The CAT Exam is about to be held very soon this year, on November 2025 (date to be announced) in between the in three sessions by IIM Lucknow, and the admit card will be available for download in November. The CAT examination 2025 will be conducted in 170 + Cities. Hence, preparing for the exam is a big challenge, but making a strategy and implementing it is also essential. But before getting into the tips, here are some quick updates related to the CAT Examination.
The CAT result 2024 is to be announced in mid-January 2025. To know more about it, click here!
CAT Examination
CAT 2025 will be conducted by the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow. The registration for the examination started in August till September 2025 (Date to be announced). Now that the registration for CAT 2025 is closed, all the candidates are ready to take their examination in November 2025. CAT (Common Admission Test) is essential for students who dream of pursuing higher education from India’s top management B-Schools.

This examination is conducted to gain admission to the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other management institutes. Clearing CAT gives a direct path to top-tier management schools, be they IIMs or any other management school.
Management post-graduate diplomas, executive MBA programs, MS in Management, Masters of Management Studies (MMS), PhD and many more. CAT is the most rigid examination in India and requires a lot of hard work and preparation. However, clearing the examination just by doing lots of hard work is impossible. You have to work smartly to clear the examination.
Courses students can opt for after cracking the CAT
CAT will be a Computer-based Admission Test for admission to different management programs in IIM, like
- Post Graduate Programmes in Management(PGPM)
- Post Graduate Programme in Food and Agri-business Management(PGP-FABM)
- ePost Graduate Diploma in Advanced Business Analytics (ePGD-ABA)
- MBA-Business Analytics
- M.Sc. in Data Science
- MBA (Hospital Administration & Healthcare Management)
- Executive MBA
- MBA for Working Professionals
- Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration for Working Executives
Important Updates of CAT 2025
There are the critical updates of the CAT 2025, which dates should be announced are stated below:
Registration for CAT 2025 Starts
August 2025
Registration for CAT 2025 Ends
September 2025
Admit Card Release Date
November 2025
CAT 2025 Examination Date
November 2025
Sections in CAT Examination
The CAT exam has a basic pattern that is wisely divided into three sections-
- Section 1- Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension(VARC)
- Section 2- Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning(DI & LR)
- Section 3- Quantitative Ability(QA)
These questions can be in MCQ form along with some non-MCQ forms. For better understanding, students can check the previous year's papers. Candidates get 40 minutes in each section, and they cannot skip to other sections in between. They have to complete the section in the stipulated time frame, and then they can move to the next section.
Students can get the tutorial on the CAT Website to understand the examination pattern before the final exam thoroughly. Make sure you work on such tutorials that are available in advance to help avoid a last-minute rush.

Here is the examination pattern with the number of questions based on the last year's CAT Exam:
Section Number
CAT Sections
MCQ Questions
Non-MCQ Questions
Time Allotted
Total Questions
Section 1
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
40 Mins
24 Questions
Section 2
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
40 Mins
20 Questions
Section 3
Quantitative Ability(QA)
40 Mins
22 Questions
Preparation tips for CAT 2025
To get higher scores in the final examination of CAT, we have some valuable tips that could be a savior for you. Following these tips can help you crack the CAT on the first attempt. The preparation phase is over now, and it's time to prepare with quick and reliable tips and tricks that can save you many marks in the CAT 2025.
Making strategies can gsignificantlyimpact your overall score. So don’t miss it. Today, this blog has some best strategistic tips and hacks that nearly every topper follows. Let’s look at these tips by toppers for cracking CAT 2025.
- Time management -The CAT examination is 120 minutes long, and you only get 40 minutes for each section. While attempting one section, students cannot jump to another section. Complete one section in 40 minutes and move to the next section. Therefore, has to attempt around 66 questions in 120 minutes. Now apart from other factors, time management is essential. As it specifies your number of attempts and score. Time management is as important as studying the whole syllabus. But the question arises as to how to manage timewellt in the CAT exam.
Students can follow a few effective practices for better time management:
- Give only 2-3 minutes to one question- Read it mindfully once with total concentration and try to solve it within 2 minutes. Only spend a little bit of time on one question, especially in the reading section, which might take longer time to read and can cost you a lot of time. Also, you might find the answer if you give more time to a question, so mark such doubtful queries and move ahead. Make sure to follow the same 2 min/ question pattern while practising Mock. This technique will improve the number of attempts you make, and increase your score.
