how can business and tech leaders earn a doctorate and get a dr title
Home Doctorate How Business and Tech Leaders Acquire Doctorate [Guide 2024]

How Business and Tech Leaders Acquire Doctorate [Guide 2024]

Kopal Srivastava Sep 12, 2024 1K Reads

Earning a PhD or doctorate is a major achievement, requiring hard work and dedication. The PhD, or ‘Doctor of Philosophy,’ is one of the highest degrees globally and opens doors to academia and advanced education. You earn this title by submitting a thesis or a series of publications under the guidance of an academic supervisor.

There’s also the honorary PhD, or ‘Doctor Honoris Causa,’ given to individuals for significant achievements in their fields, like Muhammed Ali, Bill Clinton, Meryl Streep, and Billy Joel. Professional doctorates offer a flexible way to earn the title of ‘Doctor’ while working and researching. Also Read | PhD Full Form!

This approach lets you apply your findings to real-world problems and become an expert in a specialized area. And if you want to know the best alternative to a PhD program, I would like to suggest you an Online DBA, it is also a doctorate program and once you complete the program, you will be able to add a “Dr” title before your name and it is one of the best programs for the working professionals who wants to add a “Dr” title before their name. 

How Exactly Can You Become A Doctor? 

You can become a doctor in three main ways:

  • Conduct independent research and earn a PhD.
  • Do research while working and get a professional doctorate.
  • Receive an honorary degree for significant contributions to society.

You can even choose a DBA program, it stands for a Doctor of Business Administration and it also adds up the “Dr” title before your name. 

You Can Become A Doctor With A DBA Degree

Getting a degree can boost your business credentials, with an MBA being a popular choice for those switching to business. But for working professionals wanting to advance, a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) might be perfect.

The DBA is the top qualification in Management. It involves two years of studying academic literature and another two years working on a unique research project, ending with a dissertation in a specialized area.DBA programs are usually part-time and often don’t require campus attendance.

To enroll, you generally need a bachelor’s degree and seven years of management experience, and you’ll likely face a competitive interview.  A DBA, especially from a reputable business school, can make you stand out in executive roles. Whether you aim for academia or industry leadership, it’s a valuable step for your business career.

What is an Online Doctor of Business Administration? 

An online Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) is a degree for those looking to build or improve their business skills. It’s ideal for people with experience in owning, managing, or running a business. The online DBA lets you apply what you learn to real-world situations and find solutions to business challenges.

While the DBA covers business theory and practice, it’s different from an MBA or PhD in Business Administration. An MBA focuses on general business management, while a DBA lets you dive deeper into a specific area. If you’re more interested in academic research or teaching, a PhD might be a better fit.

Specializations of an Online DBA Program

In an Online DBA program, you might need to choose a specialization based on your interests and career goals. Some universities let you design your own focus area. Here are some common specializations:Accounting: If you pick this, you'll dive into topics like investments and taxes. It's ideal for roles like analyst, manager, or CFO.

Business Management: This focus teaches you how to manage people and projects and lead organizational changes. It’s perfect for consultants, department managers, or executives.Finance: This concentration covers financial modeling and decision-making tools. It’s great for financial analysts, CEOs, CFOs, and consultants.

Top Online DBA Doctorate Specialization

Online DBA Doctorate In Supply Chain

Online DBA Doctorate In Generative AI

Online DBA Doctorate In Human Resource

Online DBA Doctorate In Emerging Technology

Online DBA Doctorate In Finance

Online DBA Doctorate In Business and Data Analytics

Online DBA Doctorate In Marketing

Online DBA Doctorate In Healthcare Management

Online DBA Doctorate In Leadership and Strategy

Online DBA Doctorate In International Business

Online DBA Doctorate In Data Science

Online DBA Doctorate In Sustainability

Online DBA Doctorate In Accounting

Online DBA Doctorate In Technology Entrepreneurship

Online DBA Doctorate In Cyber Security

Online DBA Doctorate In Project Management

Online DBA Doctorate In Social Impact Management

Online DBA Doctorate In Digital Leadership

Online DBA Doctorate In Big Data


Health Care Leadership or Management: Here, you'll study health care laws and systems, preparing you for roles like hospital administrator or facility director.Each specialization helps you build expertise in specific areas of business, aligning with your career ambitions and interests.

