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Home Online BA Bachelor of Arts (BA) Subjects - A Complete List In 2024

Bachelor of Arts (BA) Subjects - A Complete List In 2024

College Vidya Team Aug 6, 2024 1.4K Reads

A Bachelor of Arts(BA) is one of the excellent choices for graduation. It is a 3-year undergraduate program offered by the most prestigious universities in India and abroad. Generally, there are six semesters in the BA course. The BA course is interdisciplinary as it provides students with the subjects of multiple disciplines.

Students can choose subjects from multiple disciplines while pursuing a BA program. They can choose disciplines like Humanities, Social Science, and arts to pursue their graduation.  This course has been a favorite choice of the students for many decades. Students who are preparing for top government exams also give priority to this program.

The Curriculum of this program is also very diverse. Lectures, seminars, assignments, and exams, fostering critical thinking, communication, research, and analytical skills are some of the major constituents of the curriculum of this program.

Online BA Program Complete Details| Top Universities & Colleges

Students who are willing to dwell in interdisciplinary learning while improving their thinking and communication skills must join this program. This program also acts as a basis for master's and doctoral programs.

Almost all the subjects in Bachelor of Arts (BA) are available in Online Mode. Online BA courses are offered in some of the top universities in India, allowing students to continue their academic learning with flexibility and affordability. An online BA degree is equivalent to the regular BA Degree and there is no difference in their weightage. 

Here in this blog, we will discuss the different BA subjects according to their discipline. We will also discuss the complete syllabus of these subjects to give a brief idea to the students.

A Complete List of BA Subjects 

This blog is dedicated to the complete list of BA subjects. Students will get to know about these BA subjects. The list of BA subjects are mentioned below -

1) BA in English 

Bachelor of Arts in English is a multidimensional program that explores the vast and varied domain of literature, language, and culture. Literature, writing, linguistics, and cultural studies, students develop critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills are some of the major constituents of this program.

Through creative and academic writing, students hone their writing skills. They also delve into classic and modern works and examine themes, characters, and literary strategies. With the study of the evolution, structure, and history of the English Language, students acquire a greater understanding of the language itself.

Students can engage themselves in various extracurricular and co-curricular activities apart from classroom learning. They can produce literary magazines, conduct writing workshops, and join theatre productions immersing themselves in the world of English studies.

This program aims to improve the communication skills, analytical thinking, and cultural awareness of the students which are highly desirable by employers these days. These skills are very important for students to get employment opportunities in today’s competitive market.

Students get a profound understanding of English and literature while pursuing the program. They are equipped with the skills to leverage their career in a wide range of professions.

Syllabus of BA English

The syllabus of the BA English is diverse imparting knowledge in multiple disciplines. The syllabus of BA English is mentioned below in detail - 

Semester I

Semester II

  • Introduction to Literary Studies
  • Critical Approaches to British Literature - 14th to 18th Century
  • Fundamentals of Academic Reading, Writing, and Research
  • English for Communication - I
  • Media and Information Literacy
  • Indian Constitution
  • Introduction to English Language and Linguistics
  • Critical Approaches to British Literature - 19th to 20th Century
  • Introduction to Literary Criticism
  • English for Communication - II
  • Additional Language Course I German/French/Spanish/Sanskrit
  • Environmental Humanities

Semester III

Semester IV

  • Indian Writings in English
  • Gender, Sexuality, and the Politics of Identity
  • Literary Theory
  • Open Elective
  • Additional Language Course II
  • German/French/Spanish/Sanskrit
  • Photography
  • Cultural Studies
  • Aesthetics of Dalit Literature
  • Elective Basket I
  1. Critical Approaches to American Literature
  2. Content Writing
  • Open Elective - II
  • Academic Writing

Semester V

Semester VI

  • Indian Literature in Translation
  • Elective Basket II
  1. War and Trauma Narratives
  2. Writing for Media
  • Elective Basket III
  1. Discourses on Nationhood and Citizenship
  2. Translation in Practice
  • Elective Basket IV
  1. Postcolonial Literature and Culture
  2. Archival and Record Management
  • Event Management
  • Internship
  • Eco-critical Approaches to Literature
  • Elective Basket V
  1. Envisioning Cities in Literature
  2. Art of Storytelling
  • Elective Basket VI
  1. Music, Movements, and Literature
  2. English Language Teaching
  • Graphics and Animation
  • SECC - Capstone Project*
  • Research Methodology


2) BA Economics 

Economics is the best subject of a Bachelor of Arts. BA Economics comprehensively understands economic theory, principles, and real-world applications.

