b tech distance education
Home B Tech WILP How Does B.Tech Distance Work? - B.Tech Distance Explained 2025

How Does B.Tech Distance Work? - B.Tech Distance Explained 2025

College Vidya Team Feb 4, 2025 1.1K Reads

UGC Notice

What Is B.Tech Distance Education?

Working professionals request for the B.Tech Distance Education to complete their undergraduate program in engineering. However, the Supreme Court of India has denied distance or correspondence B.Tech program hence these programs are invalid and not approved by UGC and AICTE. To meet the demand, the B.tech Flexible Timing program is introduced which follows a hybrid mode of learning where online sessions are conducted and learners have to attend the lab sessions. 

Is B.Tech WILP worth it? Is it valid for Govt. Jobs

The program is suitable for those who can't attend the regular engineering program. This b tech flexible timing course is best suited for individuals who are working professionals and find it difficult to manage both things on a daily basis. B Tech (Bachelor Of Technology) distance education for diploma holders is way more economically viable so the students who want to pursue a career in engineering but couldn’t do it due to budget constraints can also go for it.

As the world is technologically advancing every day, the need for technocrats in India and globally is surging high again. The new advancement in every field is Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science or Mechatronics in Mechanical Engineering. The technologies are growing day by day and the top companies are investing with their full might. Thus, the need for engineers is growing at a differential rate.

Types of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) Courses Available

B.Tech For Working Professionals

B.Tech After Diploma

Part-Time B.Tech

Is B.Tech Distance Education Valid?

B. Tech distance education (flexible timing) has various specializations in which b tech Mechanical distance education, b tech Electrical distance education, b tech Electronics distance education, b tech Computer Science distance education, and b tech Civil distance education are prominent ones.

After pursuing the Distance/Flexible Timing B Tech there are various job opportunities available and one can go leap and bound with his career. You can also pursue higher studies such as M.Tech after getting graduation in distance B. Tech for working professionals. Professionals who are working without a graduation degree can get a boost in salary and their position after getting a B Tech distance education for working professionals degree on their resume.

Is B. Tech Distance Education Valid?

it is mentioned clearly that the Distance B.Tech Education program is invalid. B Tech distance education is declared invalid by the Supreme Court of India and AICTE. Thus b tech distance education is invalid because it requires proper labs and training which cannot be done without regular classes.

The institutes offering Btech distance education are invalid as the degree has no value and is just a piece of paper. You cannot pursue higher education in any field because this degree is worthless. But aspirants have alternatives like B.Tech for Working Professionals or B. Tech Lateral Entry programs. 

Supreme Court Decision on Distance B. Tech

As per the Supreme Court’s decision, distance BTech is termed as invalid. The Supreme Court clearly mentioned in its order that Btech Distance education is not valid and cannot be allowed by any university or institute. The Supreme Court judged that the Btech curriculum has practical subjects that hold an important role in the Btech curriculum. So this led to the declaration of invalidity of distance Btech by the Supreme Court.

Following the Supreme Court’s order, AICTE and UGC have also declared b tech distance education as invalid. The Supreme Court ordered that without AICTE approval no college or university can run b tech courses.

Still, there are many universities that are fooling students and offering distance b tech. College Vidya aims to spread awareness about this scam and not let students waste their time and hard-earned money on a degree that is merely a piece of paper.

Know More – Distance/Correspondence B Tech Civil Engineering

B.Tech for Diploma Holders vs. Regular B.Tech

B.Tech in India is available in two Modes:-

● Regular B.Tech

● B.Tech for Diploma Holders 

In Regular b tech, you need to attend the class regularly while in distance b tech for diploma holders you need not attend the classes regularly. The classes and study material is provided online in distance b tech flexible timing and for labs students have to attend the lectures. The course fee of distance b tech for working professionals is the least as compared to the regular b tech. Regular b tech costs the most in terms of Fee structure. To pursue Regular, you have to quit your job and give your professional career a halt. There are no such constraints in Distance b tech meant for working professionals which makes it best as you gain a degree along with the skill and knowledge of b tech while you work. 

B. Tech for Diploma Holders Specializations

Specializations of distance Btech education for working professionals are the same as the regular and it depends on the institute from which you are opting for the learning B.Tech course.  Here is the list of some popular specializations that are valued in the professional world:

B.Tech Flexible Timing Entrance Examination

Btech distance education for working professionals' eligibility factor is very flexible and non-astringent as compared to the regular B.Tech. The candidate must have a diploma in engineering. Different colleges have different criteria for the percentage of marks required but generally, it is 50%. Candidates who have completed a diploma from a recognized college are eligible for going for Btech distance education meant for working professionals.

Most universities don't conduct entrance exams to enroll for Btech distance education programs for working professionals. The Btech distance education for Diploma Holders program is 3 years and is required to be completed in the stipulated timeline.

