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phd for working professionals in generative ai

Updated at : June 26, 2024

PhD In Generative AI (For Working Professionals)

PhD for working professionals in generative AI is one of the emerging specializations in this course category that makes you learn newly launched tools and software. This PhD major is offered online by foreign universities which makes it quite accessible to IT working professionals. A cutting-edge learning module and exposure to globally established teaching faculty make this program highly beneficial for professionals willing to succeed in this cut-throat competition of the IT world. Join this technical PhD specialization to add a “Dr.” title to your name while serving your professional commitments.

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Course Duration

3 Years


Master’s Degree

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PhD for Working Professionals in Generative AI Program Overview

A higher-level degree that provides competence in the field of artificial intelligence is a Ph.D. in Generative Artificial Intelligence or Generative AI. This PhD program for working professionals focuses on application-based research gives working professionals access to a variety of IT-related business areas. At several esteemed international colleges, this doctorate degree is offered in a hybrid or online format, making it possible for professionals to add the title "Dr." to their names upon program completion.

This Ph.D. course's curriculum combines the most recent developing technology with foundational business domain concepts. While the application-based learning of tools helps you comprehend the workflow at a deeper level, the theoretical topics included in the syllabus reinforce your previous knowledge. Also Read | What Is a Doctoral Degree?

Growth in Market Size of Generative AI Globally

Thus, you will learn everything there is to know about software development topics in this online Ph.D. major. This advanced level of leadership and artificial intelligence course forces you to gain a demonstrated comprehension of the technical field through practical understanding as well as informational understanding.

When it comes to advancing your career, this is one of the best ways to make yourself indispensable in the cutthroat business world of today. You can join the elite group of corporate executives if you possess exceptional leadership abilities and a thorough understanding of the cutting-edge fields of emerging technologies and artificial intelligence. 

Key Highlights of PhD for Working Professionals in Generative AI In India

  • With an online Ph.D. course in Generative AI, you can obtain a doctoral degree in new technologies with a high degree of study flexibility.
  • Live classes and webinars with knowledgeable professors and professionals in the field create an engaging learning environment.
  • Improve your understanding of business in technical departments with a demanding course curriculum.
  • Utilize the digital academic resources at your own pace through an extremely user-friendly LMS interface.
  • Get around-the-clock support from the Student Support Team, which is highly accessible, to get technical support in your online learning.
  • Examine several job options and select the ideal one for you after obtaining one-on-one mentoring from professionals in the field.
  • Expand your professional horizons across several industries by acquiring extensive technical and managerial expertise.
  • Enroll in this online Ph.D. program focused on emerging technologies to gain international recognition.
  • Explore a variety of career options in the international job market with a “Dr.” title gained from an accredited international university.

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PhD for Working Professionals in Generative AI Course Subjects/Syllabus

The syllabus of this Ph.D. program is highly focused on technical research topics. These topics might vary depending on the university you choose but the core idea of equipping learners with the innovative approach of developing new ideas remains constant at all the universities. Here is a list of some topics that you will be exposed to in this doctoral specialization at a US-based university.

Executive Introduction to Modern AI

Future of Work, Work Space, and Workforce

New-age digital technology applications

Traditional Machine Learning

Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques in Research

Creating Value from Research

Methods and Processes in Modern-Day Research 

Thesis Development Workshops

Dissertation Topic Defense

Final Dissertation Defense

PhD for Working Professionals in Generative AI Eligibility & Duration

A master's degree in any field is the minimum required education for this Ph.D. specialization. In addition to this, sound professional expertise is also required by the universities which will be validated at the time of application by the admission committee.

Several colleges even offer this program after a bachelor's degree; the only restriction is that you must have a minimum of 10 years of work experience in the related field. Graduates with some exceptional profiles may get a relaxation in the years of experience.

Course Duration of PhD for Working Professionals in Generative AI

A typical Ph.D. program lasts substantially for 5-7 years which is longer than its online or hybrid version. This Ph.D. specialization can be finished in 3 years which is the main reason for its popularity among professionals. In these 3 years, learners can easily complete the course material along with their other commitments making it all the more favorable for working applicants.

