BA Political Science distance education is same as the regular mode but the time give to get the degree is more.

Fees of Distance BA In Political Science

The advantage of the BA political science correspondence course can also be seen when you compare the fees with the regular mode. In distance BA Political Science, the fee of the whole program ranges between 4000-25000.

The BA political science correspondence course becomes more economically viable because of the cost of lodging, traveling, and other overhead expenses to zero. So, the fees and the other expenses of the BA political science correspondence course is way less than the regular BA in Political Science.

Distance BA In Political Science Course Details

The course of Bachelor of Art in Political Science is a three-year course but for the students in distance education it can be done in 5 years. BA in Political Science is the course that teaches the fundamental principles of democracies of the world, the history of the origin of polity, various Indian &Western thinkers about democracy.

Here is the list of main and sub-topics that you will cover which covering the BA political Science syllabus as you will go through the entire course:-

S. No. Particulars
Semester – I (Indian Constitution)
  • Judiciary – Judicial Activism, Judicial Review, High Courts, Supreme Court
  • Union Legislature – Basic Features & 73rd Amendment, History of Panchayati Raj Institutions, State Legislature (Vidhan Sabha), Speaker of Lok Sabha Amendment Process, Composition & Functions of Parliament
  • Union Executive – Chief Minister & Council of Ministers, State Executive (Governor), Council of Ministers, Prime Minister, President, Vice-President
  • Indian Constitution – Fundamental Duties & Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Rights, Preamble, Sources & Features of Indian Constitution
Semester – I (Principles of Politics)
  • Theory & Practice of Government – Pressure Groups & Bureaucracy, Operational Dynamics (Political Parties), Organs of Government & their Relationship
  • Sovereignty – Rights & Justice, Equality, Liberty, Concept of Welfare State, Monist & Pluralist
  • State – Definition, Theories of the Origin of State, Relations with Other Organizations, Elements
  • Political Science – Political Science Study (traditional approaches), Relationship b/w Political Science and Social Sciences, Definition, Scope & Nature
Semester – II (Indian Politics)
  • Language, Religion, Role of Caste, Politics of Reservation, Regionalism in India, Emerging Trends and Challenges Before Indian Political System
  • Party System in India – Interest & Pressure Groups, National & regional Political Parties
  • Election Commission, Problem of Defection, Electoral Reforms, Electoral Process, Defects and Voting Behaviour
  • Emerging Trends in Indian Federalism, Demand for State Autonomy, Federalism and its working with Reference to Centre-State Relations
Semester – II (Contemporary Political Science)
  • RTI & Consumer Welfare, Environmentalism, Feminism, Postmodernism
  • Ideology & End of Ideology, Political Culture, Political Socialization
  • Political Theory – Decline & Resurgence of Political Theory, Characteristics, Nature, Scope and Definition
  • Behaviourism & Post-Behaviourism, Modern Concerns of Political Science
Semester – III (Western Political Thinkers I)
  • Bentham & John Stuart Mill
  • Hobbs, Locke and Rousseau
  • St. Augustine and Nicollo Machiavelli
  • Plato & Aristotle
Semester – III (Indian Political Thinkers I)
  • Bal Gangadhar Tilak & Lala Lajpat Rai
  • Swami Vivekananda & Aurobindo Ghosh
  • Gopal Krishna Gokhale & Dada Bhai Naorojee
  • Swami Dayanand & Raja Rammohan Roy
Semester – IV (Western Political Thinkers II)
  • John Rowls & Robert Nozik
  • GDH Cole & Harold Laski
  • Vladimir Lenin & Mao-Tse-Tung
  • Karl Marx & Hegel
Semester – IV (Indian Political Thinkers II)
  • Subhash Chandra Bose & Bhagat Singh
  • B.R Ambedkar and Jawaharlal Nehru
  • M.N Roy and Mahatma Gandhi
  • Ram Manohar Lohia and J.P Narayan
Semester – V (Comparative Politics)
  • Constitutional Structure – Formal (Executive, Legislation & Judiciary), Informal (Political Parties & Pressure Groups)
  • Constitutionalism – Type, Nature, History and Problem in Modern Times
  • Approaches to the Study of Comparative Politics – Political Culture (G Almond), Political Development (Lucian W Pye), Structural (Function by G Almond) and Input (Out by David Easton)
  • Comparative Politics – Scope, Definition, Comparative Methods, Traditional & Modern Concerns
Semester – V (International Theory)
  • Major Concepts – Environmentalism & Globalization, Collective Security, Balance of Power
  • National Power – Elements, Definition, Assessment, International Morality & World Public Opinion, International Law, Limitation of Power
  • Approaches to the Study of International Relations – System & Marxist-Leninist, Realist, Idealist
  • Autonomy Debate regarding International Relations, Definition, Scope, Nature and Development of the International Relations
Semester – VI (Comparative Constitutions of USA & UK)
  • Bureaucracy and Recent Trends of the Working of the Systems of USA & UK, Voting Behaviour, Electoral Processes
  • Comparative Studies of Structures Functions and Roles of Pressure Groups and Political Parties of USA & UK
  • Comparative Study of Executive, Legislation and Judiciary System of USA & UK Socioeconomic Basis of Constitutions of USA & UK, Legacies, Conventions, Evolution and Basic Features & Legacies of Constitution of USA & UK

