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Calculate Your Age Todya from Birth Date - Age Calculator

Calculate Your Age Today from Birth Date - Age Calculator

Calculate Your Age
Your Age:
What is an Age Calculator?

An age calculator, in the simplest words, is a tool that calculates your exact age in terms of the number of years, months and days. This tool helps you know your exact age on any given day based on the western system of age calculation, i.e. counting the years of age from one birthday to another.

How to Calculate Age?

Well, while there are many ways of calculating age based on what culture you belong from, the standard age calculation is done in terms of the Western style of age calculation.

How to calculate age based on the Western system of age calculation

The idea behind age calculation in this system is very simple- calculate your chronological age from your one birthday to next, and that makes up one year.

For example, a person born on 4 August 2022 will be one year old on 4 August 2023. Similarly, someone born on 16 January 2002 will be one year old on 16 January 2003. As of today (i.e. 23 October 2022), they will be 20 years, 8 months and 15 days old.

An easy trick is to subtract your date of birth from today‘s date.

For example, if you are date of birth is 17 February 2001, you can calculate your age as:
Date Today202209 (September)23
Date Of Birth200102 (February)17
Your Age21 Years7 Months6 days

In case your birthday cannot be directly subtracted from today‘s date, then the calculation is slightly different. For example if your date of birth is on 27 September 2001, then you can calculate your age as follows:

Date Today202209 (September)23
Date Of Birth200109 (September)26
Net21 Years0 Months-3 days
How to Calculate21 Years-1 Year12 Months-(0+1) Month=12 Months-1 Month30 days -3 days
Your Actual Age20 Years11 Months27 days

The -3 in the date indicates that you are 3 days younger than 21 years, or in other words, you are 20 years 11 months 27 days old.

Similarly, if you were born on 15 November 2022, then you age as of today will be:
Date Today202211 (September)23
Date Of Birth200111 (November)15
Net21 Years-2 Months8 days
How to Calculate21 Years-1 Year12 Months - 2 Month8 days
Your Actual Age20 Years10 Months8 days
If your date of birth is 26 November 2001, then your age will be calculated as:
Date Today202009 (September)23
Date Of Birth200109 (September)26
Net21 Years0 Months-3 days
How to Calculate21 Years-1 Year12 Months-(0+1) Month=12 Months-1 Month30 days -3 days
Your Actual Age20 Years11 Months27 days

In the same manner, if you wish to calculate your age as of a particular date other than the date of that day, then you can do it as follows:

Date Till Which Age is to be Calculated202209 (September)28
Date Of Birth200109 (February)17
Your Age21 Years07 Months11 days

So your age as of 28 September 2022 will be 21 years, 7 months and 11 days.

Calculating Age in Days

The calculation of your age in terms of total number of days is also very simple. You just have to convert all the years and the months into days and add them together.

To calculate the same, you need to remember two simple calculations:
  • 1 Year= 365 Days
  • 1 Month= 30 Months

So, to calculate your age in total number of days, convert your age to total days. For instance if you are 21 years 3 months and 5 days old, then your age in total number of days will be calculated as follows:

(21 x 365) + (3 x 30) + 5

= 7665 + 90 + 5

= 7760 days

Similarly, if you are 16 years, 9 months and 12 days old, then your age in days will be:

(16 x 365) + (9 x 30) + 12

=5840 + 270 + 12

=6122 days

The Longest Confusion: Running Age or Completed Age?

This is one of the most common confusions people face while calculating their age-whether age is calculated in running age or completed age?

But before answering that question, you need to understand what is running age and what do we mean by completed age.

Completed age refers to your age in terms of the complete years from your birthday. Running age on the other hand refers to your age in terms of the current year of life.

So for example your date of birth was 8 August 2002, then your exact age will be 20 years 1 month and 17 days. Your completed age will be 20 years. But your running age will be 21 years since you have already completed 20 years of life and are now in the 21st year of your life.

Which One is the Correct Way: Completed Age or Running Age?

There is no single answer to this question. Simply, some people prefer to use their running age in informal conversations and exchanges while others prefer their completed age. So when a person mentions their age being ’x‘ years it can refer to either their completed or running age

In formal exchanges, the most accurate measure is to state your exact age in terms of years, months and days as of a particular day.

How Many Days Until a Birthday?

If you are trying to calculate the number of days till your next birthday, you can simply subtract the date (today) from your coming birthday.

For example if you were born on 23 November 2000 and today is 23 September 2022, then you can calculate your birthday as follows:

Coming Birthday202211 (November)23
Date Today200109 (September)23
Your Age0 Years02 Months0 days

This means there are 2 months left for your birthday!

Format of the Date

There are various patterns of writing the date and it can be confusing to some of those who are not aware of it.

  • The American pattern of writing the date is MM/DD/YYYY.
  • The British pattern of writing the date starts from the day, then the month and lastly the year, i.e. DD/MM/YYYY.
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FAQs on The Age Calculator

An age calculator works by finding your age in terms of the exact number of years, months and days that you have completed since your birth till the date being calculated. Age calculators mostly follow the western system of age calculation, i.e. from one birthday to the next.

You calculate your completed age in terms of the full years you have completed since your date of birth. So, if a person was born on 28 January 2001 then their completed age as of 23 September 2022 will be 21 years.

In informal conversations and interactions, it is alright to use either completed age or running age. But in the case of formal interactions the most accurate measure is to state your full age in terms of the years, months and days completed from date of birth to a particular date.

It does not make much difference as to whether you are calculating your age in terms of DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY format because in either case, it is your date of birth that is of importance and used for calculating your age. While writing your age, it is written in the format- number of years, number of months and lastly the number of days.

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