valid reasons for job change and their answers
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How to Explain Reason for Job Change? - The Best Answer

College Vidya Team Jan 11, 2025 2.3K Reads

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Our life is very much dependent on the decisions we take, some of them work out well for us but a few of them make us rethink them. Many of us have experienced a rollercoaster ride in our career journeys and are still trying to figure out a steady one. Are you also struggling in opting for the best for you? Well, a job change might help you in sorting your professional life.

Well, we can all agree on the fact that if taking a decision have been so simple then life would have been much easier for all of us, right? Besides, decision-making can be made simpler by doing a little research on the latest trends in the market. If you are planning on a job change & are not sure if your reason is credible enough to make you crack the next interviews then this blog is certainly an effective information source for you.

In this blog, you will get to know about the top reasons for a job change. You will also get an understanding of how to tackle the tricky questions asked in interviews after you have decided to go for a new path in your career.

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Wherever you go for an interview, there is a set list of some of the questions that are asked by the interviewer. This list involves some general questions like:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • What was your previous role?
  • What are your strengths & weaknesses?
  • What do you know about us?
  • Why do you want to join us?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Why do you want to change the job?

The last question provided in the above-mentioned list is the point where you need to be attentive as this question is intended to know your perspective about your previous employer and teammates. To answer this question, you should provide a genuine reason for the job change as your answer can make you secure a job in your desired company.

Top Reasons for Job Change

To have the best answer to the reason for the job change question, let's get familiar with this question first. 

Best Ways to Answer Reasons for Job Change

Many of us have a nature of being direct in our responses. Well, this is not a good approach when you are answering a tricky question about a job change at an interview. Directly disclosing your reason can sometimes sound mean or selfish to the interviewer, so, a well-structured & thoughtful response is important in creating a positive impression on the future employer. 

Let us have a look at some specific frameworks of answers that can be used to justify your specific reasons for a job change. These ideas will also help you get the best-suited job profile for you.

Not Liking Your Company Anymore

If your reason for job change falls in this category then be careful while answering the job change question at the interview. You might not feel any positivity about your current or previous employer but you should present both the positive and negative aspects before the interviewer. A balanced answer will increase your chances for a new job.

Want a Higher Paying Job

If you feel underpaid in your current position, you should choose a job change option. However, you should not disclose your financial desires to the interviewer. Try & present the salary aspect as a secondary rewarding point that you get for your hard work.

Not Liking Your Job Role

Doing the same job for a long time may get boring & you may feel to change your profile which is not wrong in any way. You can explain this reason to the interviewers briefing about your skill sets & their limited usage at your workplace to get a profile that matches your skills & interests.

Want More & Better Career Opportunities

Aspiring for more skillful & growing career opportunities might be the reason for your job change & you can present this reason at the interviews to show your aspiration to explore more aspects of the industry. This proactive attitude of yours might impress the interviewer and help you get a better profile in the new company.

Facing Some Personal Issues

Life always does not go by plan. Things happen and can affect our lives to a deeper extent. If you have faced any personal challenges at your previous job & now want to start afresh with a new opportunity, you can always tell your reason to the interviewer. Your honesty is good enough in getting you a new job role.

Want to Pursue Your Passion

In the initial years of our career, we are more oriented with money & a reputed job designation. But after a point of time, many of us feel to pursue our passion and must do so for a long-term & meaningful professional life. You can mention your interest areas & the skill related to that field to the interviewer to get a suitable profile at the desired firm.

Want Job Flexibility

 Sometimes it gets harder to manage both, family & career at the same time under a pressurized work environment. Taking a step ahead & opting for a more flexible career option is not a bad reason for the job change & is well-understood by the recruiters of other organizations. 

Dealing With Travel Issues

If your current job involves a long traveling time then you can mention this point as a valid reason for the job change. You can present this point by showing the importance of this traveling time to the interviewer.

Got Fired

If you have been fired from your last company then you should not lie about it. Be open about it & accept the mistakes that you did in your last company. This will reflect your honest attitude to the interviewer. You should also add your learnings from the mistake to create a positive impression on the interviewer.

