top government jobs after mba
Home Online MBA Top Government Jobs for MBA Graduates In India for Fresher

Top Government Jobs for MBA Graduates In India for Fresher

Ishika Kumari Jan 14, 2025 1.2K Reads

UGC Notice

Many of you ask whether we are eligible for the government job after completion of the MBA. If you have completed an MBA and looking to enrol in government jobs then you have landed at the right place.There is a big myth that an MBA can only help you get private jobs and there is no scope for government jobs. But this is wrong.

After the completion of the MBA program in any discipline you can pursue a government job easily. In this blog, we will tell you about the government jobs that you can pursue after completing your MBA.

No matter whether you have pursued MBA in Online or in regular mode. You can apply fo these government jobs listed here. There are many modes of MBA. You are eligible for all type of government jobs after pursuing an online MBA as in a regular MBA.

The major difference between different modes of MBA is here below :

Online MBA  Distance MBA  Regular MBA 
In the Online mode of education, the students get complete flexibility.  In distance MBA the candidates get the flexibility to some extent.  In regular MBA, there is no such flexibility available. 
In Online MBA the candidates are not required to visit the university.  In this mode of education, the candidates are not required to visit the university daily. In regular MBA the candidates are required to visit the university daily. 
In Online MBA the candidates are not required to visit the university for assignment submission. All work will be done online.  In distance MBA the candidates are not required to visit the university daily but they must visit the university for assignment submission.  In regular MBA program, the candidates have to give assignments in physical mode. 
In Online MBA the candidates are required to give the online examinations on their portal at the system.  In distance MBA the candidates must visit the university to give examinations  In regular MBA the candidates must visit the university to give the examinations. 
The students get the e-learning resources. The teachers also give the students proper guidance in online mode.   In distance MBA the candidates get the books to study but there is no such teacher’s guidance.  In regular MBA the candidates also give get the complete guidance by the teachers.



Top Government Jobs After MBA 

You can pursue a government job after completion of your MBA. Students can pursue many examinations and related posts after an MBA.

There are many jobs in the centre and state that you can get after MBA completion. All MBA graduates from any discipline can enrol in government jobs after taking the entrance examination. Also Read | Career Options after MBA!

  • Banking 
  • Wealth Management 
  • Commerce 
  • Government Services
  • Taxation
  • Finance 
  • Education
  • Insurance 
  • Accounting

Top MBA Government Jobs In Centre and States

If you aspire to get a government job after MBA then there Here are the top Government are plenty of opportunities. Jobs that can be pursued after an MBA.

No matter which stream you are from, you can pursue these government jobs. Whether you are from an MBA in HR or and MBA in Finance, you can pursue these job roles. 

1) UPSC After MBA 

UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) is one of the most prestigious examinations. This examination is conducted for high posts like IAS, IPS, IRS and many more.

This is chosen by many Indian graduates. This examination is the toughest among all and challenges students mentally, emotionally and physically. The passing percentage of this examination is very competitive. Only some students get the victory in this examination.

Here are the salary expectations after pursuing this government job:

Job Role Salary (Base Pay)
Indian Foreign Service (IFS) INR 56,000 to INR 2,25,000
Indian Administrative Service (IAS) INR 56,000 to INR 2,50,000
Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS) INR 56,000 to INR 2,50,000
Indian Revenue Service (IRS) INR 1,87,000 to INR 4,69,000
Indian Police Service (IPS) INR 56,100 to INR 2,25,000

Examination pattern of the Civil Services Examination

Here is the examination pattern for the examinations:

Civils Exam Pattern – Prelims

Paper Type No. of questions UPSC Total Marks Duration Negative marks
General Studies I Objective 100 200 2 hours Yes
General Studies II (CSAT) Objective 80 200 2 hours Yes
Total UPSC marks for Prelims 400 (where GS Paper II is qualifying in nature with minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%)

Here is the examination pattern :

UPSC CSE Exam Pattern – Mains
Paper Subject Duration Total marks
Paper A Compulsory Indian language 3 hours 300
Paper B English 3 hours 300
Paper I Essay 3 hours 250
Paper II General Studies I 3 hours 250
Paper III General Studies II 3 hours 250
Paper IV General Studies III 3 hours 250
Paper V General Studies IV 3 hours 250
Paper VI Optional I 3 hours 250
Paper VII Optional II 3 hours 250