Syllabus of Distance BA In Political Science

The whole BA in Political Science curriculum is divided into six semesters over three years. These subjects are taught using the learning management systems through live and recorded lectures and online classrooms. The study material for the Bachelor of art in political science is delivered either by post or is provided online. The learning deliverables depend from university to university. The syllabus of all major top universities of BA in Political Science subjects is more or less the same for all the universities. Here is the BA Political Science Syllabus that will be taught to the students, semester wise:

Semester 1

Semester 2

Understanding Political Theory Political Theory – Concepts and Debate
Constitutional Government and Democracy Political Process in India

Semester 3

Semester 4

Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics. Political Process and Institutions in Comparative Perspective
Perspectives on Public Administration Public Policy and Administration in India
Perspectives on International Relations and World History Global Politics

Semester 5

Semester 6

Classical Political Philosophy Modern Political Philosophy
Modern India Political Thought Indian Political Thoughts

​The subjects of BA in Political Science cover the major portions of the historical and modern political system, government policies, public administration, and international politics. The BA Political Science of helps a student to critically analyze any political movement. The year wise breakup of the BA political Science syllabus is given below:-

Year I

Year II

Year III

Introduction to politics Introduction to OLS Mass media
Politics and power International relations Analysis of conflict
Institutions of democracy Political behavior International negotiation
Nature of politics Principles of social justice Quantitative political analysis
Career portfolio International economic development Political economy
Comparative political analysis Political development
Economic policies Ethics and public policy
Introduction to international relations
Cooperation and conflict

 ​Scope of Distance BA In Political Science

The political atmosphere of any region affects the major things of that area such as the standard of living, per capita income, poverty, unemployment, women’s safety, etc. So, it has been seen that the BA in Political Science is one the most preferred course over the years. There is a wide range of scope of BA in Political Science, some of which are given below:

  • The Bachelors of Art of Political Science is designed in such a way that it gives deep and critical knowledge of multiple dimensions of Political Science. Factors such as Socio-economic, policies, laws, international relations, and internal governance are given to the students,
  • Students can go for various government jobs.
  • The course clears the way for the students to make their career in highly respected fields such as International Organizations, Central state, and local governance, Journalism, NGOs, electoral parties, research, and teaching.
  • A student can always choose to go for higher education in the same field if he does not go for jobs.
  • The major government exams that student can crack is the administrative services of state and center. Indian Administrative Services, State Services have a vast syllabus of political science.

Distance BA in Political Science Career And Jobs

The above section must have cleared the doubts you must have been having about the scope of Bachelor of Art in Political Science. The BA Political Science syllabus is potent enough to impart knowledge that will take students to go high in his career. The fields in which a Bachelor of Art in Political Science graduate can make his career is significant. Let’s see some of the job profiles that are prominent after doing a BA in Political Science:

  • Politician: A person who has deep knowledge of polity can become an active member of some political party. Due to the knowledge that he has, he can understand the complexities of the political system and become a leader. He can use the knowledge of BA in Political Science for the common people of India.
  • Electoral Campaign Creator: Graduates of BA in political science are hired by the political parties to brainstorm the electoral campaigns. The political parties provide a good salary and incentive to create electoral campaigns for them. These graduates are responsible build the whole electoral campaign from the scratch.
  • Political Scientist: After graduating with a BA in Political Science, these graduates can become political scientists after pursuing higher studies. These political scientists have useful insights that are kept in the core committee of various political organizations, news channels, and many universities.
  • Policy Analyst: BA graduates have the knowledge and insights with help of which they can analyze the policies made by the government. The analysis of these policies is in implications with normal populous and critical analysis makes these policies more impactful in fighting various social ailments such as Poverty, Unemployment, Women Security, Farmer Suicides, education, healthcare, etc.

These are some of the detailed job posts that one can get after getting a Bachelor of Art in Political Science. Here is the list of other jobs that you can get after graduating BA:-

  • State Legislator
  • Political Commentator
  • Policy Analyst
  • Legislative Coordinator
  • Legislative Analyst
  • Corporate Advisor
  • Public Opinion Analyst
  • International Research Specialist
  • Campaign Organizer

There are various sectors in the market that require human resources with the knowledge of Political Science. These industries have a domain that is related to the political sphere, so there is a requirement for knowledge.

  • State Legislator
  • Political Commentator
  • Policy Analyst
  • Legislative Coordinator
  • Legislative Analyst
  • Corporate Advisor
  • Public Opinion Analyst
  • International Research Specialist
  • Campaign Organizer
  • Public Policy Organizer
  • UN and its agencies

Top Universities Providing Distance BA in Political Science

There are many universities that are providing distance learning in BA in Political Science, some of them are:-

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Yes, BA distance education is a valid course. It is approved by UGC-DEB and AIU.

In the BA economy, you will study the Historical and Modern Polity, Indian Polity, International Relations, and Political Theories.

As per the norm of UGC, a Distance BA is equal to a regular BA if the university is AICTE, UGC-DEB approved.

You have to be a 10+2 pass out from a recognized board.

There is no entrance examination to get enrolled in Distance BA. You just need to score a minimum percentage in graduation to get enrolled in BA distance learning.

The mode of the examination depends on the various universities. Some universities offer online examination modes while some have offline examination centers.

One can complete the Distance BA within 3 to 5 years.

No, BA in Political Science is not a hard degree. This is an interesting degree as you see the implementation in the real world.


By College Vidya Team

Idea Alchemist / Concept Creator / Insight Generator

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