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phd for working professionals in computer science

Updated at : June 26, 2024

PhD In Computer Science (For Working Professionals)

A PhD for working professionals in computer science is the most trending technical domain available at the doctorate level. A PhD in computer science is offered at both public and private universities in India but for working professionals, no flexibility in the module is allowed. Thus, several accredited international universities have come up with an online version of it named Online Doctorate in Computer Science to help technical professionals upgrade their careers with strong research knowledge in the field. Enroll in this online doctorate in computer science now and give your professional experience the identity of a “Dr.” title.

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No. of Universities


Course Duration

3 Years


Master’s Degree

Learning Mode


EMI Facility


PhD for Working Professionals in Computer Science Program Overview

A PhD in computer science is available at some of the renowned Indian universities like the University of Delhi, BITS Pilani, IIIT Hyderabad, Lovely Professional University, and many others. However, to enroll in any of these universities, you need to crack entrance exams like UGC NET or other university-specific exams. This makes it difficult for working professionals to apply for a PhD in CS while continuing their jobs.

After addressing the need for this course among working professionals, several international universities have started with an online version of the doctoral degree in CS which is also referred to as a PhD for working professionals/an online DBA in computer science. The beauty of this flexible PhD is that it is 100% online and allows applicants to fulfill their professional commitments along with it.

phd-for-working-professionals-vs-online-doctoral-degree-for-working-professionalsThis online doctoral program is one of the best options for people who are currently working in the technical sector but lack the expertise to implement newly added tools and software for higher productivity. With the research-oriented curriculum of the program, you will acquire a comprehensive understanding of technological tools and methods that have been developed after conducting years of research. After completing the program, you will be recognized globally in the industry for your technical expertise in the field of computer science.

The “Dr.” title that you will earn after completion of this program will validate your CS expertise in the Indian job market as well. As the outcome of this online PhD in CS, you will have the skills to run your own firm, the opportunity to work as a guest lecturer at any STEM institute or advise any type of group/ organization on business-related matters.

Key Highlights of PhD for Working Professionals in Computer Science In India

  • Earn your highest degree while working with an online PhD for working professionals in computer science.
  • Enroll at an international university without attempting the GRE or any other entrance exam.
  • Save your money on the living cost of abroad by enrolling in an online PhD in computer science program at an international university.
  • Learn a research-focused and application-based curriculum of computer science in an online doctoral program in the same.
  • Attend live interactive sessions with your international mentor/guide and clear all the doubts you have regarding the course curriculum.
  • Complete your research work in 3 years and become an ideal tech professional for your firm.
  • Live your dream of adding a “Dr.” title to your name at an affordable fee package.
  • Expand your career paths in academics and as a tech consultant in technical fields with a globally recognized doctoral degree in hand.

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PhD for Working Professionals in Computer Science Course Subjects/Syllabus

The curriculum of an online PhD in computer science for working professionals/online DBA as offered by international universities depends on the university you choose. The entire curriculum of the program is divided into theory concepts and a research module. The research module of the program will prepare you for the dissertation part of the curriculum.

An overview of the curriculum of an online doctorate in computer science is listed below.

Core Concepts

  • Theory and Algorithms
  • Image Processing & Multimedia
  • Computer Systems and Networks
  • Languages and Software Development
  • Data Warehousing, Databases & Advanced Databases
  • Artificial Intelligence and Applications

Research-Oriented Courses

  • Research And Publication Ethics
  • Research Seminar
  • Research Methodology

Dissertation Proposal and Defence

Apart from the topics mentioned in the core concepts, you might have some additional or fewer subjects based on the university you have chosen for pursuing this flexible PhD program.

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PhD for Working Professionals in Computer Science Eligibility & Duration

The online PhD in CS for working professionals requires candidates to have a master's degree from an approved university to get enrolled. To fully understand the research methodologies and course topics covered in the program, participants must fulfill this prerequisite. 