The fundamental areas of Economics are microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, and quantitative analysis. The students conceptualize supply and demand, market structures, fiscal and monetary policy, international trade, and economic development. 

Economics plays an important role in the contemporary times. It helps in shaping policy decisions and understanding global dynamics. Economics helps people, organizations, and countries in deciding how they will distribute limited resources to fulfill unlimited needs and wants. 

Students who are willing to pursue this program but are unable to join regular college can enroll themselves in an Online BA in  Economics program. They will have significant flexibility to learn this program with the proper time management.

BA in Economics opens doors for various career opportunities in industries where understanding economic trends, market dynamics, and policy implications is crucial. With great compensation and top job profiles, this program offers rapid career progression.

BA Economics Curriculum

The curriculum of BA Economics consists of 6 semesters with a duration of 6 years -

Semester I

Semester II

  • Introductory Microeconomics
  • Mathematical Methods for Economics-I
  • Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)-I
  • Generic Elective (GE) Course-I
  • Introductory Macroeconomics
  • Mathematical Methods for Economics-II
  • Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)-II
  • Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)-II

Semester III

Semester IV

  • Intermediate Microeconomics-I
  • Intermediate Macroeconomics-I
  • Statistical Methods for Economics
  • Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)-I
  • Generic Elective (GE) Course-III
  • Intermediate Microeconomics-II
  • Intermediate Macroeconomics-II
  • Introductory Econometrics
  • Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)-II
  • Generic Elective (GE) Course-IV

Semester V

Semester VI

  • Indian Economy-I
  • Development Economics-I
  • Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course-I (From List of Group-I)
  • Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course-II (From List of Group-I)
  • Group-I (Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses)
  • Indian Economy-II
  • Development Economics-II
  • Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course-III (From List of Group-II)
  • Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course-IV (From List of Group-II)
  • Group-II (Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses)

3) BA History 

A Bachelor of Arts in History is an excellent choice for students willing to comprehensively understand past events, societies, cultures, and individuals. This program provides valuable insights into the complexities of human experience and the evolution of civilizations.

Themes, locations, and historical eras are covered in BA History. The study of prehistoric societies, medieval Europe, colonization, revolutions, conflicts, and contemporary globalization are also incorporated into this program.

Students learn to conduct research, think critically, and analyze information. This is done by studying authentic sources, historical records, and academic interpretations. They gain knowledge of assessing the validity of the facts which helps in the formulation of persuasive arguments. 

This helps them to effectively convey their conclusions in both written and spoken form. Students can go deeper into specific areas of interest, such as social history, political history, cultural history, or economic history, with this program.

Online BA History program is also available for students who are looking for flexibility and affordability in learning. Students can attend live and recorded classes while sitting at their homes. This allows them to manage their time efficiently for other obligations.

The skillset and knowledge offered in this program are valuable in various sectors. Industries such as education, research, journalism, law, public policy, museum curation, and archival work are hugely dependent on history.

With this importance, it offers great opportunities for career progression. Students can also join master courses and pursue doctoral programs to enhance their knowledge and career prospects. 

BA History Curriculum 

The Curriculum of BA History is divided into 6 semesters with the duration of 3 years -

Semester I

Semester II

  • History of India up to 1206 AD
  • History of India from 1206 AD to 1707 AD
  • Environmental Studies
  • History of India from A.D. 1707-A.D. 1885
  • History of India from A.D. 1885-A.D. 2001
  • Value Education

Semester III

Semester IV

  • History of Tamil Nadu up to A.D. 1336
  • History of Tamil Nadu A.D. 1336-A.D. 1806
  • History of Tamil Nadu from AD 1806-A.D. 2001
  • History of Modern Asia AD 1900-A.D. 2000 (excluding India, China, Japan, and West Asia)

Semester V

Semester VI

  • History of Europe from A.D. 1453-A.D. 1789
  • History of USA from A.D. 1861-A.D. 1932
  • History of China from A.D. 1900-A.D.1990
  • History of Intellectuals of Tamil Nadu (1700-2000 A.D.)
  • History of Europe from AD 1789-AD 1919
  • History of USA from AD 1932-AD 2000
  • History of Japan from A.D. 1853-A.D. 1990
  • Growth of Panchayat institutions in Tamil Nadu



4) BA Political Science 

A Bachelor of Arts in Political Science is one of the best undergraduate programs for students who have a curiosity to understand political systems, institutions, theories, and processes.

