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phd for working professionals in data science

Updated at : June 26, 2024

PhD In Data Science (For Working Professionals)

A PhD for working professionals in data science is one of the in-demand specializations available at the doctorate level. In India, IITs offer this technical category at the PhD level, however, the full-time commitment and entrance exam requisite do not allow working people to enroll in this program along with a job. To assist technical experts in upgrading their professions with strong research expertise in the field, several approved international universities have launched a flexible PhD program in online mode which is quite famous by the name of Online DBA in Data Science. Fulfill your dream of adding a “Dr.” title to your name by joining this program while serving the tech industry.

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Course Duration

3 Years


Master’s Degree

Learning Mode


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PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science Program Overview

Several well-known Indian colleges, including Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and other central universities, offer a PhD in data science. But to enroll in any of these colleges, you must pass university-specific tests or entrance exams like GATE and UGC NET. Because of this, it is challenging for working people to apply for a PhD in data science and still keep their jobs.

To help working professionals in this aspect, several foreign universities have begun offering an online doctorate in data science, often known as an online DBA in data science. This PhD program for working professionals is also addressed as an online PhD for working professionals in data science and is fulfilling the demand of working professionals serving this particular sector of industry. The prime feature that encourages working executives to pursue this program is its flexibility of online learning that allows them to fulfill their professional commitments along with the program. 

phd-for-working-professionals-vs-online-doctoral-degree-for-working-professionalsThose who are employed in the technological field but lack the knowledge to use newly introduced tools and software can opt for this online doctorate in data science to increase their productivity. You will gain a thorough understanding of technological tools and procedures that have been developed after years of research with the program's research-intensive curriculum. You will gain recognition in the industry for your technical proficiency after finishing the program.

After completing this program, you will receive the title of "Dr.", which will certify your data science knowledge in the Indian employment market. After completing this flexible PhD, you will be equipped with the knowledge and abilities to manage your own business, work as a guest professor at any STEM institution, and provide business-related advice to any kind of group or organization.

Key Highlights of PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science In India

  • Get your highest degree of doctorate in the technical domain while working with a PhD in data science for working professionals.
  • Enroll with an accredited international university to pursue an online doctoral program in data science.
  • Avoid paying the living expenses with the online mode of a PhD in data science.
  • Learn a research-centered curriculum to strengthen your practical knowledge with this flexible PhD program.
  • Ask any questions you have about the course content during live, interactive sessions with your international mentor or guide.
  • Skip the fear of passing an entrance exam with this flexible PhD course.
  • At a reasonable pricing bundle, fulfill your dream of becoming a "Dr" and increase the scope of your job options.
  • In three years, finish your research work and become a perfect tech expert for your company.

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PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science Course Subjects/Syllabus

The course of study for an online PhD program in data science designed for working professionals varies depending on the university you select. Theory ideas plus a research module make up the program's full curriculum. The list of the topics related to core data science concepts might vary or have some extra or fewer names based on the university you choose for this flexible PhD program.

Below is a summary of the coursework for an online DBA in data science as offered by a US-based university.

Business Management Track

  • Managerial Skills
  • Cutting Edge Leadership
  • International Business Environment
  • Accounting for Financial Reporting
  • Managerial Economics
  • Strategic Management: Integrating the Enterprise

Data Science

  • Foundations Python
  • Business Analytics
  • Business forecasting and projections
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Business Predictive Analysis
  • Mathematics for Machine Learning

Research Track

  • Introduction to Academic Research
  • Business Statistics
  • The Landscape of Literature Review
  • Designing a Qualitative Research Methodology
  • Designing a Quantitative Research Methodology
  • Research Design

Written Proposal Defense (5000 Words)

Doctoral Residency

Report Writing

Reflection and Minutes of the Meeting with the Supervisor

Written Dissertation and Oral Defence (Approx. 25000 words)


PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science Eligibility & Duration

To apply for a flexible PhD in data science offered by a foreign institution, you need a master’s degree in any stream from a recognized university. If you do not hold a master’s degree but have graduated from a recognized university in India or abroad, you can also apply for this doctorate program. The only restriction you will have here is a mandate on work experience. Generally, with a bachelor’s degree you need to have a minimum of 3 years of work experience but this number can still vary based on the university chosen to pursue the program.

Course Duration of PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science 

Course Duration of PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science 
The duration of this flexible PhD program is one of the main features of this course that makes working professionals actively apply for it. In just 3 years, you will be able to complete not only your research work but also the advanced data science concepts by enrolling in this online doctorate in data science. On the other hand, on opting for a full-time PhD program, you will have to dedicate around 4-5 years to the research work.

