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phd for working professionals in commerce

Updated at : June 26, 2024

PhD In Commerce (For Working Professionals)

A PhD for working professionals in commerce is an ideal program for those who are in a senior position in their firm and now want to upgrade to CXO levels. A full-time PhD in commerce comes in a range of specializations and is offered by both public and private universities in India. A flexible PhD program in commerce is quite rare in India but is offered online by some accredited international universities for 3 years which is completely recognized in the international job market. Give your career a booster dose of an online doctorate in commerce and avail the benefit of adding a “Dr.” title to your name.

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Course Duration

3 Years


Master’s Degree

Learning Mode


EMI Facility


PhD for Working Professionals in Commerce Program Overview

PhD in commerce is a doctoral-level program in the commerce field that deals with the areas of finance, marketing, accounting, management, and others. In this program, you will develop analytical techniques, problem-solving, critical thinking, and research skills necessary to address complex business issues in the finance industry. Despite being such an important level of education, only a few applicants make it to the program. This is because of an entrance exam-based selection process and a full-time commitment to the program.

In India, only full-time and part-time PhD in commerce are available which are not that feasible for working people as both of these modes demand a good score in national level entrance exams of UGC (JRF) Examinations, NET, SET, etc. Thus, to make it accessible for working professionals, several foreign universities have introduced online PhD in commerce which is popular by the name of online DBA in commerce. These online doctoral programs are not offered in India as they are not UGC-approved but on completing one from an accredited foreign university, you will be recognized as a doctorate holder in the global job market. 

phd-for-working-professionals-vs-online-doctoral-degree-for-working-professionalsOnline DBA or online PhD in commerce are available in various specializations of finance, accounting, marketing, and so on. With an entrance-free admission process, these offer a great opportunity for working professionals to fulfill their dream of getting a doctorate. The curriculum of these online PhD programs is designed by incorporating both theoretical and research-based aspects of the commerce field.

Coming to the benefits of this PhD for working professionals, you will get all of those outcomes you would expect from a full-time PhD. This includes the addition of the “Dr.” title with your name upon completion of the program and promising careers in academia as professors, researchers, in government, industry, or consulting sectors.

Key Highlights of PhD for Working Professionals in Commerce In India

  • Earn a PhD in commerce in an incredibly flexible format of online learning from an accredited international university.
  • Enroll in a commerce specialization that fits into your interest while keeping up with your busy work schedule.
  • Fulfill your dream of studying abroad with an online PhD/DBA in commerce specifically tailored for working professionals.
  • Engage with world-class faculty members and industry experts in the field via online classes to gain insight into worldwide financial trends that help you address any queries you may have during the course.
  • Discover the research-centered topics of the commerce field and develop new strategies to help in your company's growth.
  • Learn about industry-based case studies and software citation tools through practical instructions.
  • Complete your theoretical coursework and dissertation within 3 years with a globally recognized doctoral degree.
  • Take advantage of the campus immersion option in the curriculum to visit the campus of your foreign university.
  • Improve your industry networking by participating in online sessions with educators and peers.
  • Upon program completion, you will get an internationally recognized doctorate degree and be able to use the title "Dr." after your name.

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PhD for Working Professionals in Commerce Course Subjects/Syllabus

The curriculum of a flexible PhD in commerce focuses on the research-based aspects of the commercial field. It has many specializations including finance, accounting, etc. The choice of specialization will decide the theoretical coursework of your doctorate program but the research track and dissertation aspects remain common to all. 

To help you understand the course structure, the curriculum of an online DBA in finance is provided below.

Business Management Track

  • Managerial Skills
  • Cutting Edge Leadership
  • Accounting for Financial Reporting
  • Managerial Economics
  • International Business Environment
  • Strategic Management: Integrating the Enterprise


  • Investments
  • Personal Financial Planning
  • Securities Analysis
  • International Banking
  • Private Equity and VC
  • Fintech

Research Track

  • Introduction to Academic Research
  • Business Statistics
  • Designing a Qualitative Research Methodology
  • The Landscape of Literature Review
  • Designing a Quantitative Research Methodology
  • Research Design

Written Proposal Defense (5000 Words)

Doctoral Residency

Report Writing

Reflection and Minutes of the Meeting with the Supervisor

Written Dissertation and Oral Defence (Approx. 25000 words)


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Doctoral for Working Professionals

PhD for Working Professionals in Commerce Eligibility & Duration

Master's degree holders in any field are eligible to apply to an online PhD program in commerce. The only requirement is that the degree must have been completed from a recognized college or institution. If you just hold a bachelor's degree, you can still apply to the program provided you have three to five years of relevant work experience as a minimum.