This is a 3-year undergraduate program that is offered by some of the renowned universities. Comparative politics, international relations, political theory, public policy, and political methodology are some of the core topics of this program. 

Students pursuing this program become acquainted with the dynamics of power, governance, and decision-making at the local, national, and international levels.  This is done through the study of historical and present political events. 

They examine how individuals, institutions, and ideologies shape political results and contribute to societal transformation. This program equips students as an informed citizen who can contribute to several public discourses. This helps them to address complex societal challenges with the help of effective leadership. 

An Online BA Political Science program is also provided by some of the most prestigious universities in India. Pursuing this program in an online mode not only offers flexibility in learning but also affordability to the students. 

Upon Completion of the BA Political Science program, students are open to a wide range of career opportunities in government, politics, diplomacy, law, advocacy, journalism, and academia. This program also allows students to pursue higher studies and enhance their knowledge. 

BA Political Science Curriculum 

The curriculum of Political Science is divided into 6 Semesters with relevant syllabus. The program Stretches for 3 years. The Syllabus of BA Political Science is mentioned below -

Semester I

Semester II

  • Colonialism in India
  • Understanding Political Theory
  • Concurrent – Qualifying Language
  • Constitutional Democracy and Govt. in India
  • Nationalism in India
  • Political Processes in India
  • Concurrent – Credit Language
  • Political Theory: Concepts and Debates

Semester III

Semester IV

  • Introduction to Comparative govt. and Politics
  • Theories of International Relations and World History
  • Concurrent – Interdisciplinary
  • Theories of Administration
  • Political Institutions and Processes in Comparative Perspective
  • Public Policy and Administration in India
  • Concurrent – Discipline-Centred I
  • Global Politics

Semester V

Semester VI

  • Indian Political Thought I
  • Classical Political Philosophy
  • Development Process and Social Movements in Contemporary India
  • Indian Political Thought II
  • Modern Political Philosophy
  • India’s Foreign Policy

5) BA Psychology 

A Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology is an undergraduate program that focuses on the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. This program stretches for 3 years and offers a comprehensive understanding of psychological theories, research methods, and practical applications to the students.

The Curriculum of this program covers developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, and abnormal psychology. Additionally, research design, statistical analysis, and experimental techniques are taught to students in this program. All are crucial for carrying out psychological research.

An Online BA Psychology program is also available for the students. Students can pursue this program remotely in the Online Mode without the requirement of regularly visiting the university. This online program offers flexibility and time management to the students.

Students are prepared for a wide range of career opportunities in the field of physiology. They can work in Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Criminal Psychology, etc. Moreover, a BA degree in Psychology provides a strong foundation for higher studies. 

BA Psychology Curriculum 

The BA Psychology curriculum incorporates 6 Semesters. The duration of this program is 3 years. The latest and Updated syllabus of BA Psychology is mentioned below -

Semester I

Semester II

  • Statistical Methods for Psychological Research
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Intelligence and Creativity
  • Attention and Perception
  • Motivation
  • Emotions
  • Stress & Well-being
  • Biopsychology
  • Nature and Methods of Physiological Psychology
  • Memory
  • Psychology of Individual Differences
  • Cognition
  • Endocrine System
  • Nervous System

Semester III

Semester IV

  • Development of Psychological Thought
  • Experimental and Non-experimental Research
  • Non-parametric and Parametric Statistics
  • Application of Measure of Central Tendencies and Variability
  • Quantitative Analysis and Qualitative Analysis
  • Psychological Research
  • Social Psychology
  • Hypothesis
  • Problem and Variables
  • Observation, Interview Methods
  • Understanding Psychological Disorders
  • Statistical Methods of Psychological Research
  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Social and Cultural Context in Human Development
  • Problems and Issues of Human Development
  • Development Concerns during Adolescence, Early Youth, and Adulthood
  • Emotional and Social Development




Semester V

Semester VI

  • Understanding and Dealing with Psychological Disorders
  • Stages of Life Span Development
  • Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Self and Personality
  • Development Psychology
  • Inter-group Conflict
  • Cultural Psychology
  • Self in Psychoanalysis
  • Social change and community participation
  • Psychological Approaches to the Environment
  • Social Ecology and Community Psychology
  • Parameters of Assessment, Psychological Scaling; Methods of Scaling
  • Assessment of Psychopathological Behaviour
  • Personality analysis
  • Types of Psychological Tests
  • Counseling Psychology

6) BA Sociology

Bachelor of Sociology is an undergraduate program that offers students a comprehensive understanding of society. It delves into the study of society, social institutions, and social relationships.