Syllabus of the UPSC CSE examination 

Here is the syllabus for the UPSC examination:

General Studies I General Studies II General Studies III General Studies IV
Indian Heritage and Culture Governance Technology Ethics
History and Geography of the World Constitution Economic Development Integrity
Society Polity Bio-diversity Aptitude
  Social Justice Environment  
International relations Security and Disaster Management

2) SSC CGL After MBA 

If you are a graduate and looking to pursue a government job then SSC CGL is also an amazing job role. In this field, you have to give entrance examinations. The eligibility criteria to enrol in the program is that you must be a graduate.

Here is the salary range after pursuing a job after SSC CGL:

Groups  Salary range 
Group A posts Rs. 56,100 to Rs. 1,77,500 per month. 
Group B posts Rs. 35,400 to Rs. 1,12,400 per month. 
Group C posts Rs. 25,500 to Rs. 81,100 per month.
Group D posts Rs. 19,900 to Rs. 63,200 per month.

Examination Pattern of the SSC CGL Examination. 

Here is the examination pattern of the SSC CGL examination:

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Pattern 2025
S.No. Sections No. of Questions Total Marks Time Allotted
1 General Intelligence and Reasoning 25 50 A cumulative time of 60 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
3 General Awareness 25 50
4 English Comprehension 25 50
Total   100 200  

Here is the examination pattern :

SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Pattern 2025
Papers Time Allotted
Paper I: (Compulsory for all posts) 2 hours 30 minutes
Paper II: Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) and Statistical Investigator Gr. II 2 hours
Paper III: Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer 2 hours

Syllabus of SSC CGL examination pattern

SSC CGL Tier-I Syllabus- Quantitative Aptitude:

Computation of whole numbers Heights and Distances
Decimals Histogram
Fractions Frequency polygon
Relationships between numbers Bar diagram & Pie chart
Profit and Loss Hemispheres
Discount Rectangular Parallelepiped
Partnership Business Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base
Mixture and Alligation Trigonometric ratio
Time and distance Degree and Radian Measures
Time & Work Standard Identities
Percentage Complementary angles
Ratio & Proportion Congruence and similarity of triangles
Square roots Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles
Averages Triangle
Interest Quadrilaterals
Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds Regular Polygons
Graphs of Linear Equations Right Prism
Triangle and its various kinds of centres Right Circular Cone
Sphere Right Circular Cylinder

Here is the syllabus for SSC CGL Tier-I :

SSC CGL Tier-I Syllabus- General Intelligence and Reasoning 
Blood Relations Analogies
Decision making Similarities and differences
Visual memory Space visualization
Discrimination Spatial orientation
Observation Problem-solving
Relationship concepts Coding and decoding
Arithmetical reasoning Statement conclusion
Figural classification Syllogistic reasoning
Arithmetic number series Non-verbal series

Here is the syllabus for SSC CGL Tier-I :

SSC CGL Tier-I Syllabus- English Language
Idioms and Phrases Reading Comprehension
One word Substitution Synonyms-Antonyms
Sentence Correction Active Passive
Error Spotting Sentence Rearrangement
Fill in the Blanks Sentence Improvement
Spellings Correction Cloze test

Here is the syllabus for General Awareness Syllabus:

General Awareness Syllabus

  • India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific Research
  • Important Schemes
  • Science
  • Important Days
  • Current Affairs
  • Portfolio
  • Books and Authors
  • People in News
  • Sports
  • Static GK

3) SSC CHSL After MBA 

Another popular SSc examination is SSC CHSL which is Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher secondary level examination.

This examination happens in two tier. If you are an MBA graduate you can pursue the SSC ChSL examination.