- Attempt section in two rounds- Try to attempt only some of the questions in one go. Instead, attempt the questions in two rounds. Attempt the questions that are short & easy for you and take only 30 seconds or 1 minute. Leave all the long and complex questions in the first round. After the first round of reasonable attempts, you will be at ease and will be able to do other questions with better concentration. This is another popular trick of attempting CAT by toppers.
- Leave tough and lengthy Questions- Always hop on simple and easy questions, this simple tip can be very beneficial for you.
- Revision is a must- After attempting the maximum questions of one section, revise them. Many times, in the hustle, candidates mark wrong answers. Revision helps to minimize silly mistakes and errors. And 1 wrong answer can cost you admission to IIM.
- Speed with accuracy is a must- the CAT exam is all about time management along with accuracy. It tests your aptitude skills of verbal and reading comprehension, data interpretation and logical reasoning, and quantitative ability. Speed is something that can affect the overall score.
Here are some last-minute tips that can help you a lot-
For Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VARC):
- Regular practice- VARC requires practice over and over again. To get speed and accuracy in reading comprehension, students are required to practice the questions. In the last few days, you can see the correction of these mocks and this helps you keep alert while attempting paper.
- Correction of the mock- Practising and attempting mock papers alone will not help much, but instead, correction post-mock is equally essential. It is always advised to make corrections before attempting new mocks.
- Skimming- The skimming technique can be beneficial while doing reading comprehension. This is the practice of quickly going through the whale passage in one go, to get an overall idea about the topic of the passage. Try to attempt to mock with the same skill.
- Mark-Link Technique- The Mark and Link Technique can be a life saviour while attempting reading comprehension. In this technique, read the question and pick a word from it, now keep the whole in your mind and start skimming through the passage. The moment you catch the notes word and read that passage. This way, you will be saved from reading the whole passage.
- Analytical Reading- it is the comprehension reading with full concentration is called analytical reading. Read the question carefully and then read the passage. This can help you get the answer quickly. Whenever you get the data while reading, mark the lines.
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning:
- Work on the basics- It is quite essential to learn and understand the basics before attempting the questions. Only a student with a strong concept can beat the competition. Work on concepts like averages, ratios and percentages, pi-charts, graph studies, line charts and many more as these are the commonly used topics in CAT DI.
- Regular Practice- Data Interpretation requires good practice. This section partially requires revision and partial practice.
- Short Tricks for Calculation- Mathematical questions can be solved quickly with such tricks. You cannot traditionally solve the question. It is always important to find a shorter way to solve the questions. There are various videos and materials available online on YouTube and the website. The best way to solve mathematical questions is to practice and find the right method for you.
- Correction of Mocks- After doing questions, make sure to directly do the correction and make short notes for quick revision.
- Attempt with a timer- While doing DI questions dealing with mathematical calculation, always have a timer, and keep matching the speed. In the beginning, it can give you stress to match up the speed, but later you will find the right attempt and accuracy, which can impact your overall score as well.
Quantitative Ability (QA)
- Regular practice- It is the most important factor that can decide your marks and All India Rank in CAT 2025.
- Mock correction-After practice and revision, attempt a mock to get the best out of your practice. And make sure to make corrections to the mock every single day.
- Important topics- The right strategy to start the revision is to work on important topics first. Grab maximum marks and then jump to minor topics.
- Focus on weak areas- Depending upon the major and minor weightage topics, sort the topics that are Weak and important. Work on these topics first. Topics like percentages, ratios and many more should be practiced thoroughly.
- Attempt with timer- With time, after studying all the important topics, make sure to work on attempting mathematical questions with a timer set.
- Short notes- Always make short notes while preparing for the examination. These notes should be short, concise and easy to study. Also, the notes can be your saviour one day before the final examination.
- PYQs are masters- CAT is the toughest exam in India and hard work alone is not enough. To crack this examination, studying with a strategy is essential. Previous year's exam papers can help you to make an amazing strategy. Always keep notes on previous papers.
- Quality over Quantity- It is important to understand that CAT is a national-level competitive examination and even one mark can bring a big change in rank and a deduction of one mark can also take you down to many ranks. So while attempting questions to fetch maximum marks always work on attempting questions accurately. Don’t overattempt if you are not 50% sure. It is not necessary to attempt all the questions, but it is essential to do the questions with 90% accuracy.