What will I learn in an Online DBA program? 

In an Online DBA program, you'll dive deep into current research and theories on business practices. This includes studying leadership, decision-making, and research methods to help you with your dissertation and residency. The content is usually divided into three main areas: theory, research, and contemporary issues.

Business and Management Theory

In these classes, you'll explore how to lead organizations effectively, manage teams, and tackle corporate governance and ethics.

You'll learn theories that help you understand and improve business practices. Some key courses might include:

  • Entrepreneurial Behavior in Organizations: How entrepreneurs behave and lead within companies.
  • Influences and Limitations on Executive Decision Making: What affects and limits the decisions executives make.
  • Leadership to Create Human Value: How to lead in a way that adds value to people.
  • Leading 21st Century Organizations: Strategies for leading modern organizations.
  • Quality Improvement and Organizational Change: Methods to enhance quality and manage change in organizations.

Research Principles, Philosophies, Methods, and Design

Research is a big part of an Online DBA program. You'll start with basics like research methods and experimental design and move on to more complex topics.

This helps you analyze scholarly articles and conduct your own research. Example courses might include:

  • Advanced Statistics and Applications: Using statistics to analyze data and make decisions.
  • Archival Research Methods: Techniques for researching historical documents and data.
  • Creating and Disseminating Research Knowledge: How to create and share research findings.
  • Defining the Dissertation Research Problem and Research Question: How to identify and frame your research problem.
  • Qualitative Research: Methods for collecting and analyzing non-numeric data.

Contemporary Issues and Concerns

Online DBA programs also cover modern issues that business leaders face today. These might include topics like global warming, resource management, and cultural sensitivity in the workplace. Depending on the program, these issues might be covered directly or integrated into theory and research courses.

In summary, a DBA program combines theoretical knowledge with practical research skills and addresses current global and organizational issues, preparing you for advanced roles in business.

Why Business Leaders Need to Choose an Online DBA? 

  • In a world where specialization is key, and perfection is often the goal, earning a doctorate is a powerful way to showcase your expertise and advance in your corporate career. For business and tech leaders, one of the most flexible options is the online Doctor of Business Administration (DBA). Unlike a traditional PhD, an online DBA is designed to be pursued alongside your career, making it a popular choice among professionals. Universities across Europe have responded to the demand by creating DBA programs tailored for working professionals, allowing them to balance work with their studies.
  • There are several types of doctorates recognized internationally, including the PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), Online DBA (Doctor of Business Administration), EdD (Doctor of Education), MD (Doctor of Medicine), and EngD (Doctor of Engineering). In Germany, around 29,000 doctorates are awarded each year, and many of these graduates bring their advanced thinking skills into industry roles. This has contributed to Germany’s reputation for innovation and its thriving startup culture, particularly in Berlin.
  • The European education system excels at enabling professionals to continue their education while working. This approach has made the online DBA a popular option for those looking to advance in business and technology. Top universities in the UK, Germany, and Switzerland offer online DBA programs that combine research with coursework, allowing students to specialize in their field without adding too much pressure. These programs are often online, making them accessible to international students as well.
  • In countries like India, where opportunities for higher education can be limited, online DBA programs can make a significant difference. These programs provide an affordable and accessible way for professionals to earn a doctorate while continuing to work. The flexibility of an online DBA allows students to gain advanced qualifications and transition into senior management roles, all while continuing to grow in their current careers.
  • By offering online DBA programs, platforms like College Vidya can help increase the number of highly qualified professionals in India. These programs are designed for those looking to move into leadership roles, giving them the skills and knowledge they need to succeed at the highest levels. As a nation, India’s greatest strength is its people. By providing access to high-quality education, we can empower more professionals to become experts in their fields and help drive the country’s growth and innovation.

How to Choose a DBA Program? 

When picking a DBA program, think about how it fits with your schedule and goals. If you’re working full-time or have other commitments, a fully online DBA might be best. This allows you to study at your own pace without disrupting your daily routine.

On the other hand, if you prefer in-person classes, you’ll get more direct interaction with professors and classmates, which can help you focus better. Some programs offer a hybrid option, combining online coursework with occasional in-person meetings.