Here is the salary range after pursuing an SSC CHSL government job:

SSC CHSL government job
SSC CHSL Posts SSC CHSL Pay Scales
Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC) Rs. 19,900 – 63,200/-
Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA) Rs. 19,900 – 63,200/-
Postal Assistant (PA) Rs. 25,500 – 81,100/-
Sorting Assistant (SA) Rs. 25,500 – 81,100/-
Data Entry Operator (DEO): Pay Level-4 Rs. 25,500 – 81,100/-
Data Entry Operator (DEO): Pay Level-5 Rs. 29,200 – 92,300/-
DEO (Grade A) Rs. 25,500 – 81,100/-

SSC CHSL examination Pattern

Here is the examination Pattern of the SSC CHSL:

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam Pattern 2025
Section Subject No of Questions Max Marks
1 General Intelligence 25 50
2 Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) 25 50
3 General Awareness 25 50
4 English Language (Basic Knowledge) 25 50
Total   100 200

Here is the examination Pattern of the SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam Pattern 2025:

SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam Pattern 2025
Session Section Subject No. of Questions Marks Time
Session I (2 hours and 15 minutes) Section 1 Mathematical Abilities 30 180 1 hour
  Reasoning and General Intelligence 30    
  Section 2 English Language and Comprehension 40 180 1 hour
  General Awareness 20    
  Section 3 Computer Knowledge Module 15 45 15 minutes
Session-II Section 1

Skill Test/ Typing Test Module-

Part A- Skill Test for DEOs

Part B: Typing Test for LDC/ JSA


Syllabus of SSC CHSL Examination 

Here is the syllabus for the SSC CHSL examination:

SSC CHSL examination

Blood Relations


Idioms and Phrases

Decision making

Similarities and differences

One word Substitution

Visual memory

Space visualization

Sentence Correction


Spatial orientation

Error Spotting



Fill in the Blanks

Relationship concepts

Coding and decoding

Spellings Correction

Arithmetical reasoning

Statement conclusion

Figural classification

Reading Comprehension

India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific Research

Important Schemes



Important Days

Active Passive

Current Affairs


Sentence Rearrangement

Books and Authors

People in News

Sentence Improvement


Static GK

Cloze test

Arithmetic number series

Non-verbal series

Syllogistic reasoning


Time & Work

Computation of whole numbers

Rectangular Parallelepiped

Standard Identities

Heights and Distances

Partnership Business



Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base

Complementary angles


Mixture and Alligation

Ratio & Proportion


Trigonometric ratio

Congruence and similarity of triangles

Frequency polygon

Time and distance

Square roots

Relationships between numbers

Degree and Radian Measures

Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles

Bar diagram & Pie chart

Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds


Profit and Loss

Regular Polygons



Graphs of Linear Equations


Triangle and its various kinds of centres

Right Prism


Right Circular Cone


Right Circular Cylinder

4) SBI PO examination After MBA 

SBI PO examination is conducted by SBI to select the students for the Probationary Officer posts in various branches of SBI.

SBI PO is one of the most prestigious jobs in India. And every year lakhs of students take the examination for the SBI PO position. 

Here is the salary range of the PO:

Starting Salary of Probationary Officer INR 41,960 per annum

Examination pattern of SBI PO

Here is the examination pattern of SBI PO:

SBI PO 2025 Prelims Exam Pattern
S.No. Name of Tests(Objective) No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 Minutes
2 Numerical Ability 35 35 20 Minutes
3 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 Minutes
Total 100 100 1 Hour  

Syllabus of SBI PO

Here is the Syllabus of SBI PO:

SSC CHSL examination
Blood Relations Analogies Idioms and Phrases
Decision making Similarities and differences One word Substitution
Visual memory Space visualization Sentence Correction
Discrimination Spatial orientation Error Spotting
Observation Problem-solving Fill in the Blanks
Relationship concepts Coding and decoding Spellings Correction
Arithmetical reasoning Statement conclusion Figural classification
Reading Comprehension India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific Research Important Schemes
Synonyms-Antonyms Science Important Days
Active Passive Current Affairs Portfolio
Sentence Rearrangement Books and Authors People in News
Sentence Improvement Sports Static GK
Cloze test Arithmetic number series Non-verbal series
Syllogistic reasoning Discount Time & Work
Computation of whole numbers Rectangular Parallelepiped Standard Identities
Heights and Distances Partnership Business Percentage
Decimals Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base Complementary angles
Histogram Mixture and Alligation Ratio & Proportion
Fractions Trigonometric ratio Congruence and similarity of triangles
Frequency polygon Time and distance Square roots
Relationships between numbers Degree and Radian Measures Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles
Bar diagram & Pie chart Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds Averages
Profit and Loss Regular Polygons Triangle
Hemispheres Graphs of Linear Equations Interest
Triangle and its various kinds of centres Right Prism Quadrilaterals
Right Circular Cone Sphere Right Circular Cylinder