The duration of this program is 3 years. The program encompasses social structures, cultural norms, and different factors that influence the human behavior and interactions in the society.

The Curriculum of BA Sociology extensively covers social theory, research methods, social stratifications, gender studies, race, and ethnicity, etc that have a great influence on society.

While pursuing this program, students learn to critically analyze societal issues and develop strong analytical and research skills. They acquire an understanding of the complex dynamics of social life and the impact of social policies. 

The students completing their graduation in BA Sociology acquire versatile knowledge and skill sets that they can apply for their career progression in various fields. Social services, education, healthcare, public policy, and market research are some of the prominent fields in which students of BA Sociology can extend their services.

This degree also provides a strong foundation for students who want to advance their studies in higher education. Students can pursue master's degrees in sociology, social work, law, and other related fields. 

Some of the most prestigious universities offer an Online BA Sociology Program. Online BA Sociology and regular BA Sociology degrees are equivalent. Students get sufficient flexibility in Online mode that helps them to manage their time.

All things considered, a bachelor's degree in sociology cultivates a profound comprehension of social dynamics. It equips students to resolve social challenges and advance social change in meaningful ways.

BA Sociology Curriculum.

The Curriculum of BA Sociology is divided into 6 semesters that stretch for 3 academic years. The Syllabus is updated and relevant to present societal dynamics. The Syllabus of BA Sociology is mentioned below- 

Semester I

Semester II

  • Basic Concepts of Sociology
  • Social Institutions
  • Social Group and Processes


  • Society, Culture, and Social Change
  • Societies
  • Culture
  • Process of Social Change
  • Social Stratification

Semester III

Semester IV

  • Methods in Social Research
  • Social Research
  • Research and Method
  • Techniques of Data Collection
  • Statistical Analysis and Use of Computer in Social Research
  • Indian Society (optional I)
  • Evolution of Indian Society
  • Indian Social Institutions
  • Processes of Social Change in India
  • Social Issues and Problems

Semester V

Semester VI

  • Foundations of Social Thought
  • Positivism
  • Functionalism
  • Conflict
  • Interactionism
  • Population Studies
  • Population Theories
  • Population Composition in India
  • Population Planning and Control

7) BA Geography 

Students who have a keen interest in exploring the environments, atmosphere, and other physical features of the earth can pursue an undergraduate degree in BA Geography.

The Bachelor of Arts in Geography is offered by some of the prominent universities in India. This undergraduate program runs for 3 years helping students understand human societies and their surroundings. 

The BA Geography program combines physical geography with human geography. This combination in this program focuses on climatology, geomorphology, and biogeography which examines urban and regional planning, cultural landscapes, economic geography, and population studies. 

The curriculum of this program offers expertise in geospatial technologies, which includes Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and spatial analysis, essential for mapping and analyzing spatial data.

Fieldwork and research projects are integral parts of the curriculum of the BA Geography program. This provides students with practical experience to apply their theoretical knowledge. 

An Online BA Geography program is also offered that offers flexibility and affordability to the students. Students can attend classes from their homes as per their availability. This helps them to engage in other activities that can significantly help them in their career. 

Upon completion of this program, students can work in urban and regional planning, environment management, conservation, cartography, and GIS. They can work with government agencies, non-profits, and private-sector firms that are hugely dependent on spatial analysis and environmental expertise.

Students get a solid foundation in geography in this program. With this solid foundation, they can extend their studies in geography and related fields. 

BA Geography Curriculum 

The Curriculum of BA Geography is designed as per the norms of the University Grants Commission and it consists of 6 semesters that run for 3 academic years. The Syllabus of this program is updated and dynamic, following the latest developments in the field of geography.

