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Volume of Cuboid Calculator [Convert Volume of Cuboid]
Volume of Cuboid Calculator
What is the volume of the cuboid?

The volume of a cuboid represents the entire space it occupies in three-dimensional surroundings. A cuboid is a 3D shape with six rectangular faces. These faces come in pairs of three, aligned parallel to each other. The volume is determined by the dimensions of these faces: length, width, and height. It's measured in cubic units.

On the other hand, the surface area of a cuboid is the sum of the areas of all its rectangular faces, capturing the total space those faces cover.

The unit for cuboid volume is (unit)3. In the metric system, volume is measured in cubic meters or cubic centimeters, while in the United States Customary System (USCS), it's measured in cubic inches or cubic feet. The volume of a cuboid is directly related to its length, breadth, and height. Changing any of these dimensions alters the overall volume of the shape.

How to Use the Volume of Cuboid Calculator?

You just need to follow the simple steps given below for easy conversions.

Step 1- Enter the measurement in L, B, and H, for example, "No" in the provided area.

Step 2- Click the "Submit" button to initiate the conversion process.

Step 3- Once the conversion is complete, the converted numbers will be displayed in a new window.

What is length, Breadth, and Height?

Length: Length is how long something is, measuring the distance between two points. It's the longest dimension of an object, expressed in units like meters, centimeters, or inches.

Breadth: Breadth is the shorter distance of an object, indicating how broad or wide it is. Like length, it's also measured in units such as meters, centimeters, or inches.

Height or Depth: Height, also known as depth, is the third dimension of an object, showing how high or deep it is. This is measured vertically and expressed in linear units like meters, centimeters, or inches

What is the formula for Calculating the Volume of a Cuboid?

The volume of a cuboid is the space it takes up in three-dimensional surroundings. This volume depends on its three dimensions: length, breadth, and height. In a rectangular cuboid, all angles and opposite faces meet at right angles.

To find the volume of a cuboid, you multiply its base area by its height. The formula for the volume (V) is given as V = l x b x h, where l is the length, b is the breadth, and h is the height. So, in simpler terms, the volume of a cuboid is like the total area of a rectangular piece of paper (base area) multiplied by the height at which these sheets are stacked. Changing any of these dimensions—length, breadth, or height—will change the overall volume of the cuboid.

The formula is V = l X b X h

An example,

The formula for the volume of a cuboid is


This can also be expressed as


Volume=lxbxh since the area (lxb) represents one surface.

For a specific example, let's consider a cuboid with the following measurements:

  • Length: 5 cm
  • Breadth: 3 cm
  • Height: 2 cm

So we will apply the given formula that is V=L X B X H

V= 5 X 3 X 2


Therefore, the volume of this cuboid, with a length of 5 cm, breadth of 3 cm, and height of 2 cm, is 30 cubic centimeters.

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The formula to find the volume of the cuboid is V = l X b X h.

A cuboid is a three-dimensional shape defined by six rectangular faces.

Since the volume of a cuboid represents the space it occupies in three-dimensional space, it cannot have a negative value. The volume can only be positive or zero.

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