This can be a good balance if you want flexibility but also value face-to-face learning. Most DBA programs are designed with working professionals in mind. This means they often offer flexible schedules and understand that life can be unpredictable.

Professors are usually accommodating and aware of the demands of your time. Moreover, many programs organize students into cohorts. This way, you can build a network of peers, share insights, and support each other throughout the program.

How to get an online DBA? 

To earn an online Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), you need to apply to a university that offers the program, get accepted, and complete the course. Each university has its own admission requirements, but generally, you’ll need an MBA or a relevant master's degree, professional experience, and a solid research proposal.

You may also need to explain your reasons for pursuing the online DBA and demonstrate you can commit to the program.

Here’s how the online DBA application process works:

  • Application Start: Begin by filling out the university application form and paying the application fee. You'll provide your contact details, educational background, and work experience, and explain your interest in the online DBA program. Some schools may also ask for professional references and proof of English proficiency.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Master’s Degree: You need a master’s degree in a relevant field to apply for the online DBA. Alternate Qualifications: If your master’s degree is in a different field, you can still apply if you have at least 5 years of work experience in a managerial or business role. Moreover, if you have a bachelor’s degree you must have at least a minimum of more than 5 years of experience only then you will be able to apply. 
  • Additional Steps: Depending on the university, there might be more steps in the process. Some schools may require an on-site campus visit where you can meet staff and get a feel for the program. Others might ask for GRE scores or additional academic references.

All this information helps the university assess if you’re a good fit for their DBA program. Make sure to carefully review each university-specific requirement to ensure you meet all criteria and can present yourself as a strong candidate. 

Is an online DBA the same as a PhD Program? 

An Online DBA and a PhD are both doctorate degrees, meaning they represent the highest level of education in their fields. Earning either one can boost your resume and career prospects. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people with doctoral degrees earn about 20% more per week on average than those with a master’s degree.

When deciding between an Online DBA and a PhD, think about your career goals and the focus of the degree. A PhD is research-oriented, emphasizing original research, data analysis, and the evaluation of theories. This degree is ideal if you're interested in academic research or teaching at a university.

On the other hand, a professional doctorate is more focused on applying research to real-world problems. It helps you develop solutions to complex challenges and design effective practices in your profession.

While both degrees are prestigious, they serve different purposes. A PhD prepares you for academic roles, where your work might involve publishing papers and contributing to theoretical knowledge. A professional doctorate, however, prepares you to lead and innovate in your field, using research to solve practical issues. It's a great choice if you want to advance in your career and make an impact in your industry.

Is a PhD Program a Higher Than An Online DBA Program? 

A PhD is not higher than a professional doctorate. Both are considered the highest levels of academic achievement. If you're wondering what's better than a PhD, the answer is that both PhDs and online DBA are the top degrees you can earn in their respective areas.

They are both doctoral degrees, just with different focuses. Examples of professional doctorates include the online Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Doctor of Education (EdD), Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), and Doctor of Public Health (DrPH). These degrees are designed for professionals who want to apply advanced knowledge to real-world problems in their field.

On the other hand, a PhD, such as a PhD in Management, Education, Nursing, or Public Health, is more focused on research. It involves conducting original research, analyzing data, and contributing new knowledge to your field. PhDs are often pursued by those who want to work in academia or engage in in-depth research.

Although an online DBA and PhD differ in their focus, they both require a significant commitment to learning and mastering your field. An online DBA is great if you want to use your expertise to solve practical problems in your industry.

Meanwhile, a PhD is ideal if your goal is to expand the theoretical knowledge in your discipline and perhaps teach or publish scholarly work. So, whether you choose a PhD or a DBA depends on your career aspirations. Both paths are equally prestigious and offer unique opportunities for growth and advancement.

What is the Difference Between an Online DBA and a PhD Program? 

When choosing between a PhD and a professional doctorate, it's important to know that both are top-level degrees, but they have different purposes and lead to different careers.

A PhD focuses on creating new knowledge. It’s ideal if you want to do research, develop theories, or teach at the highest academic level. People pursuing a PhD often aim to contribute original ideas to their field. This path is perfect if you love exploring concepts deeply and want to advance theoretical knowledge.