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Program Fees for PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science

Starting at ₹ 6,776/month

Program Fee: ₹29,900 - ₹10,00,000

Low Cost EMI Available


Online doctorate programs are far less expensive than those offered on campus. This reason has also been a major contributor to the popularity of online DBA courses among professionals. In specific terms, the cost of this flexible PhD in data science specialization ranges from 7 to 12 lakhs INR. This range fluctuates according to the university you select. Moreover, if the option for "Campus Immersion" is available at your chosen university, you will have to pay an extra 1-2 lakhs INR for it.

PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science Admission Procedure

There is a systematic set of steps that you need to follow to be a part of this flexible PhD program. Registration with the university, filling up the application, uploading documents, and payment of the fees are some general steps that are followed in almost all online programs at different levels. However, since this online doctorate program is available at accredited foreign universities, there are a few additional steps that you might need to follow to complete the admission process. 

After signing up for the program and filling out the application form, you will need to attach your résumé, cover letter, recommendation letters, and statement of purpose (SOP) in addition to the documents validating your academic, professional, and personal details. The final selection will be notified to you by the university’s admission committee after a thorough verification of your details.

On getting shortlisted you will receive an offer letter for admission mentioning the minimum blocking amount on it. Thus, you can secure your seat immediately by paying only a part of the program fee. On paying the entire fee or its first installment, your enrollment will be confirmed and you will receive your special student credentials to start with the program.

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Education Loan/EMI Facilities for PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science

The primary factor that makes working professionals opt for this online doctoral program is the availability of EMI choices and student loans. With this facility, professionals who have financial constraints can easily manage their daily expenses and the cost of their higher studies. An increasing number of applicants are enrolling in this higher education program and finishing it successfully without worrying about having to pay the full cost of the course at once thanks to the introduction of the EMI choices for the fee payment method.

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Is PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science Worth it?

For working professionals, a PhD in data science is far more valuable than you may think. It forces tech professionals to go through an intense research-focused curriculum to develop fresh ideas and tactics for technically-driven tasks. Your thinking and decision-making abilities become more rational and grounded as a result of this program. The research ethics, methodology, and technical insights you acquire from this flexible PhD program are invaluable in helping you launch a lucrative tech career. 

As far as the advantages of this online PhD program are concerned, the first and foremost one on the list is the immediate addition of a "Dr." title with your name after course completion. Next is the research-intensive curriculum and a shorter duration of 3 years of the program which is quite appealing to tech professionals who don't want to spend their time in a 4–7 year doctorate program.

Since accredited foreign universities are offering this flexible PhD program in data science, you will get international recognition after completion of this program. Moreover, the global perspective on the trends in technical research and development will be extremely important to you in helping to launch a successful career wherever in the world.

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Job Opportunity after PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science

There are numerous career opportunities available for data science professionals especially those who have earned a doctorate in the field. The doctorate holders even have the chance to get hired as CEO, COO, or other CXO positions in top companies. With an increase in data-driven businesses, the demand for data science professionals has increased not only in the technical sector but also in other sectors of the industry. Some possible job roles available after this flexible PhD in data science are listed below.  

Data Scientist

Data Analyst

Business Intelligence Analyst

Analytics Consultant

Research Scientist

Data Architect

Chief Data Officer (CDO)

Data Engineer 

Machine Learning Engineer

Project Manager (Data Science Projects)

Top Recruiters for PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science

Recruiters in the technical area are always looking for data scientists with professional training and advanced technical expertise since it is one of the most sought-after fields in the market. Working professionals who have completed a PhD in data science immediately grab the attention of top recruiters in the field. This spotlight is an indication of the research-based insights that these doctorate holders possess which is quite valuable in propelling the growth of a company. 

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Let's clear up some doubts about PhD for Working Professionals in Data Science

Yes, by opting for an online PhD in data science for working professionals offered by international universities, you can continue your professional commitments as well.

No, for an online PhD in data science for working professionals, you just need a master’s or a bachelor’s degree in any discipline. However, the study of mathematics at your bachelor’s or master’s level will benefit you in understanding the course of the program in a better way.

No, for an online PhD in data science especially designed for working professionals, you either need a bachelor’s degree in any discipline with a minimum of 3 years of experience in the technical field or a master’s degree. 

Yes, by opting for an online PhD in data science for working professionals offered by international universities, you can complete your doctorate without attempting a NET, GATE, or GRE.

Upon completion of a PhD in data science in any mode, you can earn an average salary of 14.4 lakhs per year in India.

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