Here is the Syllabus of SBI PO 2025 Prelims Syllabus:

SBI PO 2025 Prelims Syllabus
English Syllabus Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus Reasoning Syllabus
Fill in the blanks Profit & Loss Directions
Reading Comprehension Simplification/ Approximation Alphanumeric Series
Cloze Test Mixtures & Alligations Logical Reasoning
Vocabulary Work & Time Ranking & Order
Para jumbles Permutation, Combination & Probability Data Sufficiency
Paragraph Completion Sequence & Series Alphabet Test
Sentence Completion Surds & Indices Coded Inequalities
Multiple Meaning /Error Spotting Simple Interest & Compound Interest Seating Arrangement
Tenses Rules Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere Puzzle
  Percentage Tabulation
Data Interpretation Blood Relations
Number Systems Input-Output
Time & Distance Syllogism
Ratio & Proportion Coding-Decoding

5) SBI Clerks After MBA 

After MBA completion, if you are looking to get a clerical job you can take the SBI Clerk entrance examination. This examination is opted for by many students who are looking to take a government job after graduation.

Here is the salary after taking job as an SBI Clerk:

SBI Clerk In-Hand Salary Rs 29,000-Rs 30,000 per month

Entrance examination pattern of SBI Clerk 

Here is the SBI Clerk Entrance examination pattern:

SBI  clerk Phase 1 Examination pattern 
Serial No.   Section No. of Question Total Marks Duration
1   English Language 30 30 20 minutes
2   Reasoning 35 35 20 minutes
3   Numerical Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

Here is the SBI Clerk Phase 2 examination- Mains :

SBI Clerk Phase 2 examination- Mains 
Serial Number Section No. of Question Total Marks Duration
1 General English 40 40 35 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 minutes
3 Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude 50 60 45 minutes
4 General/Financial Awareness 50 50 35 minutes
Total 190 200  

Syllabus of the entrance examination of SBI Clerk 

Here is the syllabus of the entrance examination of the SBI Clerk :

Entrance Examination of SBI Clerk 

Reasoning Syllabus

Numerical Ability Syllabus

English Language Syllabus

Alphanumeric Series

Profit & Loss

Cloze Test

Logical Reasoning


Reading Comprehension

Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test

Mixtures & Alligations

Para jumbles

Coded Inequalities

Work & Time

Fill in the blanks

Data Sufficiency

Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices


Seating Arrangement

Time & Distance

Multiple Meaning /Error Spotting

Coding Decoding

Permutation, Combination &Probability



Data Interpretation

Paragraph Completion


Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere


Ratio & Proportion, Percentage

Input Output

Sequence & Series

Blood Relations

Number Systems

6) RBI Grade B Officer After MBA

After the completion of an MBA, you can land in the one of most prestigious Indian institutions that is RBI. Many students appear for the examination, every year.

RBi conducts grade B examinations for various departments such as the monetary policy department, the banking regulations department, and also the economic policy research department.

Here is the salary range for the job posts:

Job Role Salary
RBI Grade B Officer INR 1,08,404

Entrance examination pattern for the RBI Grade B officer 

Here is the examination pattern for the RBI grade B officer:

RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Pattern 2025
S No. Section Asked No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 General Awareness 80 80 25 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 30 30 25 minutes
3 English Language 30 30 25 minutes
4 Reasoning 60 60 45 minutes
Total 200 200 120 minutes  

Syllabus for the RBI Grade B officer examination

Here is the syllabus for the RBI Grade B examination:

