How to Write a Formal Letter
Home Detailed Guide Formal Letter Writing In English: Format, Examples, Topics

Formal Letter Writing In English: Format, Examples, Topics

College Vidya Team Jan 22, 2024 106.1K Reads

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Being able to write a formal letter today is a necessary skill for students and working individuals alike given the multiple exchanges that are carried on in writing (virtual or physical). Given this need of the hour, one should know the basics of writing a formal letter. Here we have broken down the basics of a formal letter for you from the grassroots level, with detailed examples, format, templates and examples. 


Today, with the vast number of official interactions and formal exchanges that one has to participate in, formal letter-writing skills are bound to come in handy. Writing a formal letter is a task that scares many, be it students preparing for creative writing exams or professionals who use the letter in actual official exchanges. But trust us, writing a formal letter is not as daunting as it is feared to be. 

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Most formal letters follow a simple format and by keeping certain specifics of drafting a formal letter in mind, you can ace the task and write letters that exuberate your professionalism and ability to communicate effectively through writing. 

What is a Formal Letter?

Before drafting your formal letter, it is useful to have a basic understanding of what a formal letter is, as it will help you set the tone for your letter and avoid some preliminary mistakes. 

A formal letter is defined as a “letter communicating a professional/official purpose and following a set pattern and format.”

So, firstly, one must keep in mind that the context of using a formal letter is always professional or official. Accordingly, the tone and language of the letter must be formal, objective and impersonal. An informal and personal tone (even in cases when you are personally acquainted with the receiver of the letter!) should be avoided. 

When is a Formal Letter Written?

A formal letter can be written for a variety of formal interactions. As a rule of thumb, any letter or email written for any official or professional interaction is a formal letter. This interaction or exchange can take place in a large number of contexts, e.g. application for leave, a resignation letter, a formal sales letter, a formal letter for placing an order or complaint, and so on. 

There are innumerous examples when you might have used a formal letter, such as when you are writing an application for leave from school/college/office,  when you are writing a complaint letter, when you are booking an order through writing etc. 

Format of a Formal Letter 

This is an important part of writing a formal letter since the format of a formal letter is one of its most important aspects. A formal letter follows a set format which must be adhered to while drafting the letter. Here we have described the formal letter format for you. 

Sender’s Address


Receiver’s Address

Subject of the Letter


Body of the Letter 

(2 to 3 Paragraphs) 

Complimentary Closing 


Parts of a Formal Letter

Above, we have described the important parts of a formal letter. A formal letter has a fixed format as described above and the main parts of the formal letter are described below. 

Parts of Formal Letter

1. Sender’s Address

This is the part which begins a formal letter. The sender’s address starts with the name of the sender. 

  • In case of a company sending out a letter, the name of the company appears at the top of the letter. 
  • The sender’s address should preferably be wrapped up in 4-5 lines, with the first line being the name of the sender and the next lines devoted to the address. 
  • There is no need to add a very detailed address in the letter since the postal address/ correspondence address would already have the necessary details. 
  • Do not add a comma after the end of every line.
  •  The sender’s address should be aligned to the left and there should not be an indentation.
2. Date

This part seems very simple but often, people make minute mistakes in writing the date in a formal letter. While in an informal letter you have the freedom to write the date in a format you choose, in a formal letter this is not the case. 

  • Writing the dates as 21st September 2022 or September 21st 2022 or DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY should be avoided as they can lead to unnecessary confusion about the right format. 
  • The simplest and most accurate measure is to write in the format: 21 September 2022.  This is a simple and easy-to-remember format of writing the date and helps avoid undue mistakes. 
  • The date should be left-aligned without any indentation.
3. Receiver’s/ Recipient’s Address

Similar to the sender’s address, the receiver’s address starts with the name of the receiver (person/name of company). 

  • It should start with the designation of the person the letter is addressed to, starting with ‘the’, e.g. The Director, The Principal, The Manager etc. followed by the address of the person. 
  • It should consist of about 4 to 5 lines.
  • There is no need to add a comma after every line. 
  • The text should be aligned to the left without any indentation.
4. Subject of the Letter

The main reason for writing the subject of the letter is to communicate the purpose of the letter. 

  • The subject of the letter is to be written in a specific format, starting with the word ‘Sub”, followed by a colon, and then the subject of the letter. 
  • The subject of the letter should be brief, formal and precise. 
  • When submitted in writing, the subject of the letter should be underlined. 
5. Salutation

This is the salutation used to address the receiver of the letter. There are certain aspects to be kept in mind while using the salutation in a formal letter. 