An Online DBA, on the other hand, is about using existing knowledge to solve practical problems. It's designed for professionals who want to apply research to real-world situations and advance their careers. This degree is great if you're aiming for leadership roles or want to bring new solutions to your industry. It’s also a good fit for those who want to teach but with a focus on practical application rather than theory.

Key Areas


Online DBA


Create new theories and expand academic knowledge through research

Apply existing knowledge to tackle real-world issues and improve practices


Prepare for roles in research or become a professor at a university

Take on leadership roles in your profession or teach with a focus on practical skills

Who It’s For

Suited for those interested in deep research and theoretical exploration

Best for professionals wanting to solve practical problems and advance in their careers

Admission Requirements

Typically requires a master's degree before applying

requires a master's degree before applying and if you have a 

Final Project

Usually requires a dissertation based on original research

Often involves a project focused on solving practical problems

Choosing between a PhD and a professional doctorate comes down to your career goals. If you’re driven by research and theory, a PhD is likely the right choice. But if you want to apply knowledge in real-world settings and lead in your field, a professional doctorate could be a better fit.

What do we learn in a PhD and in an Online DBA program? 

A PhD is for college graduates who want to conduct original research that tests theories and adds new knowledge to their field.

This type of program focuses on deep academic study. In a PhD program, you'll learn how to:

  • Analyze theories and concepts within your field.
  • Evaluate the importance of classic, current, and new theories in your area.
  • Identify gaps in current research.
  • Contribute to your field by creating new research.
  • Communicate your findings clearly to both academic and general audiences.

On the other hand, an online DBA is for working professionals with hands-on experience who want to deepen their knowledge and advance their careers.

This degree focuses on practical application. In an online DBA, you'll learn how to:

  • Assess how current and emerging theories apply to real-world practice.
  • Develop solutions to complex problems that are common in your field.
  • Use existing research to address practical challenges.
  • Conduct research that adds value to your profession and expands the knowledge in your field.

PhD programs are more academic and theory-driven, while professional doctorates focus on applying knowledge to solve practical problems in your career.

Both degrees are designed to elevate your expertise, but the path you choose depends on whether you want to contribute to academic research or take on a leadership role by solving real-world challenges in your industry.


If you're looking for an alternative to a traditional PhD, consider an online Doctor of Business Administration (DBA). This program is also a doctorate, and when you complete it, you can proudly add the title “Dr.” before your name.The online DBA is perfect for working professionals who want to continue their careers while earning a doctorate. The program focuses on practical knowledge, allowing you to apply your research directly to your work, making it one of the best options for those aiming to achieve the highest level of expertise in their field.The online DBA program is designed with flexibility in mind, so you can balance work, personal commitments, and study. You'll gain valuable insights that will not only enhance your professional standing but also prepare you for leadership roles.Whether you want to advance in your current career or transition to a new field, an online DBA offers the credibility and knowledge you need to succeed. Plus, earning that "Dr." title can give your career a significant boost, opening new opportunities and increasing your influence in your industry.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

You can use "Dr." before your name if you:

  • Hold a master's degree from a recognized institute.
  • Have a bachelor's degree with relevant work experience.
  • Pass an entrance examination.
  • Pursue a PhD program or if you want to pursue a PhD program without quitting your job you can opt for an Online DBA program, it is also a doctorate program and adds a “Dr” title before your name. 

Yes, after completing a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) or a Doctor of Management program, you can use the respected title "Doctor" or "Dr." before your name.

After completing a DBA or Doctor of Management, you can secure positions like "Director," "VP," and "CxO" roles in many organizations.

To earn the title "Dr.," you need to complete a doctoral degree (like a PhD) after your master's degree or you can even opt for an Online DBA,  it is also a doctorate program and adds a “Dr” title before your name. Moreover, you can pursue it without quitting your job. 

Yes, PhD holders in India can use the title "Dr." They are considered original doctors, as the term "doctor" comes from the Latin word docere, meaning "to teach."

Yes, a DBA is equivalent to a PhD, and both award the title "Doctor." However, there are some key differences between the two degrees.


By Kopal Srivastava

10 Years of Experience / Storyteller / Research-driven Writer

Loves to create story and narrating them through a Podcast

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