- Practice Mock- Practicing mock is the primary factor that can decide your admission to the IIM. It gives you the right idea about making a strategy to apply in the actual exam time. You will learn skills like time management, and attempting strategy. While attempting the CAT Mock Examination, make sure to
- Attempt to mock with discipline and focus.
- Always give time to correction after mock
- Mock is to focus on weak areas and get it better.
- Attempt the paper at the same time your final paper will be conducted.
- Make the best out of mock by just attempting one mock a day
- Take notes of your mistakes and revise as much as you can before your final examination.
- You can also attempt topic-wise mocks for weaker areas.
- Do not take many mock test series. One series is enough. Reading study material from various coaching centres, especially in the last few days can backfire.
- Revision of the study notes before and after attempting mock is a must.
- Mindful Preparation- If you have planned to attempt CAT 2025, you have halfway won the battle. But now this half-part journey requires a lot of focus and dedication. Study with full concentration, don’t step back, keep moving. Try to make your first attempt, a success for you. CAT is not just a national-level examination, it is a big journey in itself and that requires your continuous efforts. Keep doing practice regularly for better results.
- Quick Notes on Table- Always make notes that can be revised quickly and quickly. The notes should be prepared with the mindset to be read again and again. And try to make notes on your own, as it imbibes deep in your memory. Make the most out of your notes by adding a few things like formulas, important vocabulary and many more. These notes will be helpful in the last few days before your final examination.
- Read questions twice- Many students make the mistake of reading questions wrong or misinterpreting them. This silly mistake in CAT is not permissible. It can only be eliminated if you practice the questions every day. Do not hurry while reading the question.
- Stress management- Stress is the factor that every CAT Aspirant has faced. It is normal to get stressed, but holding it for a longer time can harm your mental health and your performance in the examination. Here are some tips on how you can fight the CAT Examination Stress.
- Understand the exam and syllabus- The primary reason for the stress is the examination itself. And it can get better by knowing the CAT Syllabus and pattern. Once you get an idea about the pattern, make a strategy, and keep working on it. This can help you improve your mock scores and you will feel better too.
- Plan over Panic- Around 2 lakhs students take the CAT Exam every year and only 2-3% of students get selected out of these, hence the competition is indeed stressful. Make a plan and then start, without a plan, you can lose the battle, as this exam requires hard work along with smart work.
- Exercise Daily- Exercise every day for 15-20 minutes, be it yoga, stretching or even dancing. Exercise is a scientifically proven way of decreasing the stress level.
- Stay Hydrated- Keep yourself hydrated, be at home while giving mock or at the examination hall for the final CAT Exam.
- Do not get affected by Mock score- Mocks are done to spot the weak areas and work on them at the same time. Mocks help you get better, therefore do not mind the marks in mock examinations as the final day performance in the CAT exam will be the deciding factor.
- Keep yourself away from distractions- While you are preparing for something big, do not get disturbed by factors like social media, influencers, relatives, or any person. Your preparation is the only thing that can help you the most. Meditate while you feel distracted. Make a do-to list daily to avoid unnecessary stress and distraction.
- Use the Elimination technique- The elimination technique helps many students get the right answer. In this, you can eliminate the most unrelatable options from answers and later you can try to get the answer.
- Keep resources limited for revision- Students can study from limited resources and top the CAT Exam. Reading every study material available in the market will not waste your money, but time as well. Rather than reading many books and material, read a book multiple times, to get better with the concepts.
- Reading habit can ease preparation - While the exam tests overall aptitude skills, reading comprehension is a section that can be done smoothly, by regularly having a reading habit of a maximum of 20 mins. This helps students to get better scores in reading comprehension.
Mistakes to avoid in the last days of your CAT Examination
- Do not attempt any mock one day before your final exam, instead read your handwritten notes.
- Do not try to study anything new. Be confident that you have read and learned a lot and in the last day, focus just on revision.
- Avoid studying late at night one day before the CAT exam. Examination requires concentration and proper sleep.
- Refrain from hustling taking complete rest and eating properly.
How to overcome technical glitches
Since CAT is a computer-based examination, students sometimes face technical problems. However, such problems are not very common and are seen in fewer cases. In such a case, make sure to calm down and call the invigilator in the room.
The issues can be resolved with some help. Do not panic while you are in the examination hall, the staff appointed at the examination center is trained to help you out and you can trust them with any issue or concern.