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phd for working professionals in digital leadership

Updated at : June 26, 2024

PhD In Digital Leadership (For Working Professionals)

PhD for working professionals in digital leadership is a top-tier degree program that equips working individuals with the most recent technological advancements in various industries. With this degree, you get to join one of the recognized international universities in online mode which prepares you for this technologically advanced industry in just three years and is the ideal blend of business strategy and digital innovation. The best thing is that this doctorate allows you to add the title "Dr." to your name, which has long been a mark of accomplishment.

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Course Duration

3 Years


Master’s Degree

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PhD for Working Professionals in Digital Leadership Program Overview

One of the most prestigious degrees in any sector is a Ph.D. which is admired most by top recruiters. To help highly experienced professionals develop the entrepreneurial abilities necessary to launch their own companies, universities have added a new major in digital leadership to this category of degrees. The best part is that this Ph.D. major is offered by international universities in online mode which makes it feasible for many professionals to take their career to new heights. This will make you think that the program is not valid in India as it is not UGC-recognized but if you have completed it from an accredited international university, you will be given complete recognition in the Indian Industry as well. 

Intending to prepare tomorrow's leaders more quickly than regular Ph.D. courses, this remote major in digital leadership is available for 36 months. Thanks to the careful selection of course material by specialists, technical subjects pertinent to the business sector will be covered in just three years. After finishing this course, you will also have a thorough understanding of the creative talents required to keep up with this quickly evolving tech-driven corporate world. Also Read | What Is a Doctoral Degree?


Since Indian colleges do not currently offer this Ph.D. major in digital leadership, another factor that may influence your decision to enroll in this program is the alumni tag of an international university. In this manner, you can fulfill a further desire of yours—that of studying abroad—without having to spend a hefty sum for airfare and lodging on top of the course fee.

Moreover, you can join this program if you recently completed your master's degree, however, it is especially advantageous for working business people to have an online doctoral program. Through this program, you will learn about the latest software and technical tools used in the corporate world, which will help you become more productive.

Key Highlights of PhD for Working Professionals in Digital Leadership In India

  • Enroll in a PhD for working professionals program in digital leadership to gain a wealth of study flexibility and acquire technical knowledge pertinent to digital advancements and the corporate world.
  • Seize the chance to study for a top degree at an international university, build your professional network, and pursue an advanced degree program.
  • Participate in live webinars and seminars led by accomplished academics and business professionals.
  • Get access to an extremely user-friendly learning management system (LMS) to peruse the available online course materials and study whenever and wherever it's convenient for you.
  • Enroll in this PhD program for working professionals so that you can attend online courses on weekends without having to miss work.
  • To increase your comprehension of business in technical disciplines, enroll in individualized sessions with well-known business advisors and entrepreneurs.
  • You will be able to add the title "Dr." to your name after just three years of this study.
  • Upon program completion, publish a doctoral dissertation and start your writing career.
  • With the help of this online Ph.D. program, you may hone your entrepreneurial abilities and explore a range of career alternatives to choose the one that best fits your needs.

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PhD for Working Professionals in Digital Leadership Course Subjects/Syllabus

This specialization of Ph.D. forces you to study all the most recent developments in the industry, arming you with the technical know-how of the corporate world. The names of some of the topics you will learn about in this curriculum are listed below: 

Module 1

  • Blockchain Fundamentals and Applications
  • Exploring the Internet/ Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Contemporary and Future Technologies
  • Cloud Computing Concepts and Applications
  • AI/ML in Business
  • Ethical Implications of Technology Adoption
  • CyberSecurity and its Applications

Module 2

  • Critical Thinking for Innovation
  • Fundamentals of Design Thinking
  • Business Model Innovation
  • Exploratory and Exploitative Innovation
  • Building a Culture of Innovation
  • Sustainable Innovation Strategies
  • Developing Innovation Pipelines and Methodologies

Module 3

  • Introduction to Digital Strategy
  • Digital Transformation Frameworks
  • Conducting a Digital Transformation Audit
  • Benchmarking against Industry Standards
  • Evaluating and Selecting Digital Technologies
  • Stakeholder Engagement Strategies
  • Selecting a Domain for Transformation
  • Talent Management for Digital Transformation

Module 4

  • Digital-First Leadership
  • Building High-Performing Teams
  • Emotional Intelligence and Digital Leadership
  • Adaptive Organizational Culture
  • Leading Diverse Digital Workforces
  • Leadership Styles and Adaptability
  • Leading Through Change and Disruption
  • Crisis Management and Resilience
  • Complex Adaptive Systems and Change
  • Framework to Become a 4.0 Leader

Module 5

  • Evidence-Driven Decision Making
  • Analytical Techniques for Business Decisions
  • Evaluating Risks and Market Analysis Models
  • Stakeholder Engagement Using Data
  • Biases and Bias-Mitigation Strategies in Decision Making
  • Building a Culture of Objective Decision-Making
  • Integrating Storytelling for Data-Backed Decisions
  • Ethical Decision making in the Digital Age