The Syllabus is mentioned below - 

Semester I

Semester II

  • Geomorphology
  • Climatology and Oceanography
  • World Geography
  • Hydrology
  • Principles of Ecology
  • Environmental Issues and Management

Semester III

Semester IV

  • Human Geography
  • Economic Geography
  • Basic Mathematics and Statistics
  • Geography of India
  • Population and Settlement Geography
  • Disaster Management

Semester V

Semester VI

  • Urban Geography
  • Rural Geography
  • Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
  • Regional Development and Planning
  • Evolution of Geographical Thought
  • Acquisition and Analysis of Climatic Data

8) BA Public Administration 

Bachelor of Public Administration is an undergraduate program that explores the principles and practices of managing governmental and nonprofit organizations. This undergraduate program stretches for 3 academic years offering students insights in public policy formulation, its implementation, and evaluation. Students also understand organizational management, finances, ethics, and human resources within the public sector.

The curriculum of this program covers various key areas such as public policy analysis, public finance management, organizational behavior, and legal frameworks governing public administration which are very important in public administration.

Students also study leadership, moral decision-making, and the function of public officials in promoting accountability and transparency in this program.

Students can also pursue an Online BA in Public Administration which is notably flexible and affordable than the regular mode. 

Upon completion of this program, students are equipped with sufficient knowledge to pursue careers in a wide range of fields in the public sector. This degree also helps in various government exams.

Students can also continue their higher studies in public administration after completing this program. This undergraduate program provides the basis for public service and governance with significant career opportunities.

BA Public Administratrion Curriculum   

The curriculum of BA Public Administration is structured as per the regulations of the University Grants Commission. The syllabus of this program is the latest and most diverse. The latest syllabus of BA Public Administration is mentioned below- 

Semester I

Semester II

  • Open Administration: Meaning, Nature, Evolution, Significance
  • Hypotheses of Organization: Classical and Bureaucratic
  • New Public Management and Public and Private Administration
  • Association: Meaning and Basis
  • Standards of Organization: Hierarchy, Span of Control, Coordination, Supervision and Control
  • Open Funds: Accounting and Auditing
  • Department, Board, Corporation, and Commission
  • Assigned Legislation
  • Managerial Law
  • Basics of Public Administration
  • Workforce Administration: Meaning; Nature and Significance
  • Scope of New Public Administration
  • Components of Personnel Administration: Recruitment, Training/Capacity Building
  • Financial plan: Principles, Preparation and Enactment of Budget
  • Communication, Decentralization and Delegation
  • Types of Organizations: Formal and Informal
  • Independent Regulatory Commission


Semester III

Semester IV

  • Central Administration
  • English Legacies over Indian Administration
  • Ministry of Finance: Organization and Functions
  • Elements of Indian Administration
  • Essential Rights and Duties
  • Chief Minister: Appointment Powers and Functions
  • President: Election, Impeachment, Powers and Position
  • Head Administrator and Council of Ministers: Appointment, Powers, and Role
  • Service of Home Affairs: Organization and Role
  • State and District Administration
  • States: Representative, Constitution Framework
  • Divisional Commissioner: Powers, Functions, and Position
  • Committee of Ministers and State Legislature
  • Powers, Position, Role, Organization, and Structure of State Administration
  • Indian Administration in Socio-Economic Development
  • State Secretariat and Directorate: Organization and Functions
  • State Planning Department and Board

Semester V

Semester VI

  • Nearby Government: Evolution, Meaning, Features and Significance
  • Rural-Urban Administration
  • Development Administration
  • Panchayati Raj Institutions: Composition, Functions
  • Sources of Income of Gram Panchayats, Panchayat Samities, and Zila Parishads
  • Region Planning Committee: Composition, Functions and Significance
  • State Finance Commission
  • Urban-Rural Relationship and Problems
  • 73rd and 74th Constitution Amendment Acts
  • Concepts of Welfare State
  • Importance and Scope of Development Administration
  • Directive Principles of State Policy, Welfare State, Association of Planning Agencies, Planning Commission
  • National Development Council
  • State Planning Board and Department
  • Preparation of Five Years Plans
  • Social Welfare Administration in India: Women and Children

9) BA in Philosophy 

BA Philosophy is an undergraduate program that addresses the fundamental questions of existence, knowledge, ethics, and reality. This is a 3 years program providing students with the writings of prominent thinkers from ancient times to the present day through in-depth analysis and critical thinking. They formulate their own philosophical stances, evaluate various points of view, and examine reasoning. 

The curriculum extensively covers metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic, and political philosophy. In this program, students acquire the ability to communicate difficult concepts intelligibly and convincingly in both written and spoken forms.

Students can pursue this program in online mode also. Online BA in Philosophy is offered by some of the most renowned universities in India. 