Working at an Inappropriate Company Culture

A good and motivated work environment is really important for employees to be innovative & productive. A toxic work culture not only demotivates the employees but also affects their work-life balance. Getting rid of a company with no appreciation & core values is something that needs to be done with an immediate effect for one’s own growth & development.

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While answering this question, you should not emphasize the negative aspects of the company but frame your answer in such a way that you need to have a work environment where you are free to give ideas & use your skills. This will show your active attitude towards work & will help you impress the interviewer. 

Have Disputes With Teammates

We all have different points of view on the same thing & these viewpoints might not match with others. This clash of viewpoints sometimes takes a toxic turn in the workplace. In this situation, it is better to search for a place where your opinions matter & you are free to express your thoughts on certain projects. For this reason of job change, give your answer by making the interviewer realize that you are looking for an organization where your opinions are heard & suggestions matter.

Have to Relocate

Sometimes you need to go back to your hometown or relocate to another city/state/country because of personal reasons. In that case, you can give an honest & genuine response to the interviewer to get the job offer.

Due to the Changed Job Description

After joining a firm, you might get assigned certain projects or tasks which are not part of your job description (JD). Sometimes these new tasks favor our interests but most of the time they are forced on us. In this case, you can always look for other profiles and highlight your interest areas & specific roles in the interview.

Need Work Recognition

When you give your 100% in completing the assigned projects in your company & not get appreciated or recognized for bringing in new clients or profits to the organization, it's high time that you think of a job change. While explaining this reason to the interviewer, do mention your working capabilities & aspiration for work recognition in the new organization.

Positive & Negative Reasons for Job Change

At some point of time in our career, we all feel a need for a job change. However, the reason behind this need may be different for all of us. While opting for a job change is not a big deal but the reason behind it is something you must be concerned about. A positive reason for job change is quite useful for your career growth in the long run but a negative reason will make you just change your jobs frequently. Some of the positive & negative reasons for job change have been mentioned here for your clear understanding.

Some Positive Reasons for Job Change

  • Looking for Professional Growth
  • Looking for New Roles & Responsibilities
  • Working on a Contractual Role
  • Interested in Other Field
  • Want to Reduce Travel Time

Some Negative Reasons for Job Change

  • Getting Bore at Your Current Job
  • Part of Office Politics
  • Had an Arguement with Manager/Collegue
  • Need More Money
  • Got Fired Due to Misbehavior

Some Do’s & Don’ts of an Interview

After you have decided on changing your job, you should prepare yourself for the new job role. This preparation involves doing research about the new organization & a satisfactory reason for the job change. For a clear picture, go through the Do’s & Don’ts of an interview provided below.



Prepare a credible & positive reason for a job change.

Do not come out with only negative aspects about your current or previous organization.

Do mention your learning experience at your previous company.

Do not criticize your managers.

Discuss your roles & responsibilities at your previous organization.

Do not mention a negative job change reason.

Mention your career-oriented reasons for taking up a new profile.

Don’t be overconfident about the profile you are being offered at the new organization.

An Insight into Interviwer’s Mind

After applying for a job, we all prepare ourselves in the best possible way to get that job. But sometimes, smart work brings you more meaningful results than hard work. So, preparing for the interview is just not enough but preparing it with the correct approach is important. Now, you must be wondering what the correct approach is. Well, it depends on the mindset of the interviewer and the requirements they need in a candidate. 

Reading someone’s mind is not possible for us but here we can give you an idea about an interviewer’s mind who is looking for a loyal & skilled person for the organization.

  • Your new employers are interested in knowing about your attitude towards the work at your previous company and for that reason, they will ask you about the reason for leaving your previous job. So, frame your answer accordingly.
  • In case you abruptly left your job in between, an interviewee would want to know if this decision was initiated by you or your previous organization. So, be honest & don't lie about being fired from the previous organization.
  • Maintaining a good relationship with your managers & bosses is highly appreciated by new employers and that's the reason they ask for references in your interview forms.