RBI Grade B Phase 1 Syllabus for DR (General)
Reasoning Quantitative Ability English Language General Awareness
Logical Reasoning Simplification Reading Comprehension Current Affairs
Alphanumeric Series Profit & Loss Cloze Test Indian Financial Systems
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test Mixtures &Alligations Para jumbles Indian Banking Systems
Data Sufficiency Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices Miscellaneous Monetary Plans
Coded Inequalities Work & Time Fill in the blanks National Institutions
Seating Arrangement Time & Distance Multiple Meaning /Error Spotting Banking Terms
Puzzle Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere Paragraph Completion  
Tabulation Data Interpretation  
Syllogism Ratio & Proportion, Percentage
Blood Relations Number Systems
Input Output Sequence & Series
Coding Decoding Permutation, Combination &Probability


After the completion of an MBA, many students opt to take the IBPS examination. Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducts this examination for the post of IBPS PO. After clearing the examination, the candidate gets a government job in India. 

Here is the salary range for IBPS PO: 

IBPS Bank PO Salary Structure in India
Basic Pay Rs. 36,000
Special Allowance Rs. 5,904
Dearness Allowance Rs. 8,593.20
CCA Rs. 1,400
Learning Allowance Rs. 600
DA Others Rs. 1,552.50
Housing Rent Allowance Rs. 3,240
Gross Salary Rs. 57,289.70
Deduction (Tax & NPS) Rs. 4,659.32
Net Salary Rs. 52,630.38

Examination Pattern of IBPS PO Entrance 

Here is the examination pattern of IBPS PO:

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2025
S.No. Name of Tests(Objective No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 minutes
2 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
3 Numerical Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total   100 100 60 minutes

Here is the examination pattern of IBPS PO Mains Exam Pattern 2025:

IBPS PO Mains Exam Pattern 2025
S. No. Name of test No. of Questions Max. Marks Medium of Examination Time Allotted
1 Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 45 60 English & Hindi 60 minutes
2 Data Analysis and Interpretation 35 60 English & Hindi 45 minutes
3 English Language 35 40 English only 40 minutes
4 General, Economy/Banking Awareness 40 40 English & Hindi 35 minutes
Total 155 200   180 minutes
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)   2 25 English 30 minutes
Total 25    

Syllabus of IBPS PO examination

Here is the syllabus for IBPS PO examination:

Reasoning Syllabus Numerical Ability Syllabus English Language Syllabus
Alphanumeric Series Profit & Loss Cloze Test
Logical Reasoning Simplification Reading Comprehension
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test Mixtures & Alligations Para jumbles
Coded Inequalities Work & Time Fill in the blanks
Data Sufficiency Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices Miscellaneous
Seating Arrangement Time & Distance Multiple Meaning /Error Spotting
Coding Decoding Permutation, Combination &Probability  
Tabulation Data Interpretation Paragraph Completion
Puzzle Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
Syllogism Ratio & Proportion, Percentage
Input Output Sequence & Series
Blood Relations Number Systems

8) IBPS Clerk 

The next government job enlisted is IBPS Clerk examination. This examination is also conducted by IBPS for the clerical posts. This examination is also a highly competitive examination that is opted for by many MBA graduates.

Here is the salary range of IBPS Clerk :

IBPS Clerk Salary Structure 2025
Basic Pay in India Rs. 19,900/-
House Rent Allowance Rs. 2,039/-
Special Allowance Rs. 4,118/-
CCA Rs. 0/-
Dearness Allowance Rs. 5,209/-
Deduction (Union Fee, NPS Fund) Rs. 2,571/-
Gross Pay Rs. 32,023/-
Traveling Allowance Rs. 757/-
Salary In-hand Rs. 29,452/-

Examination Pattern of IBPS Clerk 

Here is the Examination Pattern of IBPS Clerk:

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 2025
S.No. Name of Tests(Objective) No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 minutes
2 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
3 Numerical Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total   100 100 1 Hour

Here is the Examination Pattern of IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Pattern 2025:

IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Pattern 2025
S.No. Name of Tests (Objective) No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 50 60 45 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 minutes
3 English Language 40 40 35 minutes
4 General/ Financial Awareness 50 50 35 minutes
Total   190 200 160 minutes

Syllabus For IBPS Clerk 

Here is the syllabus for IBPS Clerk :

