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phd for working professionals in psychology

Updated at : June 26, 2024

PhD In Psychology (For Working Professionals)

A PhD for working professionals in psychology is offered by many international universities in online mode. In India, a PhD in psychology is available at private and public universities in a full-time mode which is quite difficult to take up by working professionals considering their work commitments. This online doctoral in psychology is 3 years and is completely accepted in the Indian job market when completed from an accredited foreign university. Give your subject expertise a touch of research to better understand the behavioral and mental processes of human beings with a PhD in psychology for working professionals.

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Course Duration

3 Years


Master’s Degree

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PhD for Working Professionals in Psychology Program Overview

A PhD in psychology is one of the most opted domains by doctorate aspirants irrespective of their prior qualification or field of work. In India, a PhD in psychology is offered by several private and government universities in full-time mode which makes it difficult for working professionals to fulfill their desire of getting a doctorate without leaving their jobs. Moreover, the eligibility requirement of passing an entrance exam for this program makes it even inaccessible for professionals. Also Read | What Is a Doctorate Degree?

Considering these factors, several international universities holding global recognition for their programs have started an online doctorate in psychology which is mainly focused on fulfilling the needs of working professionals. Thus, this online doctoral degree is also referred to as an online PhD in psychology for working professionals at many of these international universities.

phd-for-working-professionals-vs-online-doctoral-degree-for-working-professionalsDepending on your field of work, you can choose your specialization in this online doctoral program from a list of Educational Psychology, Social Psychology, Research in Psychology, Health Psychology, Teaching in Psychology, and so on. One of the main USPs of this online doctorate program is that it can be applied even after a bachelor’s degree in a related or unrelated field. 

Getting a PhD Program for Working Professionals from an international university adds so many benefits to your career. One of the prime ones is the addition of the “Dr.” tag with your name and another one is the recognition that you get with this degree in the international job market.

Key Highlights of PhD for Working Professionals in Psychology In India

  • Evaluate the role of psychologists with a PhD in psychology in the workplace.
  • Learn trending industrial/organizational psychology theory and research from global faculty at any time from anywhere with an online doctorate in psychology.
  • Do not quit your work commitments for a doctorate by opting for an online PhD in psychology for working professionals.
  • Study at one of the premium foreign universities at an affordable fee package without having any concerns about your visa application.
  • Get a chance to complete your doctorate in psychology without a GMAT or GRE score.
  • Understand the impact of employee performance on an organization by studying the core curriculum of this online PhD in psychology.
  • Learn basic and advanced research principles from this program and implement them to produce an independent and healthy work environment.
  • Earn a “Dr.” title within 3 years with this flexible PhD program without a frequent commute to the university campus.
  • Navigate different career prospects with an online PhD in psychology for working professionals based on your experience.

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PhD for Working Professionals in Psychology Course Subjects/Syllabus

The syllabus of an online PhD in psychology for working professionals depends on the area of specialization and the university you choose. To give you an overview of the same, the subject list of an online PhD in Social Psychology is listed below.

Quarter 1

  • Foundations for Graduate Study in Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Teaching of Psychology

Quarter 2

  • Research Foundations
  • Social Cognition and Attitudes
  • Consulting for Organizational Change
  • Dissertation Prep

Quarter 3

  • Advanced Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis
  • Survey Research Methods
  • Program Evaluation
  • Dissertation Prep

Quarter 4

  • Advanced Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis
  • Dissertation Literature Review Lab
  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Dissertation Prep

Quarter 5

  • Teaching Practice/Research Practice
  • Writing a Quality Prospectus
  • Dissertation Prep

Quarter 6

  • Dissertation

Apart from these core specialization topics, you will be working on doctoral writing assessment and a few dissertation support courses to strengthen your research track for the program.

PhD for Working Professionals in Psychology Eligibility & Duration

The eligibility set by international universities for this flexible PhD in psychology for working professionals includes the following criteria:

  • A master’s degree in psychology or any field, or
  • A bachelor’s degree in psychology or any field
  • The degree must be earned from an accredited university
  • Work experience in a related field is mandatory at some universities but there are some which offer this program even without it.