In case you have only qualified for your bachelor’s degree, you can still apply for this program with a minimum of 5 years of experience in the related field. This professional experience ensures that you have a strong tech background.

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Program Fees for PhD for Working Professionals in Computer Science

Starting at ₹ 6,776/month

Program Fee: ₹29,900 - ₹10,00,000

Low Cost EMI Available


This flexible PhD program starts at a fee package of 8-10 lakhs INR. Taking into account the global prospect that you gain from this program, this amount makes sense. If you opt for the campus immersion (if available), you will be required to pay some extra amount. This might increase the fee package for an online doctoral program significantly but you can still apply to this program thanks to EMI choices available for it.

PhD for Working Professionals in Computer Science Admission Procedure

To enroll in this flexible PhD in CS program, applicants must first fill up their forms and submit them together with the necessary paperwork. Each application will thereafter be carefully examined by the university’s admissions team. The institution will send a letter of acceptance to the applicants who have been shortlisted for the program. The blocking fee must then be paid by the applicant to guarantee their spot in the program. Competent individuals can enroll in the program right after they make up their minds without worrying about passing an entrance exam.

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Education Loan/EMI Facilities for PhD for Working Professionals in Computer Science

The availability of several financing options grants even wider access to this flexible PhD program for all candidates. Because education loans and EMIs are available, you can enroll in this program regardless of your financial condition and feel proud of yourself for being able to pay for your education. Most colleges that offer this online degree have included the EMI option to assist in lowering the cost of higher education.

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Is PhD for Working Professionals in Computer Science Worth it?

A PhD in Computer Science for working professionals is worth more than you can imagine. It makes you go through rigorous brainstorming sessions to innovate new models and strategies based on research. The learnings of this program develop a new way of thinking in you which is more logical and based on research-led results. The technical expertise and research methodologies that you learn from this flexible PhD program play a great role in building a successful tech career for you. 

Coming to the immediate outcomes of this online doctoral program, it start with the addition of a “Dr.” title with your name right after the course completion. The shorter duration of 3 years makes this program even more attractive for tech professionals who do not want to hang around in a 4-7 years-long degree program. Since this flexible PhD program in CS is offered by international universities, you will gain a global prospect of the research and development trends in the technical field. This global recognition will play a vital role in making you establish a promising career at any location across the world.

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Job Opportunity after PhD for Working Professionals in Computer Science

As per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job growth in the computer and information field is estimated to grow by 23% through 2032. This stat shows that there is going to be an abundance of job opportunities for skilled and properly trained PhD in CS holders in the industry. A few job titles that you can have after completion of this doctoral program are listed below.

Computational Scientist

Software Engineer and Developer

Data Science Engineer

Research Scientist

Professor or Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Computer Network Architect

Computer Science Instructor

Computer Systems Engineer

Top Recruiters for PhD for Working Professionals in Computer Science

Since the technical sector is one of the highly demanded domains in the industry, recruiters in this field are in continuous search for trained and technically equipped professionals. A PhD in Computer Science for working professionals is something that catches their eyes instantly because they understand that these doctorate-holders can take their company’s growth to the next level with their research-based insights. 

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Let's clear up some doubts about PhD for Working Professionals in Computer Science

No, a full-time PhD in CS is available at several IITs and NITs in India but a flexible PhD in CS designed specially for working professionals is being offered by international universities in online mode.

An online PhD in CS for working professionals has a total duration of 3 years. At some universities, you might get an additional stretch in years to complete it but at most of them, you need to complete it within this fixed period.

A PhD in CS will make you conduct an in-depth scientific study based on research to shape future technologies which will help you grow in the job market for Computer Science.

No, an online PhD in CS for working professionals offered by accredited international universities has a direct admission process. Thus, you can apply for it without even taking a single attempt at the GRE.

A PhD in CS for working professionals is offered online by international universities without any research stipend or fellowship. However, if you join a full-time PhD in India or abroad, you will be eligible for it.

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