  • The simplest and accurate salutation to use is ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’. 
  • You can also use a salutation like ‘Dear Sir/ Dear Mr./Ms. (Name)’ 
  • There is no need to use a comma after the salutation. 
  • The salutation should be aligned to the left.
6. Body of the Letter

This is the most essential part of the letter as it forms the major content of the letter. This part of the letter communicates your main purpose of writing in detail.  So, the body of the letter must be well-formed. 

  • The tone of the letter will depend to a great extent on the purpose for which it is being written.  
  • The body of the letter should comprise about 3 to 4 paragraphs.
  • Personal and informal exchanges in the body of the letter should strictly be avoided. 
  • The body should be concise and to the point, but should provide all the necessary details. 
  • The opening paragraph should introduce the purpose of writing the letter in a formal tone. This paragraph should be brief and introductory. 
  • The opening paragraph should not be indented. 
  • The second and third paragraphs can describe the main concern of the letter, providing details and information as required. 
  • The last paragraph should end on a conclusive note in terms of what is expected to be done thereafter/ a request/ a clarification/ necessary action that must be taken with regards to a concern etc. depending upon the purpose of the letter. 
  • The concluding paragraph should also be concise and brief, and should express the thankfulness of the sender of the letter.
  • All the paragraphs should be left-aligned. 
7. Complimentary Closing 

This is the closing phrase for your formal letter that appears just before your signature. Some points should be kept in mind about the complimentary closing of a formal letter: 

  • Informal closings like “With Love”, “With Warm Regards”, “Sending Love”, “Best Wishes” etc. should not be used for closing the letter. 
  • One should avoid closings such as “Yours Lovingly”, “Yours Truly”, “Yours Dearest” in a formal letter. 
  • You should use closings like “Yours Sincerely”, “Yours faithfully” in a formal letter. 
  • The closing should be left-aligned.
8. Signature 

The formal letter is closed with the full name of the sender of the letter. 

Types & Templates of Formal Letter 

A formal letter can be of many types, mostly depending on the purpose for which it is drafted. 

Here we have discussed some of the important types of formal letters along with sample templates for you as examples. 

1. Application Letters

These letters are used in official communications for various applications e.g. applications of absence, applications for leave, applications for scholarships etc. These are some of the most commonly used formal letters. 

A sample template of a formal leave application has been provided here. 

Prateeti Majumdar

K-12a, Sector 119

Noida, U.P

21 September 2022

The Manager 

Blackboard Education and Research Foundation

B-136, Sector 2 

Noida (201301), U.P.

Sub: Application for Leave from 25.09.22 to 30.09.22


This is to bring to your notice that I am a content writer in the digital team of your organisation and I need leave of absence from 25 September 2022 to 30 September 2022. 

Due to certain unforeseen emergencies in my family, I have to visit my hometown and shall not be able to be present at work for the above-mentioned period of time. I shall ensure that all my immediate targets are completed before I leave and that my absence from work does not negatively impact the company’s functioning. For any other duties, I have requested Shweta Deora to take over. I shall continue to be in contact with my team leader and colleagues in case of any immediate assistance during the period of my leave. 

I shall effectively join back from 01 October 2022. I shall be highly obliged if my request is granted. 

Yours Sincerely,

Prateeti Majumdar 

Content Writer

Digital Team

2. Cover Letters

A cover letter is sent along with a job application (Curriculum Vitae/ Resumè) when applying for a job position. The main idea of a cover letter is to (a) stand apart from a large number of other candidates and (b) communicate to the recruiters why you are a good fit for the job position and the organisation. 

A cover letter should have a formal tone and articulate your best strengths and skills for the job position. It should not be overly boastful and should advertise you in a subtle and impactful manner. An effective cover letter does not only showcase your technical skills for the job but also soft skills that can enable you to make a positive impression on the selectors. 

Here is a sample cover letter for job application. 

Shweta Deora 

K-12a, Sector 119

Noida, U.P

21 September 2022

The Manager

Human Resource Department

Blackboard Education & Research Foundation

B-136, Sector 2 

Noida (201301), U.P.

Sub: Application for the Post of Content Writer

Dear Sir/Ma’am

This with regards to your advertisement for the position of Content Writer in the Times of India dated 20 September 2022. As an enthusiast of writing promotional posts and a professional employed in the field, I would like to apply for the position of Content Writer and offer my services in your esteemed organisation. 