Top 10 Examples of Best Answers for Reason for Job Change 

The answer to this question of “Why do you want to Change Job?” is very much dependent on one’s personal experience and cannot be generalized for all. However, here are some examples that are self-explanatory & create a good impression on future employers.

  • Example 1: I want to explore my current field of work in every aspect and in doing so I am willing to take on new job roles & responsibilities. This job profile will help me grow personally & professionally.
  • Example 2: I am looking for a job role where I can handle & manage challenging projects independently. Since this firm is known for introducing a variety of products or services from time to time. It will be highly beneficial for this learning phase of my career.
  • Example 3: The job opening at your firm is a perfect match for my skills & knowledge. So, here I will be able to utilize my skills to the fullest & can judge my working capability for improvements.
  • Example 4: In the initial years of my career, I have learned a lot from my seniors in assisting them with several projects. Now, I want to upgrade myself with this job opportunity at your company & want to manage the projects or tasks all by myself.
  • Example 5: I have been associated with my current employer for a considerable period of time & now want to have exposure to new & different work environments.
  • Example 6: I was working at my current company just because it was closer to my home but now I want to get familiar with a bigger company’s work culture like yours.
  • Example 7: I have worked with my current employer for a long time but due to its sudden shutdown I need to look for better opportunities.
  • Example 8: To fulfill my professional goals I need to come out of my comfort zone & this position offered by you is something that I have been looking for a long time.
  • Example 9: I have learned a lot at my current company but now want to explore some senior profiles that match my qualification & work experience. The job opening at your organization interests me & can help me learn more skills through new tasks.
  • Example 10: I have been part of this start-up since the first day and have learned so much in these past years. Due to the limited career scope here, I am looking for a big break in my career through this profile in your organization.

Upskilling Certificate Courses

After making up your mind about a job change, the first thing that you should do is analyze your interest areas and the trending job positions in the market. To get a job in a different field that fascinates you, you can go for an upskilling certificate program and get equipped with the technicalities & new methodologies in the field. This will help you get your dream job with high ending packages.

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When you have made up your mind about a job change, it is important that you look for another option in the same field or in the other field for better career prospects. Before jumping onto any specific role, do a little research about your interest areas & the positions that are highly demanded in the market. To secure a reputed job, you can also upskill through some certificate courses. Prepare yourself with some positive and satisfactory responses to explain the reason for the job change to an interviewer. Also, get an understanding of the positive & negative reasons for a job change.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Opting for a job change is acceptable by employers provided the reason behind it is credible enough. However, changing jobs frequently is not appreciated and creates an impression of being “Not-Fit” for long-term job positions.

Some of the positive responses for the reason for job change include a change in the JD, improved career options, reassessment of career goals, for new & better work culture, etc.

One of the best answers to validate the reason is “In the initial phase of my career, I have been a part of a varied number of projects but have not got an opportunity to work independently. Now, I feel that I should assure my capabilities with new & independent tasks and upgrade myself to the new challenges of the field.

The interviewer asks so many questions, “Why should we hire you” is one of the famous questions and should be answered by incorporating your skills & qualifications. Highlight your passion & desire for the new role you are applying for in your answer to create a positive impression on the future employer.

Quitting a job so soon is not a good idea and you should avoid this step unless & until you have very strong reasons to do so. If you are sure that the job is not right for you then you can go with the job resignation as the longer you stay in the job the more you will waste your & company’s time & resources.

Sometimes it is tough to manage your personal & professional life. During a medical condition, individuals might take some time off from their career but they can always start afresh in the company or the other. Employers do understand this situation & are quite accepting of such applicants.

Candidates can change their jobs in 1-3 years of time for a progressive career. This period is quite considered ideal for learning and getting used to the work culture of an organization. Also, when you change your job after 2 or 3 years, your job change reason is not questioned much by the interviewers.


By College Vidya Team

Idea Alchemist / Concept Creator / Insight Generator

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