Module 6

  • Strategic Storytelling in Leadership
  • Building a Robust Digital Persona
  • Crafting Your Executive Value Proposition
  • Personal Branding and Digital Presence
  • Empathetic Communication in the Digital Age
  • Building and Evaluating Digital Thought Leadership
  • Developing Digital Thought Leadership Content
  • Negotiation Mastery for CXOs
  • Ethical Considerations of Personal Branding and Executive Presence in the Digital Age

Module 7

  • Introduction to Research
  • Conducting a Literature Review
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Identifying a Research Problem
  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • Formulating a Research Design
  • Articulating Results and Conclusions

PhD for Working Professionals in Digital Leadership Eligibility & Duration

To be considered for this online Ph.D. program, you must meet the requirements listed below:

  • A master's degree from an accredited college
  • If not a master’s, a bachelor's degree and at least ten years of professional experience would work
  • A 3.0 GPA minimum in the recently completed degree program
  • A Statement of Purpose (SOP) that explains your motive to pursue the program and your professional goals

It is also necessary for those with less than a 3.0 GPA from their previous degree to have some professional experience.

Course Duration of PhD for Working Professionals in Digital Leadership 

Most international universities offer this online doctoral degree in digital leadership for three years or thirty-six months. Those who have professional commitments benefit greatly from this course duration because it enables them to complete their Ph.D. program faster than they would in a traditional program with a flexible study schedule.

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Program Fees for PhD for Working Professionals in Digital Leadership

Starting at ₹ 6,776/month

Program Fee: ₹29,900 - ₹10,00,000

Low Cost EMI Available


Since this Ph.D. specialization is offered by international universities, it has a high-cost package that comes to about INR 30 lakh. You might also encounter the program cost in USD which is around $35,000 in total. This amount could further go down if you become eligible for any of the scholarship schemes offered by the university. 


PhD for Working Professionals in Digital Leadership Admission Procedure

Once you meet the eligibility requirements, completing the admissions procedure for this Ph.D. major will not be a difficult task. Register for the course on the official website after you have chosen the university. Next, complete the application by providing your personal, professional, and academic information. You will also be required to send in your CV, cover letter, recommendation letters, and statement of purpose (SOP) detailing your professional experience.

Your submissions will then be validated by the admission committee of the university which will take a few days. If you are accepted into the program, you will get an offer letter from the university. On completing the fee payment step, your program enrollment will be verified and your special student credentials will then be sent to you.

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Education Loan/EMI Facilities for PhD for Working Professionals in Digital Leadership

Universities providing this working professional-oriented program have made the EMI service available to you as one of their fee payment choices to assist you with paying the course fee. The ability to pay the price in convenient monthly installments makes the option to earn a doctorate very feasible for candidates. Even more, this EMI facility has played a major role in motivating working professionals to pursue further education. 

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Is PhD for Working Professionals in Digital Leadership Worth it?

Many business fields are accessible through a Ph.D. degree in digital leadership that focuses on technology. You can now have the chance to attend foreign universities, finish your PhD remotely, and fulfill your existing responsibilities with the support of this program.

The best thing about this program is that its curriculum blends core business fundamentals with highly technical aspects. A deeper comprehension of the process is made possible by the application-based learning of tools, and the theoretical concepts included in the curriculum reinforce the business concepts you already know.

Your resume will create a good impression on recruiters with the "Dr." title and the alumni status of a renowned international university in it. This can help you stand out from the other business experts and increase your career chances in the global employment market.

As such, this online Ph.D. major is among the greatest methods to advance your career in today's competitive corporate world and establish yourself as a valued resource. If you have strong leadership qualities and a solid grasp of cutting-edge technology sectors, you will be able to completely alter the trajectory of your career with this Ph.D. program.

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Job Opportunity after PhD for Working Professionals in Digital Leadership

After completing a remote Ph.D. program in digital leadership, you'll be able to work as a full-time faculty at management institutes or pursue a variety of other job options in the corporate world. With solid business knowledge, you can launch your entrepreneurial path with confidence thanks to the lessons you've learned in this doctoral course. Here is a list of a few job titles that you will be appointed for after completing this course.


Investment Analyst

Corporate Innovator

Business Analyst 

Research Analyst

Business Consultant

Customer Relationship Manager 

Business Development Manager

Development Officer 

Startup Founder

Top Recruiters for PhD for Working Professionals in Digital Leadership

Tech-driven entrepreneurship has grown significantly in the last few years in several industries. Acquiring a Ph.D. in digital leadership could help you land a job at MANG, one of the Big 4 corporations, or another large organization. These companies appreciate the innovative approach, entrepreneurial spirit, and leadership skills that you have gained through this program.

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Let's clear up some doubts about PhD for Working Professionals in Digital Leadership

No, since a PhD in digital leadership is offered as a part of the “PhD for working professionals” category, it is delivered online by international universities which makes it more accessible for students around the world.

Like all other Ph.D. majors, the minimum academic qualification that you will need to enroll in a Ph.D. for working professionals in digital leadership is a master’s program in the related field but it is not the only option. If you have completed your bachelor’s and hold at least 10 years of experience, you can still apply for the program.

No, for a Ph.D. for working professionals in digital leadership, you do not need to pass any entrance exam.

Yes, on completing a Ph.D. program for working professionals in digital leadership online from an accredited international university, you will be able to prefix a “Dr.” title to your name.

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