This program offers flexibility and affordability in learning to the students. 

BA Philosophy equips students with versatile skills that are highly demanded in multiple fields. Students are invaluable in the fields of law, business, education, media, and public service as they have exceptional problem-solving, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making skills.

BA Philosophy Curriculum 

The curriculum consists of 6 semesters with a duration of 3 years. The syllabus is updated and latest as per the industry trends. The detailed syllabus of BA Philosophy is mentioned below - 

Semester I

Semester II

  • Logic Ethics
  • Basic Logical Concepts
  • Symbolic Logic
  • Informal Fallacies
  • Ethics
  • The Fundamental Questions of Ethics
  • Virtue Ethics: Aristotle
  • Nishkama Karma (Bhagavadgita)
  • Non-Violence (M.K. Gandhi)

Semester III

Semester IV

  • Indian Philosophy
  • Inductive Logic
  • Logic
  • Theories of Causation
  • Theories of Reality
  • Western Philosophy
  • Plato: Knowledge and Opinion\
  • Spinoza: Substance
  • Leibnitz : Theory of Monads
  • Hume: Theory of Causation

Semester V

Semester VI

  • Indian Logic and Epistemology
  • Philosophy of Language
  • Epistemology and Metaphysics (Western)
  • Ethics and Philosophy of Religion
  • Vedic System of Values
  • Concept of Man and Humanity
  • Purusharthas
  • Nature of Svadharma
  • Varnashrama Dharma

10) BA Journalism and Mass Communication

BA Journalism and Mass Communication is a comprehensive program that prepares students in media and communication fields. The program stretches for 3 academic years offering well-rounded learning to the students.

The program encompasses journalism, broadcasting, public relations, advertising, and digital media with a] combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. 

The BA in Journalism and Mass Communication is an interdisciplinary program that extensively covers journalism ethics, media law, news writing, reporting techniques, multimedia storytelling, and communication theory in its curriculum.

While pursuing this program students learn to critically analyze the media messages that help them understand media audience dynamics. This helps them establish effective communication with media audiences across various platforms.  

Students can pursue a comprehensive Online BA in Journalism and Mass Communication from some of the highly reputed and esteemed online universities. Pursuing this program offers flexibility in learning while offering an in-depth understanding of various media and communication subjects.

Upon completion of this program, students are well-equipped with the expertise in media tools along with critical thinking and analytical skills to navigate their careers in diverse industries.

BA Journalism and Mass Communication Curriculum 

The Curriculum of BA Journalism and Mass Communication is imparted in 6 semesters with a duration of 3 academic years. The syllabus incorporates the latest media theories and practices trending in the industry.

The Syllabus of BA Journalism and Mass Communication is mentioned below -

Semester I

Semester II

  • Fundamentals of Communication Skills
  • Fundamentals of Computers
  • English Literature- I
  • Fundamentals of Journalism
  • Reporting - Theory
  • Reporting - Practical
  • Writing for Media- Theory
  • English Literature-II
  • Editing- Theory
  • History of Media
  • Writing for Media- Practical
  • Introduction to the Indian Constitution
  • Editing- Practical

Semester III

Semester IV

  • Radio Broadcasting- Theory
  • PhotoJournalism- Theory
  • TV- Broadcasting- Theory
  • Introduction to Cinema
  • Radio Broadcasting- Practical
  • Photojournalism- Practical
  • TV Broadcasting- Practical
  • Advertising- Theory
  • Magazine Journalism- Theory
  • Public Relations- Theory
  • Internet & New Media- Theory
  • Advertising- Practical
  • Magazine Journalism- Practical
  • Public Relations- Practical
  • Internet & New media- Practical

Semester V

Semester VI

  • Environment & Media
  • Media, Society & Development
  • Media Criticism
  • Basic Media Research
  • Information Society
  • Organizational Behavior & Media Organization
  • Media Law & Ethics
  • Project

11) BA Fine Arts 

BA in Fine Arts is a comprehensive undergraduate program incorporating various art forms. The duration of a BA in Fine Arts is 3 to 4 years. The program focuses on art forms like painting, sculptures, drawing, printmaking, and digital media.

This undergraduate program caters to students who have a passion for visual arts. This program helps students in developing their creative skills and artistic techniques. 

The curriculum of the BA Fine Arts is very diverse. It generally includes a mix of studio courses, art history, and theory classes that allow students to explore different artistic mediums. This lets them understand the historical and cultural context of their works.