Course Duration of PhD for Working Professionals in Psychology 

The minimum duration set for this online doctorate in psychology at foreign institutions is 3 years. However, those who cannot complete it in this period are given a few years making the maximum duration to complete the program to be 8 years.

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Program Fees for PhD for Working Professionals in Psychology

Starting at ₹ 6,776/month

Program Fee: ₹29,900 - ₹10,00,000

Low Cost EMI Available


The fee package of this flexible PhD major for executives is on the higher end. It ranges somewhere between 40-50 lakhs INR. This package is subject to change based on the university chosen. This package covers both tuition fees for the coursework and the doctoral study. 

PhD for Working Professionals in Psychology Admission Procedure

The admission process for this program varies from university to university but some of the basic steps remain the same for all of them. These steps include registration, filling up the admission form, and paying the program fee. Since this online doctorate is offered by international universities, you might need to submit some additional documents along with the application form. These additional documents include current résumé, goal statement/statement of purpose, letter of recommendation, English proficiency test scores (if applicable), official transcript(s) of the highest degree, etc. After verification of these docs, you will be shortlisted by the university to move on to the fee payment step.

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Education Loan/EMI Facilities for PhD for Working Professionals in Psychology

Financial assistance is available in this online PhD in psychology at an international university as every applicant can't pay such a high fee at once. This financial assistance is provided in terms of scholarships and loan options. The scholarships might not be available to all applicants as it is performance based but the loan options can be availed by all of them.

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Is PhD for Working Professionals in Psychology Worth it?

As a working professional’s career progresses, one needs to become a specialist in both handling development challenges as well as social development. A flexible format PhD in psychology for working professionals from an international university will help you understand how business practices affect societal and individual advancement. Working professionals can enhance their abilities without quitting their jobs because of the delivery of this program in the flexible format of online learning. This curriculum uses a range of assessments to equip students to handle workplace characteristics through research-centered components.

Through this program, you will have the opportunity to gain real-world experience and apply the knowledge of human behavior that you have just acquired to strengthen your practical learning. For working professionals who wish to grow in their professional and personal lives, a PhD in psychology is of great use. Being aware of the variables that affect performance at different organizational levels will help you improve your skills to succeed in a competitive job market.

Above all, your long-held dream will come true with the permission to add a "Dr." title to your name after this online doctorate. Furthermore, your time and financial expenditures are repaid by the professional prospects this doctoral degree from an international university offers you after you complete it.

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Job Opportunity after PhD for Working Professionals in Psychology

After completing a PhD in psychology, you will get to work in some senior-level roles in your current or a different organization. Here are some of the job titles that will be available to you after this working professional-focused online PhD in psychology.

Employee Development Consultant

Human Resources Director or Consultant

Director of Training

Organizational Development Practitioner (ODP)

Organizational Consultant

Director of Career Planning and Development


Administration Head

Political Strategist

Head of Data Analysis

Top Recruiters for PhD for Working Professionals in Psychology

The best outcome for someone who has completed a PhD in psychology is to get international recognition in various fields. Companies like Apple, Amazon, Walmart, IBM, etc. have a soft space for such candidates and hire them for some of their senior positions. The reason for this take of recruiters on the doctorate in psychology holders is their understanding of psychology’s role in bringing positive social change in the workplace.

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Let's clear up some doubts about PhD for Working Professionals in Psychology

No, a master’s degree in any related or unrelated field would be enough to make you eligible for a PhD in psychology for working professionals. It is not compulsory to have an MSW for it.

For an online PhD in psychology for working professionals offered by international universities you do not need a high GRE score. Since this program is intended for working professionals, a direct admission procedure is set for it.

Yes, on completing an online doctorate in psychology from an accredited international university, you will be able to prefix a “Dr.” title to your name.

It takes a minimum of 3 years to complete an online doctorate in psychology from a recognized foreign university. This period might extend up to 8 years to add flexibility for working professionals.

With a PhD in psychology in any mode, you can work for clinics, counseling centers, psychotherapist centers, private companies, mental hospitals, health care departments, educational institutes, and more.

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