I have completed my graduation in English from the University of Delhi in the first division and have since then worked as a content cum copywriter. With over four years of experience in the field, I feel I can bring a fresh perspective as well as innovative ideas to the desk as the content writer in your team. I have a knack for creative writing and can work on new pieces on a regular basis. 

With the insights I have developed in the field of education technology, my eye for details, observational skills and meticulous approach towards every target I seek to achieve, I feel I am competent for the position. Additionally I am a team-oriented person and can effectively collaborate in a group to work towards the sought goal successfully. 

I am honoured to apply for the position of Content Writer in your organisation. Please find enclosed a copy of my resumé along with this letter for your reference and perusal. I shall be available for correspondence on my contact number and for an interview any time between 10 AM to 01 PM from Monday to Saturday.  

Yours Faithfully,

Prateeti Majumdar

3. Resignation Letter 

A resignation letter is written as a formal communication of resigning from one’s current job position to the competent authorities. When writing a resignation letter, it is important to maintain a professional tone and end on a positive note. Whatever the reason for quitting your current job, you should remember to keep your resignation letter formal and cordial. 

Here is a template for writing a resignation letter. 

Isha Sunak 

G-28a, Sector 120

Noida, U.P

21 September 2022

Sarthak Garg

Digital Manager

Blackboard Education & Research Foundation

B-136, Sector 2 

Noida (201301), U.P.

Sub: Resignation from the position of Content Writer

Dear Sir

This is to bring to your notice that I am resigning from the position of content writer in the digital team of your organisation and shall be serving my thirty-day notice period effective from 21 September 2022. 

I shall be resigning from the position of content writer as I shall be relocating to Karnataka with my family owing to some personal concerns. As a result I shall not be able to continue as a content writer from next month.  

My experience working in your esteemed organisation has been insightful and beneficial in maximising my potential. I am thankful for the vast exposure that I got to hone my skills and knowledge domain in the sector. 

Kindly accept this letter as the formal notice of my resignation. I would be glad to assist in any transition procedures as well as briefing my replacement about the job role and responsibilities. 

Yours Sincerely,

Isha Sunak 

Content Writer, Digital Team 

4. Letter of Enquiry

A letter of enquiry can be made for a variety of purposes, including obtaining further information about a topic/offer/order etc. When writing a formal letter of enquiry, you must enquire and precisely mention all the criteria about which you seek further information. 

Here is a sample letter of enquiry seeking further information about a product from the sales department of a brand.  

Yukta Sinha

G-28a, Sector 12

Sahibabad, U.P

21 September 2022

The Director

College Vidya

B-136, Sector 2 

Noida (201301), U.P.

Sub: Information About Graphic Designing Programme


This is with regards to the advertisement you inserted in the Hindustan Times for available seats in the certificate programme in project management from your institution. I have just completed my matriculation education from the CBSE board and am currently awaiting my results for the same. In the meanwhile, I want to upskill myself in a management field. However, before enrolling for your programme, I would like to enquire about a few details: 

  1. Detailed fee structure of the programme
  2. Whether the fee is to be paid lump sum or can be paid in instalments
  3. Whether the course is affiliated with any university/college/institute
  4. Accreditations and Credibility of the Certificate
  5. Mode of completion of the course
  6. Eligibility of applying to the course
  7. Any further terms and conditions if applicable.   

If you have a detailed prospectus/ course guide, kindly send it to me through the mail ( An early response will help me enrol for the programme at the earliest. 

Yours Sincerely,

Yukta Sinha

5. Letter of Complaint 

A letter of complaint is written usually to the provider of a service or product, complaining about some aspect of the product or service. In some other cases, a letter of complaint can also be drafted about some issue or concern to a competent authority to be addressed. 

Here is a sample letter of complaint about a faulty service in an office building. 

Prateeti S.

Digital Team 

Blackboard Education & Research Foundation

21 September 2022

Rupali Mehta 

Office Supply Head 

Blackboard Education & Research Foundation

B-136, Sector 2 

Noida (201301), U.P.

Sub: Complain about Faulty Office Printer 

Dear Ma’am

This is to bring to your notice that the printer in the digital team (fifth floor of the office building) is malfunctioning since the past fifteen days and has not been replaced despite a previous complaint. 