Syllabus For IBPS Clerk

Reasoning Syllabus

Numerical Ability Syllabus

English Language Syllabus

Alphanumeric Series

Profit & Loss

Cloze Test

Logical Reasoning


Reading Comprehension

Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test

Mixtures & Alligations

Para jumbles

Coded Inequalities

Work & Time

Fill in the blanks

Data Sufficiency

Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices


Seating Arrangement

Time & Distance

Multiple Meaning /Error Spotting

Coding Decoding

Permutation, Combination &Probability



Data Interpretation

Paragraph Completion


Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere


Ratio & Proportion, Percentage

Input Output

Sequence & Series

Blood Relations

Number Systems

9) Central Excise and Customs Inspectors(C & CE )

This central excise and customs department looks after collecting indirect taxes and implementing customs laws. The C & CE examination is conducted to hire the inspectors.

The candidate must have a bachelor's degree to take this examination. The age limit for the job posts is 21 years to 30 years. Here is the salary for the customs inspector. 

Job Profile  Salary 
Customs Inspector INR 9.1 LPA

Examination Pattern of the Central Excise and Customs Inspectors:

Subject Total Questions Total Marks
General Intelligence & Reasoning 25 50
General Awareness 25 50
Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
English Language 25 50
Total 100 200

Syllabus for the Examination. 

Here is the syllabus for the Central Excise and Customs Inspectors:

Syllabus for the Examination

Blood Relations


Idioms and Phrases

Decision making

Similarities and differences

One word Substitution

Visual memory

Space visualization

Sentence Correction


Spatial orientation

Error Spotting



Fill in the Blanks

Relationship concepts

Coding and decoding

Spellings Correction

Arithmetical reasoning

Statement conclusion

Figural classification

Reading Comprehension

India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific Research

Important Schemes



Important Days

Active Passive

Current Affairs


Sentence Rearrangement

Books and Authors

People in News

Sentence Improvement


Static GK

Cloze test

Arithmetic number series

Non-verbal series

Syllogistic reasoning


Time & Work

Computation of whole numbers

Rectangular Parallelepiped

Standard Identities

Heights and Distances

Partnership Business



Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base

Complementary angles


Mixture and Alligation

Ratio & Proportion


Trigonometric ratio

Congruence and similarity of triangles

Frequency polygon

Time and distance

Square roots

Relationships between numbers

Degree and Radian Measures

Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles

Bar diagram & Pie chart

Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds


Profit and Loss

Regular Polygons



Graphs of Linear Equations


Triangle and its various kinds of centres

Right Prism


Right Circular Cone


Right Circular Cylinder

10)RRB Examination

There are so many vacancies released every year in IRMS through the RRB Examination. This is one of the most prestigious examinations that is taken by lakhs of students every year.

Here is the salary for RRB NTPC:

RRB NTPC Salary 2025 Salary Structure
Particulars Salary Details
Basic Pay Rs. 19,000
Dearness Allowance (DA) 38% of Basic pay (Rs. 7220)
HRA (Depending on the Place or City) 27% of Basic pay (Rs. 5130)
Grade Pay Rs. 2,800
Travel Allowance Rs. 2,016
Total Pay Rs. 36,146

Examination pattern for RRB Examination 

Here is the examination pattern of RRB NTPS:

Sections No. of Questions Total Marks
Mathematics 30 30
General Intelligence and Reasoning 30 30
General Awareness 40 40
Total 100 100

RRB NTPC Tier 2 examination pattern:

Sections No. of Questions Total Marks
Mathematics 35 35
General Intelligence and Reasoning 35 35
General Awareness 50 50
Total 120 120

Here is the examination syllabus of RRB NTPC :