In studio courses, students get hands-on experience that fosters their technical proficiency and encourages them for experimentation and personal expression. Students can enrich their knowledge of traditional and contemporary arts movements which inculcates a sense of critical analysis and aesthetic principles. 

Upon completion of this program, students can pursue various careers. They can pursue their career as a professional artist, art educators, gallery curators, and various other roles.

They can also work in different industries such as advertising, design, and media. Students can also pursue higher studies with a solid foundation from a BA in Fine Arts. They can continue their education in fine arts or other fields. 

BA Fine Arts Curriculum  

The curriculum of the BA Fine Arts abides by the rules and regulations set by the University Grants Commission. The Syllabus focuses on various art forms with a focus on traditional and contemporary trends.

The Syllabus of BA Fine Arts is mentioned below -

Semester I

Semester II

  • Drawing/Study from natural objects
  • Painting in watercolor
  • Design
  • Any one of the following:
  1. Art Appreciation I
  2. Art Terminology- I
  • Communicative English- I

  • Elementary Composition
  • Antique & Anatomy study
  • Clay modeling
  • Any of the following:
  1. Art Appreciation- II
  2. Art Terminology- II
  • Communicative English- II

Semester III

Semester IV

  • Fundamental Composition
  • Object study in oil
  • Head study
  • Any one of the following:
  1. History of Arts
  2. Methods & Materials
  • Any one of the following:
  1. Drawing & Sketch
  2. Printmaking
  • Composition with watercolor
  • Still Life in Oil
  • A Study from nature in oil
  • Any one of the following:
  1. History of Art
  2. Method & Material
  • Any one of the following:
  1. Drawing & Sketch
  2. Mural

Semester V

Semester VI

  • Gouache Painting
  • Head study in Oil
  • Portrait
  • Any one of the following:
  1. History of Arts
  2. Method & Material
  • Any one of the following:
  1. Drawing & Sketch III
  2. Printmaking III
  • Oil Painting
  • Acrylic painting
  • Portrait in Oil
  • Any one of the following:
  1. History of Art
  2. Methods & Material
  • Any one of the following:
  1. Drawing & Sketch IV
  2. Mural

Semester VII

Semester VIII

  • Composition for Life
  • Composition for Life
  • Mixed Media Painting
  • Any one of the following:
  1. History of Art Painting
  2. History of Art Painting
  • Any one of the following:
  1. Drawing & Sketch V
  2. Three Quarter Portrait
  • Pictorial Composition I
  • Pictorial Composition II
  • Pictorial Composition III
  • Any one of the following:
  1. History of Art Painting
  2. History of Art Painting
  • Any one of the following:
  1. Drawing & Sketch VI
  2. Multi-object Composition

12) BA LLB

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (BA LLB) is an integrated undergraduate program. The program combines arts and humanities with the study of legal education.

This is a dual degree with a duration of 5 academic years that equips students with an depth understanding of both liberal arts and legal principles. The program prepares students for diverse careers in a wide range of careers in the legal domain.

The BA component of this dual degree includes humanities subjects like history, sociology, political science, and economics. These subjects remarkably help students to enhance their critical thinking and analytical skills which are very essential to understanding and studying law. Moreover, these subjects provide the foundation for legal studies.

The LLB component of the dual degree includes core subjects of law such as constitutional law, criminal law, contract law, tort law, and property law. Studnts also explore specialized areas such as corporate law, environment law, human rights law, and intellectual property rights law.

The curriculum comprehensively focuses on the equipping students with the knowledge of legal research skills, advocacy, and ethical practices. Practical training aslo constitute an important part of BA LLB program. Students practice their skills in moot courts.

They aslo participate in internships with law firms, NGO and other legal institutions. This gives them hands on experience and significant professional exposure. 

Upon completion of this dual degree, students can make their in wide range of legal domains. They can join legal domain as advocate, legal advisor, judges, corporate lawyers, public prosecuters, and legal consultants. They can aslo prepare for wide range of government exams such as judiciary, civil services, etc. 

BA LLB Curriculum 

The Curriculum of BA LLB is diverse and follows the norm and regulations of University Grants Comission. The duration of this program is 5 years with curriculum divided in 10 semesters.

