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global phd

Updated at : June 25, 2024

Global PhD

A global PhD is a doctorate degree earned from an international university. Unlike a PhD program from India, it has some special eligibility requirements and may require you to pass an entrance exam for the same. A global PhD opens up new doors to opportunities on a worldwide scale and helps you fulfill your career aspirations. The best part about an international PhD program is that it can now be acquired online, which is completely valid and adds a “Dr.” title to your name just like a regular PhD program.

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Course Duration

3 - 5 Years


Graduation or Equivalent

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Global PhD Program Overview

As the name suggests, a global PhD is a PhD degree for working professionals earned from a foreign university. This program differs slightly from the PhD offered by Indian Institutions regarding eligibility criteria, selection process, fee package, curriculum, and career prospects. To help you understand these differences, this post has incorporated all the major aspects you must know before enrolling in a global PhD program.

Global PhD or global DBA when completed from an accredited international university provides you with CXO-level career opportunities in the international job market including India. Despite not being offered by Indian universities, the “Dr.” title earned via this global doctorate course will be completely valid in the Indian job sector. 

Pay of PhD Graduates in Different Fields

Regarding the curriculum of a Global PhD, it has been observed that, unlike a Ph.D. program from India, it is more oriented toward practical knowledge rather than academics. This is quite beneficial for working professionals who want to upgrade their designations to CXO positions.

Recently, reputed foreign universities like Golden Gate University, Rushford Business School, ESGCI, and more have opened up admission to their online PhD programs for Indian applicants. As per UGC guidelines, an online doctorate/PhD is not valid but accredited foreign universities have passed several audits for providing the same, thus, getting an online global PhD would help you fulfill your dream of being a part of a foreign institution and adding a “Dr.” title to your name at a lower cost.

Key Highlights of Global PhD In India

  • Become a part of an international university by enrolling in a Global PhD program.
  • Gain unparalleled expertise in your subject area with highly qualified faculty members.
  • Get a chance to understand international industry trends with a doctorate specialization of your choice.
  • Pass the standardized test requirements of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and English language proficiency tests of TOEFL/IELTS to enroll in a foreign university of your choice.
  • Get financial support from the university with its special scholarship schemes for international students.
  • Learn an application-oriented curriculum in your international doctorate program.
  • Add a “Dr.” title to your name that is recognized worldwide in 4-5 years.
  • Opt for the alternate option of a full-time global PhD program by choosing an online doctorate program.
  • Get all the benefits of a full-time residential global PhD program at a lower cost with an online doctorate program from a foreign university.

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Global PhD Course Subjects/Syllabus

A variety of specializations like Applied Math, Applied Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, History, Law, Accounting, Finance, Sociology, Marketing, Operations, and more are available in global PhD that can be chosen by the applicants. 

A sample of the curriculum of the global PhD in Quantitative Marketing as listed on one of the US-based university’s websites (Yale School of Management) is listed below: 

Quantitative Part

  • Microeconomic Analysis I
  • Econometrics I
  • Econometrics II
  • Industrial Organization I
  • Industrial Organization II
  • Game Theory I
  • Game Theory II
  • Machine Learning
  • Doctoral Seminar in Marketing I
  • Doctoral Seminar in Marketing II
  • Behavioral Decision Making

Behavioral Part

  • Social Psychology I
  • Social Psychology II
  • Experimental Design and Analysis
  • Research Methods in Psychology I
  • Research Methods in Psychology II
  • Quantitative Methods I
  • Quantitative Methods II
  • Behavioral Decision Making
  • Doctoral Seminar in Marketing I
  • Doctoral Seminar in Marketing II

Marketing Workshop 

  • In this, Marketing scholars from the U.S. and abroad present their research

PhD Student Research Workshop

  • In this, Marketing PhD students in residence discuss their research

For you to get an understanding of the online doctorate program, the curriculum for an online doctorate in digital leadership as offered by Golden Gate University has also been listed here.

Navigating the Basics of Tomorrow

Innovate and Thrive

Digital Strategy Architect

Leadership 4.0

Data-Driven Decision Making

Building a CXO Brand

Doctoral Research Methods and Analysis

All of these topics consist of several sub-topics which will give you in-depth knowledge in the field.