The digital team’s printer, which is accessed by the department for a variety of daily tasks, started malfunctioning around two weeks ago as it would print unaligned copies and its colour features are also not working properly. This is causing extreme inconvenience to the entire team as it is used for taking out a number of important printouts on a daily basis. Repeated complaints have been made about the same to the office supply executive but no action has been taken for the same yet. A mail regarding the same had also been sent to the office supplies department dated 12 September 2022. The faulty printer is affecting the flow and quality of work in our department as the team has to go to the fourth floor a number of times in a day to get the important copies.  

Kindly make arrangements to replace the printer as soon as possible as it is a source of great inconvenience to us.   

Yours Sincerely,

Prateeti S.

6. Letter to the Editor

A letter to the editor is written to communicate an issue/concern of social importance to the masses through the editor’s column of a newspaper. The purpose of writing a letter to the editor could simply be about spreading social awareness or it could be about bringing an issue/concern/complaint to the notice of public authorities. 

A letter to the editor also has a formal tone, but it is markedly different from the other types of formal letters since it also involves the opinion of an individual. 

Here is a template of a letter written to the editor of a renowned newspaper. 

Ratna Giri

Vasundhara Enclaves

New Delhi 

21 September 2022

The Editor 

The Times of India  

118d Regal Street

New Delhi


Sub: Incessant Traffic around Vasundhara Enclave 

Dear Sir/Ma’am

I, a member of the Residents Welfare Association of Vasundhara Enclave, would like to bring the attention of the readers and the competent authorities to the inconvenience that is caused by the incessant traffic to the residents of the Vasundhara Enclave Housing Society, New Delhi.  

Recently, the problem of traffic has become incessant around the housing society of Vasundhara Enclave. On an almost regular basis, the nearby highways and main expressways are closed for reconstruction and other purposes and the traffic is redirected towards the routes adjoining the society. As a result, there is chronic traffic around the society in the morning and the evenings. Even at late hours of night, the traffic seems to be incessant causing extreme inconvenience to all the residents.

Due to such chronic traffic, the pollution levels of the environment (both air and noise pollution) around the complex have also risen. The society houses a number of diverse residents, including those who have ailments like asthma and bronchitis, infants, children as well as senior citizens, and the deteriorated environmental quality due to such heavy traffic poses a number of health risks to them. Additionally, the society also has many young children and the traffic can potentially cause significant safety hazards, especially considering the nearby schools and nurseries. The constant noise and traffic is also a source of great inconvenience to the residents of the society on a chronic basis. 

I would like to request you to kindly highlight this serious issue so as to spread awareness and  draw the attention of the competent authorities to kindly take some immediate action in this direction including redirection of the traffic to some non-residential routes. 

Yours Sincerely,

Ratna Giri

7. Letter for Placing Order

A formal letter for placing an order is a business-to-business communication in which an individual who usually represents an organisation/company places an order with another firm for some goods or services. A formal letter in this case should include all the necessary details about the order as well as other information about the order, such as required date of delivery, quantity of the goods etc. 

Here is a sample formal letter for the purpose of placing an order. 

Office Supply Department 

Blackboard Education & Research Foundation

B-136 Sector 2 Noida

21 September 2022

The Manager

Oasis Technology  

A-156 Sector 18

Noida, U.P.

Sub: Placing Order for Computer Devices and Accessories  


Thank you for the catalogue about the details of computer devices and electronics retailed by your firm. This is to place an order for the office requirements of various computer devices. Kindly arrange to supply the following items at your earliest convenience. 

  Computer Devices and Accessories

Before dispatching, kindly ensure that all the products and equipment are new, free from any damage and in the best quality. It is hoped that the commercial discount of 19% on bulk orders will be made available to us. A bank draft of Rs. 25,000 is attached with the letter as an advance payment of the order. The remaining amount shall be paid upon the delivery of the order after inspection of the items. You are requested to deliver the items latest by 1 October 2022.

Yours Faithfully,

Priya K. 

8. Reply to a Letter of Order

The reply to a letter of order includes the involved selling business firm either confirming or rejecting the order. Usually, a firm confirms the order placed but in some cases it may not be able to provide the services/products as demanded in the order due to a variety of reasons. In such cases, it may communicate the same to the sender of the letter. 

Reply letters should include all the important details for the order placed as well as the final confirmation or rejection of the order clearly. 

Here is a sample reply letter confirming the order placed by the firm in the above section. 

The Manager

Oasis Technology  

A-156 Sector 18

Noida, U.P.

22 September 2022

The Manager 

Office Supply Department 

Blackboard Education & Research Foundation

B-136 Sector 2 Noida

Sub: Order Placed for Computer Devices and Accessories  


This is with reference to your letter dated 21 September 2022 placing an order for certain computer devices and electronics for your company. Thank you for placing your trust in our firm. 