B. Tech Flexible Timing Fee Structure

As compared to the regular B.Tech, Btech distance education is economically viable. The fees charged for Btech distance education vary from institute to institute. The fees depend on the e-learning facilities, study material, and other aspects. The fees for Btech distance education for diploma holders up to INR 50,000 per semester. 

Know More – B.Tech Evening Program/Courses

Scope of Flexible Timing B. Tech

Flexible Timing/ Distance B. Tech is a bachelor’s degree in technology, which is an undergraduate course. It is basically an engineering program for any of the aspirants interested in pursuing engineering after intermediate can enroll with the program. Distance B.Tech flexible Time shifts program provides advantages to undertake the program at your own convenient place and time. It has various specialized subjects to opt for, and numerous opportunities in terms of jobs and career. It offers specialized courses like Mechanicals, Information technology, Computer Science, Electronics, Communication, and Civil.

Some of the Top Recruiting Companies for B.Tech Engineer:-


Here are some top job opportunities through Distance B. Tech:-

Jobs After B.Tech 
Aeronautics Instrumental
Mechanical Civil Engineering
Biotechnology Automobile Engineering
Information Science Chemical Engineering

The average package of B. Tech graduates ranges from 4 to 5 lakh as they are always in demand. Also, most of the companies prefer fresh engineering graduates. So, there is a vast number of opportunities with a good payroll for B. Tech Aspirants.

Which One Is Better – Regular B.Tech or B. Tech Flexible Timing?

Btech distance education has various benefits that are hard not to see. As UGC has dictated that Distance Learning B.Tech is equivalent to a regular B.Tech, B.tech distance education goes leaps and bounds in terms of key advantages. Here are some key benefits of Distance:

  • B.Tech for all: Btech distance education for working professionals can be pursued by anyone who is interested in going for higher studies and enhancing their skill set. Be it a student, a working professional, or a mother who is on maternity leave. All you need to be a graduate.
  • Boost Your Skill Set: Btech distance education adds another feather to your professional cap. Btech distance education enhances your skill set, knowledge, and equips you with the latest tools to make you ahead in this competitive world. B.Tech distance education programs boost your salary hikes as well as open new and broader job profiles for you.
  • Learn with Flexibility: Unlike a rigid class schedule, attendance, and physical presence in the regular B. Tech, Btech distance education is tremendously flexible. You can attend the online class anywhere and anytime you want. So, you can easily manage the class timings of your Btech distance education courses according to your daily duties and responsibilities.
  • Cost-Effective B.Tech:  Btech distance education is cost way less than the regular B.Tech. The main reason for the cost-effectiveness of Btech distance education is because it does not involve any classroom teaching and other overhead expenses that are incurred in a regular B.Tech.  This Btech distance education is viable for students of every stratum of society.
  • Updated Curriculum:  Distance learning B. Tech is the B.Tech for the working professional, thus the curriculum is regularly updated according to the changing industry trends. The various institutes and universities that provide Btech distance education keep on modifying the syllabi according to the relevant industry needs and trends

Know More – Engineering (BE/ B.Tech) Admission Process 2020

Best B. Tech Flexible Timing University 

As Btech Distance Education is invalid declared by the Supreme Court of India. But here universities are mentioned that are offering the valid and approved B.Tech flexible timing program for working professionals: 

Flexible Timing B.Tech Colleges Fees (INR per semester)
Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth University 50,000
Shri Venkateshwara University  40,000
Sanskriti University  38,000

Know More – Master Of Technology [M.Tech] Distance Education – Course Overview

Note: Btech in distance education mode is invalid as declared by the Supreme Court of India. But distance BTech has the highest search volumes on the internet, that's why college vidya has covered. The motive to cover distance BTech is not to promote it but to spread awareness about the invalidity of distance BTech. College Vidya does not promote distance education by any means.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Distance Btech is declared invalid by the Supreme Court of India. Thus distance Btech isn’t approved by AICTE.

No, distance education is not banned. Just the degree of Distance BTech is invalid according to AICTE and Supreme Court of India.

No, a Btech through distance education is declared invalid by the Supreme Court and AICTE in India. So you cannot do Btech through distance education which approved in job.

There are no valid options to Btech distance education for diploma holders in Hyderabad.

There are no valid options to Btech distance education for in Chennai.

There are no valid options to Btech distance education for in Haryana.

There are no valid options to Btech distance education for in Delhi.

There are no valid options to Btech distance education for in Uttar Pradesh.

There are no valid options to Btech distance education for in Kerela.

Yes, distance education has the same value as the regular unless it is technical degree. Distance Btech has no value or invalid in front of regular Btech.

The fees for Btech distance education vary between Rs. 12,500 to Rs. 1.5 L per annum.


By College Vidya Team

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