Examination Syllabus Of RRB NTPC

Decision making

Similarities and differences

One word Substitution

Blood Relations


Idioms and Phrases


Spatial orientation

Error Spotting

Visual memory

Space visualization

Sentence Correction



Fill in the Blanks

Arithmetical reasoning

Statement conclusion

Figural classification

Relationship concepts

Coding and decoding

Spellings Correction



Important Days

Reading Comprehension

India and its neighbouring countries 

Important Schemes

Active Passive

Current Affairs


Sentence Improvement


Static GK

Sentence Rearrangement

Books and Authors

People in News

Cloze test

Arithmetic number series

Non-verbal series


Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base

Complementary angles

Computation of whole numbers

Rectangular Parallelepiped

Standard Identities

Syllogistic reasoning


Time & Work

Heights and Distances

Partnership Business



Trigonometric ratio

Congruence and similarity of triangles


Mixture and Alligation

Ratio & Proportion

Frequency polygon

Time and distance

Square roots

Bar diagram & Pie chart

Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds


Relationships between numbers

Degree and Radian Measures

Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles

Profit and Loss

Regular Polygons



Graphs of Linear Equations


Triangle and its various kinds of centres

Right Prism


Right Circular Cone


Right Circular Cylinder


This UPSC CDS examination is conducted two times a year by the Union Public Service Commission. This Exam is conducted to hire students for the Indian Military Academy, Indian Air Force, and Indian Naval Academy.

All MBA graduates can enrol in this examination for various posts:

Job Profile  Salary Range 
UPSC CDS  INR 39,000- INR 90,000

Examination pattern for UPSC CDS is here below:

Subject Duration (In hours) Maximum Marks
English 2 100
Elementary Mathematics 2 100
General Knowledge 2 100

Examination pattern:

Subject Duration (In hours) Maximum Marks
English 2 100
General Knowledge 2 100

Syllabus for UPSC CDS Examination

Decision making Similarities and differences One word Substitution
Observation Problem-solving Fill in the Blanks
Visual memory Space visualization Sentence Correction
Blood Relations Analogies Idioms and Phrases
Arithmetical reasoning Statement conclusion Figural classification
Discrimination Spatial orientation Error Spotting
Synonyms-Antonyms Science Important Days
Relationship concepts Coding and decoding Spellings Correction
Active Passive Current Affairs Portfolio
Sentence Improvement Sports Static GK
Reading Comprehension India and its neighbouring countries  Important Schemes
Sentence Rearrangement Books and Authors People in News
Decimals Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base Complementary angles
Cloze test Arithmetic number series Non-verbal series
Syllogistic reasoning Discount Time & Work
Computation of whole numbers Rectangular Parallelepiped Standard Identities
Histogram Mixture and Alligation Ratio & Proportion
Fractions Trigonometric ratio Congruence and similarity of triangles
Heights and Distances Partnership Business Percentage
Bar diagram & Pie chart Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds Averages
Frequency polygon Time and distance Square roots
Profit and Loss Regular Polygons Triangle
Relationships between numbers Degree and Radian Measures Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles
Hemispheres Graphs of Linear Equations Interest
Right Circular Cone Sphere Right Circular Cylinder
Triangle and its various kinds of centres Right Prism Quadrilaterals

Other Government Jobs and examinations associated with them are:

Here are other Government job opportunities after MBA are :

Post Name Examination 
  • Accounts Clerk
  • UPPCL Accounts Clerk
  • Chief Investment Officer
  • Investment Manager
  • Business representative 
  • Assistant Investment Manager
  • Account Assistant 
  • NFL Assistant Accountant
  • Group C(Junior Engineer, Electrician, Operator and health inspector)
  • KPSC Group C
  • Junior Assistant 
  • TANGEDCO Junior Assistant
  • Junior Assistant 
  • PGVCL Junior Assistant
  • Forest Ranger
  • Assam Forest Ranger
  • Assistant Accounts Officer Grade 2 
  • RIICO Assistant Accounts Officer Grade 2 

Top MBA Jobs: Specialization Wise

There are various job and career opportunities that you can grab in government jobs but in the private sector too. The students can try their luck in government jobs but always remember that there are enormous job opportunities even in the private sector.