All the products mentioned in the order are available in stock and shall be made available for delivery within 1 October 2022. The total payable amount for your order is Rs. 1,20,000. We are glad to receive your advance payment. Considering your continued trust in our firm, we shall be happy to offer you the commercial discount of 19% on the order. In case of any last minute cancellations, the amount is non-refundable. 

We confirm the placement of your order and ensure you of quality service and hope to continue our association with your firm in the future as well.  

Yours Faithfully,

Nilesh Srivasatava 

Manager, Oasis Technology 

Here is a sample reply letter rejecting the order placed by the firm in the previous section. 

The Manager

Oasis Technology  

A-156 Sector 18

Noida, U.P.

22 September 2022

The Manager 

Office Supply Department 

Blackboard Education & Research Foundation

B-136 Sector 2 Noida

Sub: Order Placed for Computer Devices and Accessories  


This is with reference to your letter dated 21 September 2022 placing an order for certain computer devices and electronics for your company. Thank you for placing your trust in our firm. 

We are sorry to inform you that our company is currently in the midst of restocking our supplies and auditing and as a result won’t be able to deliver orders within 1 October. However, if possible, we can manage to deliver the complete order latest by 6 October 2022. We shall be glad to offer the commercial discount of 19% on your gross bill considering your continued trust in our firm. 

We shall be glad to offer you our services and regret the inconvenience caused. Kindly confirm the placement of the order at your earliest convenience. In case of cancellation of the order, we shall mail back the cheque of your advance payment with immediate effect. We assure you of quality service and hope to continue our association with your company in the future.  

Yours Faithfully,

Nilesh Srivasatava 

Manager, Oasis Technology 

 9. Promotion Letter/ Sales Letter 

Promotional and sales letters are written for commercial purposes to provide information about the product or service being sold to potential customers.  The idea of sending out promotional or sales letters is to politely and professionally pitch your brand/company/product to the potential client.                                         The aim should be to make the product/company seem as attractive as possible while maintaining the professional tone of the exchange. 

Here is a sample promotion letter.  

The Manager

Oasis Technology  

A-156 Sector 18

Noida, U.P.

19 September 2022

The Manager 

Blackboard Education & Research Foundation

B-136 Sector 2 Noida

Sub: Diwali Sale 2022 on All Electronics  

Sir/ Ma’am

We are glad to announce that our company is beginning its much-awaited annual Diwali Sale from 23 September 2022 upto 2 October 2022. 

The Diwali Sale of Oasis Technology provides you with the best deals of the year on electronics and computer devices and services, along with the benefit of our top quality services and customer care. During the sale, we are glad to offer our clients with upto 26% discounts on bulk orders and special limited time offers on specific top-selling brands at our firm. Considering your continuing trust in our firm, we are glad to offer you the presale pass to access the products and services at slashed prices from 20 September 2022. 

Find the best deals and products in our Diwali Sale and upgrade your office with best-in-class electronic and computer devices today. We assure you of quality service and hope to continue our association with your company in the future. Looking forward to your cordial participation in the sale.   

Yours Faithfully,

Nilesh Srivasatava 

Manager, Oasis Technology 

10. Recovery Letter  

A recovery letter can be a little tricky to draft if not carefully done. Recovery letters are formal letters sent to companies/clients/ persons from whom a company or organisation has a payment to recover, e.g. due payment of an order that has been delivered. A recovery letter must be written in a polite manner so as to maintain the cordial nature of the interaction while successfully recovering the payment as well. 

Here is a sample recovery letter for an overdue bill from one company head to another. 

The Manager

Oasis Technology  

A-156 Sector 18

Noida, U.P.

21 September 2022

The Manager 

Praag Infotech Ltd. 

Noida, U.P

Sub: Overdue Payment of Order No. 2511K

Dear Sir

This is with respect to the order number 2511K you placed with us that was delivered on 12 September 2022. It has come to our notice that the payment of the remaining amount for the order is due since.  

The order was delivered as promised to you by 12 September 2022 and we were not intimated about any damage or complaints about the products. We are not aware of any other complaints or concerns causing the due bill. The outstanding amount of the bill after payment of the advance payment was Rs. 22,000 and as per our policies, the due bill must be paid within 5 days of delivery. We have already sent out an email expressing the same concern dated 17 September 2022.  