Global PhD Eligibility & Duration

To apply for a global PhD program, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • You must have completed a 1-year/2-semester master's degree program after a 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s degree program or a 2-year/4-semester master’s degree program after a 3-year bachelor’s degree program from a recognized university
  • Scorecard or transcript of marks for both bachelor’s and master’s
  • A statement of academic purpose is needed
  • Letters of Recommendation are also required
  • GRE/GMAT requirements may be there as per your chosen program
  • TOEFL or IELTS are required if you have a non-native English background
  • Resume or CV to justify your professional experience
  • For some programs, you might need to submit a writing sample 

You can omit these entrance exam requirements from your global doctorate program by opting for the online mode in the same. In that case, you only need to submit, a statement of academic purpose, Letters of Recommendation, a Resume or CV, and your transcript of marks in the last qualified degree.

Duration of the Global PhD

The duration of a global PhD ranges between 4-5 years which is enough for equipping individuals with both conceptual and practical knowledge. However, if you opt for an online global doctorate course, you can complete the program in just 3 years. This period is shorter than both a full-time PhD abroad and a PhD in India.

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Program Fees for Global PhD

Starting at ₹ 6,776/month

Program Fee: ₹60,000 - ₹2,50,000

Low Cost EMI Available


The tuition fee for a global PhD program ranges between 12 to 30 lakhs INR. This range varies based on the university and country you choose for your doctorate program. In addition to this, traveling and living costs will also be there in the full-time residence global PhD program. However, these additional costs can be avoided by option for an online global PhD program.

Global PhD Admission Procedure

The admission process for a global PhD is based on the scores of your entrance exams and only after you score the required marks, you can start with the rest of the formalities. These admission formalities include the submission of the required papers and the payment of fees. On the other hand, in the case of the online mode of this course, you are exempted from the entrance exam and can directly apply to the course after fulfilling the eligibility criteria.

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Growth of Online Education in India

  • Online education in India is set to grow at a CAGR of 19.9% by 2030.
  • Skill development and employment are the major driving forces for this growth.
  • Higher education is gaining popularity in this online medium.
  • Financially affordability is a significant contributor to this boom.
  • The increased adoption of technologies, i.e., the Internet and smartphones, has increased accessibility significantly.
  • The advantage of flexibility in terms of time and location is the key highlight.
Growth of Online Education in India

Education Loan/EMI Facilities for Global PhD

An education loan facility is available for global PhD programs in both regular and online modes looking at the expensive program fee. In the case of a regular global PhD, you will get an education loan as collateral, i.e., you will need to deposit a form of property, investments, or other assets as security to get the loan. However, with an online global doctorate, you can easily pay your course fee in monthly installments with the option of No-cost EMI.

Apply For No Cost EMI


Is Global PhD Worth it?

A global PhD is one of those degrees that gets you global recognition for what you are good at! The practical exposure to the industry trends that you get from the application-focused curriculum of this program makes it all worthwhile. The alumni status of an international university will help you fulfill all your career aspirations quite easily. Moreover, the “Dr.” title that you earn upon completion of the program will create a powerful impact on your resume and enhance your career opportunities in the global job market.

If you want to explore all the outcomes of a global PhD at a lower price, you can choose its alternative option named online doctorate course. These doctorate programs offer you the same benefits as a full-time residence global PhD program in a shorter period of 3 years. In addition to that, the cost-saving feature of these online global doctorates will help you enhance your career prospects within your budget.

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Job Opportunity after Global PhD

A global Ph.D. program helps you realize your dream career sooner by educating you on the technical aspects of your field. After completing the course, you have the option to start your own company, give guest lectures for corporations, or move up to more senior roles, depending on your choices.

Some of the titles on the following list can be obtained in the corporate sector after completing a global PhD in regular or online mode: 

Vice President





Executive VP

Guest Lecturer

Research Analyst 

Research Associate

Executive Administrator

Strategic Planner

Full-time Professor

Top Recruiters for Global PhD

Global PhD holders offer a creative strategy for success, which is why management teams across all industrial sectors use them. Your PhD degree attests to your exceptional subject-matter proficiency. Furthermore, having the title "Doctor" associated with your name helps you advance professionally and attracts esteemed companies who value your qualifications.

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Let's clear up some doubts about Global PhD

A global PhD is offered by international universities and thus, has a different set of eligibility requirements than the PhD programs offered by Indian institutions.

Yes, if you have completed your global PhD from an accredited foreign university, it will be recognized in India.

It takes around 4-5 years to complete a full-time residence global PhD program.

Yes, many universities offer visas for PhD holders to immigrate to their country as permanent residents. For example, US-based universities offer EB-1 and EB-2 Employment-Based Immigrant Visas and Green Cards.

GRE and GMAT are two domain-specific entrance exams that are commonly accounted for if you are planning to do a PhD from an international university. TOEFL and IELTS are also considered if you come from a non-native English background.

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