Here are the MBA Jobs specialisations-wise:

Specialization Average Salary Salary Range
MBA in Marketing INR 7,82,000 INR 7L-25L
MBA in Digital Marketing INR 5,50,000 INR 5L-25L
MBA in Finance INR 7,30,000 INR 7L- 22L
MBA in Business Analytics INR 5,40,000 INR 5L-18L
MBA in HR INR 5,20,000 INR 5L – 8L
MBA in Entrepreneurship INR 5,50,000 INR 5L-20L
MBA in IT INR 5,77,000 INR 5L-12L
MBA in Healthcare INR 6,00,000 INR 5L-12L
MBA in Operations INR 7,60,000 INR 5L-10L
MBA in Event Management INR 6,00,000 INR 2L-18L

MBA: Top Recruiters

If you want to take the job opportunity in the private sector there are multiple options. The top companies offer amazing job packages to students:

MBA Recruiters Average Salary
BCG INR 9,91,846 - INR 53,21,924
Larsen & Toubro INR 3,88,598-INR 4,18,827
Deloitte INR 22.5 to INR 28.8
Avendus INR 24,90,000
ITC INR 9,10,000
Citibank INR 27,00,000 to INR 34,50,000
Mahindra INR 1,60,000 to INR 2,10,000
Vodafone INR 10,40,000
Samsung INR 2,90,000 to INR 3,70,000
Reliance INR 1,90,000 to INR 2,50,000
JP Morgan Chase & Co. INR 27,30,000
McKinsey & Company INR 32,60,000
Nestle INR 25,80,000
EXL INR 6,80,000
ICICI Bank INR 15,30,000 to INR 19,60,000
Credit Suisse INR 20,20,000
HSBC INR11,83,878-INR12,79,854
Saint Gobain INR 7,20,000
Asian Paints INR 8,10,000
Microland INR 7,70,000
Flipkart INR12,28,072-INR13,35,651
GAR INR 4,00,000 to INR 32,00,000
Cipla INR 4,80,000
Aditya Birla Group INR5,78,644
Tata INR 45,00,000 to INR 57,50,000
Accenture INR 1,80,000 to INR 2,40,000
PWC INR 20,40,000
Pidlite INR 19,50,000
Philips INR 16,00,0000

Preparation Tips and Tricks for government job After MBA 

If you want to take up a government job after completing the MBA, you must take the entrance examination.  Entrance examinations are not easy.

Every year lakhs of students appear for these entrance examinations. But with the right strategy and guidance, you can get a government job by qualifying for the examination.

Here are the top strategies that you can use to crack the entrance examination for government jobs:

  • Practice the mock papers: If you want to do a government job, you can get in by taking the entrance examination. The candidate must practice the mock tests thoroughly. 
  • PYQ revision: Previous year papers are a must to practice when it comes to cracking a competitive examination. The candidates are required to practice all the previous year's papers thoroughly. 
  • Short tricks: Try to make your short tricks while solving the examination. These short tricks can help you solve many problems quickly. 
  • Hand-made notes: You can also make your self-made notes. These notes can help you in many ways. The revision will be fun and easy with your hand notes. 
  • Practice daily: Practising daily is the only way to crack the examination. This is because practice will make you more capable and your concepts will get more stronger. 
  • Give time to correction: Right after you do your mock and sample papers make sure you give time to do the correction. This is essential to do corrections as you can see your mistakes.

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There are many government entrance examinations that you can take to get the job. You can get the job after preparing for the examination. Many central and state government jobs are released every year for students and lakhs of students apply for them. The students after MBA or any other graduate and postgraduate degree can get the government job. The candidate can also take the entrance examination after pursuing an Online MBA degree or distance MBA degree.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Yes, after completion of the MBA, you can get numerous government jobs. All you have to do is take the entrance examination. 

MBA specialisation in finance and economics can get you the government job faster. 

The Top 10 Government Jobs for MBA Graduates in finance are:

  • Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Grade B Officer.
  • Indian Railways Management Service (IRMS)
  • Indian Economic Service (IES)
  • SSC CGL.
  • Probationary Officer.
  • Quality Assurance Manager.
  • Central Excise and Customs Inspector (C&CE)
  • Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Grade A Officer.

High-paying Jobs with an MBA:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Human resources manager
  • Financial analyst
  • Logistics manager
  • Business operations manager
  • Purchasing manager
  • Operation analyst
  • Investment banker


After an MBA in HR, there are various job and career opportunities in central government jobs. UPSC, SSC CHSL, SSC CGL and many more bank and insurance papers are there that can help you get the government job. 

After an MBA in HR, there are various jobs and career opportunities in the government sector.


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