The Syllabus of the BA LLB is mentioned below -

Semester I

Semester II

  • Legal Method
  • Sociology-I
  • History-I
  • Political Science-I
  • Economics-I
  • English-I
  • Introduction to Law

  • History-II
  • Sociology-II
  • Political Science-II
  • Economics-II
  • General English-II
  • Law of Contract-I
  • Law of Tort-I
  • Jurisprudence

Semester III

Semester IV

  • Law of Contract-II
  • Sociology-III
  • Political Science-III
  • Criminal Law-I
  • Constitutional Law-I
  • Law of Contract-II
  • Family Law-I
  • Constitutional Law-II
  • Family Law-II
  • Property Law
  • Labour Law-I
  • Environmental Law


Semester V

Semester VI

  • Criminal Law-I
  • Corporate Law-I
  • Administrative Law
  • Jurisprudence
  • Public International Law
  • Law of Evidence
  • Conflict Laws
  • Company Laws
  • Human Rights
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Code of Civil Procedure
  • Criminal Law-II
  • Corporate Law-II

Semester VII

Semester VIII

  • Taxation-I
  • Labour Law-II
  • Environmental Law-II
  • Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing
  • Optional Paper-I
  • Optional Paper-II
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Taxation-II
  • Professional Ethics
  • Optional Paper-III
  • Optional Paper-IV

Semester IX

Semester X

  • Private International Law
  • Merger, Acquisition and Competition Laws
  • Optional Paper-V
  • Optional Paper-VI
  • Law of Equity, Trusts, Suit Evaluation and Registration
  • International Trade Law
  • Moot CourtsInternships
  • Seminar Paper

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The complete list of subjects in Bachelors in Arts (BA) is mentioned above with their detailed curriculum and syllabus. Studnts can go throught these BA Subjects in detail. This blog intends to offer complete overview of all BA subjects from different fields with their curriculum, syllabus, and career opportunities. Students can select an oppropritae BA Subject for their graduation based on the detailed analysis provided in this blog. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Bachelor of Arts is an undergraduate program that offers specialization in multiple disciplines. Students can choose from different specializations in different fields that are essential for their overall development. These specializations in BA are industry-oriented and offer a wide range of career opportunities to the students. Pursuing a BA degree also greatly helps in the personality development of the students. The program, fosters the communication skills, analytical and critical thinking skills of the students that are currently most desired by the employers in the industry. Overall choosing a Bachelor of Arts collectively helps in knowledge enhancement and personality development of the students.

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) incorporates a wide range of subjects that are from different fields.  Some of the most popular subjects in BA are mentioned below-

  • BA English 
  • BA Economic
  • BA History 
  • BA Political Science 
  • BA Psychology
  • BA Sociology 
  • BA Geography 
  • BA Public Administration 
  • BA in Philosophy 
  • BA Journalism and Mass Communication 
  • BA LLB 
  • BA Fine Arts 

 The subjects mentioned above are the most popular in the Bachelor of Arts (BA).

The eligibility criteria for a Bachelor of Arts are very basic and do not demand many qualifications. Students from any discipline who have completed their 10+2(Intermediate) from a recognized school board can pursue this program. Generally, universities offering this program do not conduct entrance exams and students can directly take admission. There is no upper age limit in this program.

In regular BA, students are required to physically visit the university campus to attend classes while in online BA students are not required to visit the university campus as they can attend the classes remotely. In Online BA students experience the same environment as the regular university as the classes are conducted through the well-developed Learning Management System (LMS) of the Online University. Students have the option of attending the online live and recorded classes on the LMS of the university. 

The Examination in regular BA is conducted on the university premises whereas examination in Online BA can be attended remotely from the homes. While there are differences in the mode of learning but the degree in online BA and Regular BA are equivalent.

There are several differences in Online BA and Distance BA. The first difference is the mode of learning. In Online BA students get the classroom like experience while studying. Students gets access to the well developed Learning Managerment of the the university where highly experienced faculty provide live classes. These live classes are recorded and made available to the students who could not attend the live classes due to other commitments. Meanwhile in Distance BA, University supply the study material to the address of students and they have continue their learning on their own. 

Although both Online BA and Distance BA offer flexibility to the students but the online BA is one step ahead of Distance BA. Online BA offers more flexibility in the examination as compared to the Distance BA. While examination in Online BA is conducted through E-proctored software, the examination in Distance BA is conducted at the centre of the university only. In online BA students can take their examination while sitting their homes, while Distance BA requires students to visit the university campus or exam centre of the university to attend examinations. 


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