Course Duration of PhD for Working Professionals in Commerce

This online DBA program in commerce is far shorter than a regular PhD program. With the duration of 3 years, it makes it possible for working professionals to earn a doctorate quickly. This feature has contributed a lot to the increasing popularity of these online doctorate courses.

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Program Fees for PhD for Working Professionals in Commerce

Starting at ₹ 6,776/month

Program Fee: ₹29,900 - ₹10,00,000

Low Cost EMI Available


This PhD program would set you back between 8 and 10 lakh INR. The exact cost of the program will depend on the university you select and the provision to choose the "Campus Immersion" program. A campus immersion if chosen would cost you an extra amount of 1-2 lakhs INR other than the program fee. Thus, an accurate estimate of the total cost of the course will be based on the choices made by you at the time of admission.

PhD for Working Professionals in Commerce Admission Procedure

The admissions process for this online doctoral program in commerce is the same as it is for any other online degree program. The only difference is that since you need to fill out the application for a foreign institution, you will need to send in some extra documents as a validation of the details provided. Once you have decided on the university for the program, signing up for the course on its official website will start the admission process. Fill out the online application form by entering your personal, academic, and professional details.

Submit your résumé, cover letter, recommendation letters, and statement of purpose (SOP) along with the form and wait for the university’s admission committee to respond. An offer letter from the university will confirm your selection and after you pay for the blocking amount, your seat will be reserved. Your enrollment number and special student credentials will be generated upon paying the entire course fee or the first installment if opted for the EMI facility.

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Education Loan/EMI Facilities for PhD for Working Professionals in Commerce

The primary aim of launching these online doctoral programs in commerce by international universities is to make them reachable to every aspirant around the world. In the pursuit of the same, the universities have provided the EMI option in the fee payment option for these courses. This facility not only makes them choose this high-level degree program but also relieves them from the financial burden of paying lakhs of amount in one go.

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Is PhD for Working Professionals in Commerce Worth it?

Obtaining an online PhD in commerce for working professionals is an easy way to realize your desire to advance your profession by adding a "Dr." title to your name. This course not only covers the theoretical and research-based aspects of the commerce subject but also teaches you how to use new tools and software to analyze the financial aspects of a firm. Additionally, approved overseas universities grant you international recognition for completing this online DBA in commerce in any major. The potential of this flexible PhD program is further increased by its shorter three-year duration and reasonable cost.

Another thing is you can count the number of years that you have worked as a professional in the related field to earn your PhD. This will strengthen your grasping pace of the course and make you understand the practical aspects of the field in a better way. After getting a doctorate in commerce, you can eventually take on the role of CEO at your present or other company. Above all, getting it from an international university raises the likelihood that you will relocate abroad and also broadens your professional network.

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Job Opportunity after PhD for Working Professionals in Commerce

After earning an online doctorate in commerce, a wide range of employment options become available. A professional with a PhD in any specialization related to the commerce field can choose from a large variety of high-paying positions across several industries. These are a few of the roles for which the companies might hire you.

Portfolio Manager

Finance Manager

Financial Planner

Equity Researcher

Chief Financial Officer

Business Analyst

Investment Banker

Economic Analyst

Accounting Professor

Financial Forecaster

Financial Analyst



Securities Trader


Enterprise Resource Planning Analyst

Top Recruiters for PhD for Working Professionals in Commerce

By utilizing your understanding of accounting, finance, and management through a PhD in commerce, you can land a job in a variety of fields. This doctorate program broadens your professional prospects by making you understand commercial phenomena through research. Because of your innovative approach toward business issues, you can easily earn a noteworthy package in various famous organizations headquartered in India or abroad after completing this DBA course.

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Let's clear up some doubts about PhD for Working Professionals in Commerce

Yes, on completion of the online PhD in commerce from an accredited international university, the doctoral degree you will earn will be valid in India.

In the online doctorate program in commerce, you choose any major among finance, marketing, accounting, management, etc.

No, a master’s degree is preferred for an online PhD in commerce but is not mandatory. You can even apply for this program with 3+ years of experience in the related field after graduation.

No, for an online PhD in commerce offered by foreign universities, you do not need to qualify for NET, GATE, GMAT, GRE, or any other entrance. 

No, for a full-time PhD, you need a master’s degree or a 4-year graduation with 75% marks. However, if you have 3+ years of work experience after BCom, you can apply for an online PhD in commerce offered by foreign universities.

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