Considering the long period of our association with your company, we provide you with extra 5 days to pay the due amount. We request you to remit the remaining amount with immediate effect. 

Yours Faithfully,

Nilesh Srivasatava 

Manager, Oasis Technology 

Tips, DOs and DON’Ts of Writing a Formal Letter

While writing a formal letter, there are certain things to be kept in mind. Here we have provided you a checklist of the important DOs and DONTs of writing a formal letter. 

Dos for Writing a Formal Letter

  • Maintain a formal and professional tone throughout the letter while maintaining politeness. 
  • Wrap up the sender’s and receiver’s addresses in 4 to 5 lines.
  • Keep the entire letter aligned to the left. 
  • Write the designation of the receiver in the receiver’s address. 
  • Write the date in the DD (Month) YYYY format, i.e. as 21 September 2022. 
  • Underline the subject of the letter when submitting a written formal letter. 
  • Keep the salutation simple and polite like “Sir”, “Ma’am” or “Dear Sir/Ma’am”.
  • Introduce the main purpose of writing the letter in the opening paragraph itself. 
  • Keep the letter concise, precise and including major details. 
  • Use a formal complimentary closing like “Yours Sincerely”, “Yours Faithfully” etc. 
  • Write your full name as a signature. 

Don’ts for Writing a Formal Letter

  • Avoid making the sender’s or the receiver’s address too detailed.

Don’t add a comma after every line of the sender’s or receiver’s address.

  • There is no need to indent any part of the letter according to the latest format of writing a formal letter. 
  • Avoid using informal language in the letter.
  • Avoid using informal and personal salutations like dearest, loveliest etc. 
  • Avoid any spelling or grammatical errors in your letter as it creates a negative impression on the reader.
  • Avoid grammatical slangs and fillers like don’t, can’t, shan’t, I’d, I’ve etc. 
  • Don’t add unnecessary details in the body of the letter. 
  • Do not deviate from the main purpose of writing the letter. 
  • Do not use informal closing in the letter. 

Difference between Formal and Informal Letter

Here are some of the differences between a formal and informal letter that will come in handy when you are actually writing a letter. 

Characteristic  Formal Letter  Informal Letter 
Purpose  Business, Professional, Official Exchanges Friendly, Informal, Familial, Intimate Exchanges
Language, Tone  Formal and Impersonal  Persona, Friendly and Informal 
Relation between Sender & Receiver  Formal, Official, Brief Acquaintance Usually Friendly, Close Acquaintance
Salutation  Formal, Brief  Informal, Friendly
Format  Fixed, Structured  Flexible, Not Fixed, Less Structured

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Yes, a cover letter is a letter you send in along with your job application to communicate how you fit in for the job position. Being an official purpose, a cover letter is also a type of formal letter.

Yes, you can use salutations like “Dear Sir/Ma’am” although more informal variants like “Dearest Ma’am/Sir”, “My Dear Ma’am/Sir” should not be used in a formal letter.

It is recommended to avoid closings like “Yours Truly”. Rather, more formal closings such as “Yours Faithfully” or “Yours Sincerely” should be used. 

A formal letter has the following major parts: Sender’s Address, Date, Recipient’s Address, Subject of Letter, Salutation and Body of the letter and lastly the Closing of the letter along with Sender’s Signature.

There are not just 4 types of formal letters. A formal letter can be of many types some of which include applications for leave, cover letters, resignation letters, letters of complaint, letters of placing orders, letters of enquiry, letters to the editor, promotion letters, letters of recovery, sales letters etc.

The number of paragraphs in a formal letter depends on the purpose and details involved in writing the letter. However, a formal letter should preferably not exceed more than 4 to 5 paragraphs. It should have at least 3 paragraphs- the introduction paragraph, the main body and the concluding paragraph.

You can use either “Yours Sincerely” (when you know the recipient of the letter and address the letter by their name, e.g. Dear Ms. ______) or “Yours Faithfully” (when you do not know the recipient of the letter and address the letter as Dear Sir/Ma’am) in a formal letter. 

Yes, the formal letter is closed with a complimentary closing followed by the signature of the sender. This can be done in writing after writing/printing the letter or can be done through digital means.

A formal letter starts with the sender’s and receiver’s addresses and includes formal addresses to the receiver usually through words such as “Sir/ Ma’am”, “Dear Sir/Ma’am”.

As per the latest convention of the format of writing a formal letter, there is no need to indent any part of the letter, including the first paragraph of the letter after the salutation.  The entire letter should be aligned to the left of the page, in the Full Block Style.


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