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Decimal to Fraction Calculator [Convert Decimal to Fraction]

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How to Convert Decimal to Fraction

A number containing a decimal point must be changed into a fraction form to convert a decimal to a fraction. You must first determine the decimal and whole number portions to accomplish this. After that, you take the decimal portion and multiply it by ten to get a fraction, where the denominator has the same number of zeros as there are decimal points. Finally, if at all feasible, locate the largest common factor between the numerator and denominator to simplify the resultant fraction. By using this method, a decimal number can be expressed as a simplified fraction, giving the same numerical value a different visual representation.

What is a Decimal?

Decimals are used to express fractions of whole numbers or complete units. A decimal point, which indicates the division, is placed between the full number and the fractional portion when expressing a decimal number. The decimal point, which is located exactly to the right of the unit's location and indicates the importance of each position, is an essential component.

What is a Fraction?

Parts of whole numbers are represented mathematically by fractions. Think about splitting a whole cake equally between two people, for instance. After that, each individual would receive 1/2 of the cake, or in other words, one-half of the cake.

What is the formula for converting a Decimals to a Fraction?

There is no such formula for formula for converting Decimals to Fractions, individuals need to simply the decimal digit into the simplest form of a fraction.

For example:

Convert 1.02 decimal into a fraction

1.02 = 102/100


How to convert Decimals to Fractions?

Here's an example of how to convert 5.5 to a fraction to show how it's done. Use these procedures to convert a decimal to a fraction

  • To start, split the decimal into two parts: the fractional component (".5") on the right and the complete number ("5") on the left of the decimal point.
  • There are two components to the decimal 5.5: "5" (whole units) and ".5" (fractional portion). Determine the fractional part's decimal place count and turn it into a fraction with a denominator of 1 and the decimal place equivalent in zeros.
  • Since there is just one decimal point in this instance, the denominator is 10. As a result, we may write 0.5 as 5/10 and 5.5 as 55/10.
  • Lastly, divide the fraction by the largest common factor between the denominator and the numerator to simplify it:

    5/10 = 1/5 2/5 = 11/2

  • Therefore, the decimal 5.5 can be written as the fraction 11/2.
Conversion Table of Decimal to Fractions

Here is the conversion table for Decimal to Fractions for some regular and simple mathematical calculations:

How to use the Decimal-to-Fractions calculator?

To convert the decimal into fractions, individuals can use the calculator, and here are some steps that can help in the procedure of the calculator.

Step 1: Enter the decimal digit want to be converted into fractions.

Step 2: Then select the 'Calculate' or 'Convert' button and click it.

Step 3: After completing the calculation, the calculator will display the converted value in fractions.

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calculator breaks down decimals into whole and fractional pieces to transform them into fractions.

The calculator can effectively convert decimals that terminate or repeat into fractions.

When turning a decimal component into a fraction, knowing the decimal places aids in choosing the right denominator.

The calculator simplifies the fraction by determining its largest common factor and giving it to you.

The calculator can handle decimals that have any number of digits preceding the decimal point.

The calculator does convert negative decimals into fractions with accuracy and sign integrity.

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