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Program Fees for PhD for Working Professionals in Generative AI

Starting at ₹ 6,776/month

Program Fee: ₹29,900 - ₹10,00,000

Low Cost EMI Available


The cost of this Ph.D. major is around 25 lakhs INR. This cost is quite affordable considering the program is being offered by an international university and offers you the alumni status of the same. Moreover, the inclusion of the course library access, student ID card cost, dedicated success coach, and Global immersion justifies this price of the program. 

PhD for Working Professionals in Generative AI Admission Procedure

This PhD program's admissions procedure is straightforward and only requires a few easy steps to complete. While the specific process may vary from university to university, the majority of them share some basic processes.

Visit the official website of the program to begin the admission process then apply for the course through the admission portal. Provide your basic personal, professional, and educational information on the application form. In addition to the admission form, send in your resume, cover letter, letters of recommendation, and statement of purpose to support your decision to enroll in the program. The institution will send you an offer letter once you are shortlisted. Pay the program's fee to complete the last step of the procedure. Get the payment confirmation slip downloaded for future reference. 

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Education Loan/EMI Facilities for PhD for Working Professionals in Generative AI

To help you lower your stress regarding the cost of this specially designed Ph.D. program, universities offering it have introduced EMI options in the fee payment method. Opting for this fee payment method will help you pay the entire course cost in installments scheduled at 6, 9, and 12 months which makes this high-priced course fit in your budget.

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Is PhD for Working Professionals in Generative AI Worth it?

Those seeking advancement in the rapidly evolving field of information technology ought to pursue a Ph.D. in Generative AI for working professionals. Through this curriculum, you can acquire specialized knowledge and study skills in fields related to artificial intelligence. With a curriculum tailored with working professionals in mind, it provides the ideal balance of practical experience and academic understanding, ensuring that graduates are prepared to take on obstacles in the workplace as they arise. Furthermore, students can continue learning while managing their personal and professional responsibilities due to the flexibility of online learning.

A Ph.D. also improves your professional standing and opens doors to leadership positions in businesses as well as higher-level employment. Understanding the most recent tools and software is crucial to staying competitive in the job market and promoting innovation in the rapidly evolving IT industry since more and more companies are under pressure to make choices swiftly. A Ph.D. in generative AI can be very beneficial for career advancement, business success, and personal development if the time and money are invested. 

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Job Opportunity after PhD for Working Professionals in Generative AI

Following the completion of a working professional Ph.D. program with a focus on artificial intelligence, you will discover innovative methods for creating and executing profitable business models. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) models in business plans can optimize earnings for your organization by improving job efficiency. After you complete a Ph.D. for working professionals in a Generative AI, a wide range of employment titles become available. A few of them are listed below. 

Database Administrator

SAS Administrator

Senior Researcher

Senior Data Analyst

Analytics & BI Manager

Senior Research Analyst

Guest Lecturer in Technical Field

IT Consultant

Top Recruiters for PhD for Working Professionals in Generative AI

Combining technical expertise with work experience is a potent strategy to change traditional corporate practices. Nowadays, business professionals are enrolling in flexible Ph.D. programs specialized in AI program to survive the competition of dynamic company sectors. Even companies are more inclined toward hiring technically empowered professionals who can maximize business growth through the processing and integration of artificial intelligence into new or existing business plans. This has resulted in a significant growth in demand for AI specialists. 

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Let's clear up some doubts about PhD for Working Professionals in Generative AI

As of now, AI is not being offered as a specialization of regular PhD courses in India. However, you can pursue it from international universities as a remote PhD program designed for working professionals.

Yes, although a PhD for working professionals in generative AI is not offered by Indian universities still by completing it from an accredited international university, you will be recognized in the global job market including India.

Yes, on completing your PhD for working professionals in generative AI from an accredited university, you will get the same outcomes offered after a full-time PhD program including a “Dr.” title to your name.

No, foreign universities have kept the admission to PhD in generative AI entrance-free which increases the course accessibility to its true audience, i.e., working professionals.

Yes, the beauty of PhD for working professionals programs is that they allow you to earn a doctorate while continuing your professional commitments. Thus, if you are an IT professional, getting an online PhD in generative AI is one of your best options.

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